The Proposal 2

968 Words
       "Actually, no. I haven't really thought about it. Throughout my life I've been so busy, marriage never really crossed my mind, but when I met Alexander, for the past few months and weeks we have met, I find myself thinking what it would be like to have a family and live together, forever. "I answered truthfully and honestly.   "But I don't think Alex would like that, besides I was about to suggest it this morning. I mean I made the perfect plan on how to tell him, I was so happy. I couldn't stop smiling, but when I reached his office, and the way you reacted this morning has me withdrawing my thoughts.Something is wrong but I can't just seem to put my hand on it." I sighed at the ending."      "Cheer up kitty." She said patting me and giving me a sad smile and am sure mine resembles hers."     "Actually, no big deal there are other times. And besides is a man that first proposes to a woman, not the other way around."I replied giving a a f****d smile, to make her feel better. "I don't like seeing my friend sad, it makes me sad and we might end up crying. Don't want anyone barging in here to see two grown women crying."    "Cheer up Kitty, or do you want me to prepare the axe?. She said standing up."     "My eye widened, I quickly got up from  my chair to calm my friend. Cause anything that involves the axe is means a angry Kate and a headless Alex, just kidding but the sight can be pretty scary. " Am not sad anymore kat infact, look at me am laughing, ah aha aha ah uhm uhm. Pretending to Clear my throat at the ending cause she didn't join me. "I'm alright Kate no need to worry. She finally calm down and sat on one of the chairs in my office. Silence in took over, both of us lost in our whole world of thoughts, before I decided to ask her what's being disturbing me since I got here. Can't seem to take my mind off of it. And curiosity got the best of me."            "Hey kate?" I whisper"      "Yeah? She replied coming out of her thoughts to answer me."      "Do you think you know........Argh  how am I going to put it?. "I shouted the last part in frustration."       "Actually, just say it and I will do my best to try and understand and give you the correct answer I know. "She answered giving me her full attention.       "Ok here goes, I can do this." I whispered closing my eyes and asking the one question I can't seem to find any answers for.        "Do you think maybe Alex like someone else? I asked opening my eyes but not making eye c*****t with her."      "I'm sorry can you repeat that cuz I don't understand what you just said. I didn't look up to her face, afraid of what I might see. I couldn't look directly to her so she can't see the pain I am feeling."       "I thought you said you will do your best to understand, and you call this your best?. I half whispered half shouted. "Urgh , my head is starting to hurt from all the talking and shouting."             "Did you actually think I like someone else? . "Alex asked startling and making me scream. Holding my chest, heart beating fast. I turn to look at him. He was standing at the entrance of my office or should I say our office. Anyways once he saw how scared I got, his cold deamenor change to a soft one.              "Am sorry kitty. I didn't know what got over me. I have been stress a lot lately and hearing you say those words got to me. Am sorry. Forgive me?.      "Of course i forgive you. Who wouldn't want to forgive a big softie like you?.       "I would. Kate shouted giving her opinion. but I promise to forgive him for you. But unless you promise not to hurt her if you do I will bring out my Axe and butcher and cook you. Just test me. I rolled my eyes because at every word she is saying she takes a step to so right now she's standing in front of Alex. I looked up a little because he is tall than the both of us. He gulped and nodded his head, like a lizard. Making me chuckle. She stepped back. And Alex turned and face me.         "You still haven't answered my question. Why would you think I like someone else? He asked looking straight into my eyes like he could read my whole being.I looked down before saying        "Well.......I heard you talking on the phone. Telling a female.... You know the way you said it? As I said it both Alex and Kate tense at my words are they hiding something from me?      "What exactly did you hear?     "Hmm that she should prepare and get ready for everything. I said and the both relaxed instantly. Just What are they hiding?. Are you guys expecting anything different from that that made the both of you tense.       "Well to stop beating around the bush and I know you don't like sappy love talks. I will get to the point.      "Kitania de luca Would you do me the honor of being my WIFE.? He asked getting down on one knee bringing out a small box opening it to find a blue and gold diamond ring.            "Kitania de luca will you MARRY ME? 
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