Cleansed and Dolls

912 Words
"It's been two weeks since the threat. Alex and Kate are, how should I put it" creepy". At work Alex follow me around and if he isn't there mike and Leo are there to watch me. After series of argument Alex finally decided to two bodyguards. While Kate start her part when i am home. They are becoming monitoring spirit's and not that I don't like it but I is to much.             "Imagine if you received a package and suddenly someone shouted."              "OMG, kitty put that down, you don't know if there is a bomb there.           "On our way home. Kate and I decided to walk and catch up on all the times we haven't spend together. We tell each other everything without leaving anything out."              "Kitania you need to fast and pray" Kate suddenly stopped             "For what?" I asked              "For the cleansing of your dirty soul, mind, heart, and mouth." Can't help but roll my eyes."             "If I have a dirty body, what about you?." I asked eyeing her as if she is any better than me."              "Am different"              "What makes you so special?."              "The pastor told me" I giggled that pastor doesn't know anything. If Nick Kate's boyfriend found out he is in trouble. And Nick is just as possessive as Alex. Nick and and Kate for together and we usually double date."              "When?."               "At church, he said pretty girl's like me, don't need cleansing or prayers or fasting, that we are naturally cleansed since birth."               "Wow, so am the ugly duckling Right. So where do I need to do to become pure?.             "The pastor said you are free to come." She said               "The same pastor?." I asked knowing the answer already."                "Yeah."               "Did you know it is a trick?." I replied               "Yeah I thought you wouldn't know?."                "The boys better not heear what the pastor says?."                "Yeah!!!, Cause the pastor might dissapear" she answered laughing while tear are streaming out of her eyes."                             "Besides what do you think about the letter?".              "I don't know. But I think you shouldn't let anyone break what you and Alexander have. They are jealous and my advice for you is to trust him okay?."               "OKAY."               "We continue chatting about work, stress and life. To Alex and Nick. Kate likes Nick slot and I can tell with the way she blushed Everytime him or close to him is mentioned."                                   "Now. I stopped walking when we reached the front of our house "about my dirty soul, heart, mind and mouth. I said raising one of my eyebrow and scoffed, rolling my eyes.                            "I walked to the door opening it and entered, as am about to close it I shouted "the pastor probably misunderstood when he told you no cleansing for you, if.they heard what you always say or if they could see what I see, you would need to fast for 7 days, 7 night no food no water. Then you would be cleansed.  "And skinny" muttered the last part to myself and laughed closing the door leaving a surprised Kate at the door.                         "After watching a scary movie "Lilly D" we decided to go to bed."                     "Night kitty don't let the bed bugs bite "                      "Are there really bed bugs? "I asked frightened."                       "Nope but don't dream about dolls, I know how you are after watching a doll movie."                     "Oh please!! Nothing can scare me."                      "Remember Chucky?."                        "Goodnight."                       "Fine I'll tell Alex about Chucky, maybe he can cure your hatred for dolls?."                        "You wouldn't."                         "We'll see. I mean when you and Alexander get married and have kids, won't you buy dolls for them?."                         "I blushed and muttered a "whatever."                          "Drifting off into slumber with one thought, respiting over and over again."                     "Are dolls really alive?."
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