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Nicholas’s P.O.V.   I was really worried about Andrea. Though she was my PA, I like her as my best friend. She was the only girl who never attracted to me and never fell for my charm. We were working together for the last two years. She was a perfect PA for me. She was also good in keeping the gold diggers away from me.   I noticed some changes in her since she woke up from her coma. At first, she drooled over me on a few occasions that were so unlike Andrea. She never found me so attractive to worth a drool.   She has a phobia against medical staff now. Once Andrea told me that she wanted to be a nurse at first. She never flinched when got injected.   She refused to see the mirror. In the past, Andrea liked to admire herself in front of the mirror the most. I talked with the doctor and he tried to explain the change in her behaviour in medical terms. According to him, it could be an effect of the post-traumatic syndrome that led to some behavioural changes in the patient who went through a severe accident or a horrible event.   Though I didn’t understand a thing he told me but, one thing I understood from him that it was a time phase and would pass soon. I hope to get my old Andrea back soon.   The police found out the culprit who planned that accident. It came out one of my business rivals planned that accident. He wanted to kill me but instead of me, Andrea got injured badly and slipped into coma.   The doctor told me that she would take at least a month to recover from her wounds. It would take at least 3 months to fully heal and join the company. I didn’t have any problem with it. My priority was her well-being.   After what happened that day, she refused to see the mirror. It was so unlikely of her but I didn’t ask anything from her. She was recovering at a good speed. Her reports were showing her steady and good progress. The doctor told me that she would be discharged in a week.   “Hey Andrea….”, I greeted her while coming inside her room. I went for a meeting and came straight to the hospital. It was my daily routine now. I came every day here since the day of the accident. I had spent so many nights here with her while she was in coma. I also wanted to stay with her now but her mother refused to let me stay here. According to her, it’s not good for my health and I should be healthy to take care of her, my business and everyone who depended on me.   Sometimes… I envied Andrea because she had such an amazing mother. My mother died during giving birth to my younger sister, Melissa. My father lost his interest in life after her death but he gave us everything we need to lead a good life. He was such a good father for us. Yeah… he spoilt Melissa a little. For him, she was her doll. I had everything still I missed the warmth of motherly love. My father tried his best to give us both love but……   She was having her dinner. Mrs Hudson was feeding her. She passed a smile to me and I smiled back. Andrea looked at me and gave me a nod but didn’t say anything. She had her gaze lowered and was sipping her soup.   I sighed and sat down on the couch. I watched her having her dinner. I was sure now that something had happened. Something had changed in her. She was a chatterbox. Here, she was all silent. Her throat had healed and she started talking with her mother. I didn’t know whether she was upset with me or not.   Mrs Hudson let her finished her dinner and then cleaned up. Andrea was sitting on the bed now while leaning back on the tilted bed.   Mrs Hudson came to me and asked me, “Nicholas, I need to go back to home. The doctor said that she would get the discharge in the morning after the last check-up. I need to bring her clothes. If you have time, can you stay with her for a while”?   “Sure, Mrs Hudson… There is no need to request me just to tell me. You go, I will be with her until you come back”, I assured her and she passed me a light small.   Then she went back to Andrea and kissed her on the forehead. “I will be back soon. Nicholas will be with you for a while. Just relax honey. Okay?” she asked him gently and looked at her. “Please come back soon, Mom”, she asked her mother like a small child who afraid that she might get lost if her mother didn’t return soon.   Mrs Hudson patted her cheek in affection and then assured her that she would be back soon. I watched their interaction without blinking my eyes. I missed this kind of affection.   Mrs Hudson went out after bidding me goodbye and I came near to her and sat beside her on the bed. She was looking away from me outside the window. I wanted her to talk to me like old days when she never kept her mouth shut for a second. She was always so nosy and talkative. That time I wanted her to be silent for some time. Now, I wanted her to talk to me as much as she could.   “Andrea”, I called her and she slowly moved her head towards me. Her eyes were blank as if she was trying to grasp everything that happened around her.   “Please talk to me, Andrea. I missed all your chit chat, your tantrums, your complaints… everything. You were in coma for more than 6 months. I was desperate to hear your just for once. I was desperate to hear your voice, to see your different face expressions….. I missed my friend who annoyed me so hard every single day. Please talk to me, Andrea. Say anything … anything you want to say… scold me for my negligence…. Yelled on me for putting your life in danger….. please …. Don’t be silent like this”, I pleaded her. I desperately wanted my friend back.   “O, God Nicholas…. Since when you became so nosy…. Stop being an old lady”, she groaned in frustration and my eyes widened in surprise. She cringed her nose annoyingly like old time and I laughed a little. I badly missed everything related to her.   I instantly pulled her in my embrace and put my hands around her neck. I felt her body shivered a little in a weird way. I didn’t feel like this before but I ignored this weird sensation and inhaled her scent. Hesitantly she put her hands on my shoulder from behind. I instantly felt my body relaxed.   “You know what”, she asked to me and I hummed while resting my head on the crook of her neck.   “You can’t get rid of me any soon. I will take my revenge on you for putting me in this grave danger Mr Anderso. You better watch your back”, she threatened me teasingly like old days and I laughed again.   “I will surely watch my back, Ms Hudson”, I teased her also and she laughed a little and I felt her relaxed in my embrace. It was so warming and relaxing having her in my embrace.  
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