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  Stella’s P.O.V.   It was been a week since I came back from the hospital. I needed to rest for the next 3 more months according to the doctor. I had nothing to do, so I requested Nicholas to give me some work that I could do from home.   At first, he refused me for doing anything. He only wanted me to rest and took good care of myself. Of course, I had to take good care of myself. I was back in life not for being sick for long or die so soon. Still, I insisted on him. Well, it’s one of Andrea’s trait that made him surrender at last. He asked me to check the mails on regular basis and told him which mail to reply or which one not. As I also helped my dad in the family business, so, I guess I could do this easily.   I learnt so many things about Andrea. It was not like I didn’t have her memories. I had full access to her memories as well as on mine. I knew now that she was totally opposite of me. She was not fragile like me. She was really a strong head. She was way more than beautiful than me. She was short-tempered while I am kind-hearted. I easily let people manipulate me.   She had struggle a lot with her mother after her father’s death. Unlike mine, she had a very miserable childhood. I felt really sorry for her but it also made me realize that all those luxuries made me nothing but fragile and vulnerable. I was spoilt by my father and my nannies. I didn’t know what is the pain until the day I was kidnapped and being tortured.   Through her memories, I came to know about her relationship with Nicholas. They were good friends and she never saw him from any other point of view unlike me. I had a crush on him and my heart beats faster whenever he came near to me or smile at me.   She had plans for her, for her mother. I knew that she was everything for her mother. Her mother sacrificed her happiness for Andrea. I never had a mother’s love as my mother died during giving me birth. Her mother loved me like her daughter. Though I was in her daughter’s body, still she had a feeling for me and that was enough for me of being greedy for her love. I promised to myself that I would do everything that Andrea had planned for her mother. It would be a tribute to her from me.   I tried to find out everything related to my past family and my company. I was shocked to know that I was dead for 3 long years. No one knew a thing about my death. According to the news on the net, I ran away with my secret lover and never came back. Not even on my father’s funeral. He got sick after my disappearance. He died after a year of my death. I mourned for him. He loved me so much and pampered me by every means he had.   After his death, Lexi took over the CEO position and now she was successfully running the company. She had expanded her boundaries in other fields too. This is what she wanted the most, the wealth, the power.   I never did anything wrong with Lexi, still, she killed me and ruined my image as an ungrateful daughter in front of the world. I was sure that she had done something with my father too. I needed to find out. I wanted to have my revenge on her. I wanted her to accept her crime of killing me. I wanted her to pay for her sins that she had done against me and my family.   But…. How???????   It was a single question that made me upset.   I was now Andrea who was just an ordinary girl with lots of responsibilities. Being in her body, I had to take care of all these responsibilities now. It was almost impossible for me to get back on Lexi. I couldn’t prove that I am Stell, not Andrea. Even I could, I couldn’t do this. I would kill Mom if she comes to know about my real identity. I had lost everyone whom I loved. I didn’t want to lose her. She was my only family now.   “Hey honey”, mom’s voice pulled me out of my trance. I saw her coming into the living room, where I was working on my laptop right now. It’s been 3 years after my death and I never tried to learn things like technology. Andrea on the other hand had a thing for technology. I used her memory to learn things and started working on the laptop.   “Hey mom”, I greeted her back with a smile. I put down my laptop on the centre table and looked towards her. She came to me and gave me a kiss on the forehead.   “How are you feeling now?” she asked me gently and I smiled.   “Now….. much better than before”, I grinned and she laughed while patting lightly on my cheek. I always wanted to feel these things and now I was living my dream of having a mother.   “Did Nicholas call you?” mom asked me while going back towards the kitchen.   “No… why?” I asked her while lying down on the sofa. I was feeling a little exhausted.   “He told me yesterday that he would come at dinner time today. So, I just wanted to ensure whether he is coming or not before making the dinner”, she explained and I hummed.   “Ok…. Let me call him”, I said to her while picking up my phone.   He picked up my call after 3 rings and greeted me, “Hey girl, what’s up”. I rolled my eyes. Here go the great Nicholas Anderson.   “I was just getting bored and I was hungry too, so I thought to eat something spicy”, I answered him instantly.   “So….. which part of mine, do you think is … sooooooo…. Spicy”, he flirted with me and I blushed.   “That’s where I was wrong. You had nothing that could be spicy of my taste”, I blurted out and then put my hand on my mouth. Andrea didn’t have a thing for him. It was just me.   “You broke my heart, girl” he faked sadness and I laughed.   “Enough your bull-s**t. Tell me are you coming or not for dinner”, I asked him while playing while fidgeting my toes.   He sighed and said to me, “I really wanted to be with you Andrea. But, I have a meeting around 8 in the evening. A new company approached me 3 months back for collaboration and their delegation is coming tonight to having a conversation with me”, he told me truthfully and I hummed.   “Nothing to worry Nic… I will tell mom. Tell me what happens in the meeting and also send me the details of this company”, I said to him in a professional tone. I was his PA and it was my duty to have a background check on whoever approaches him for business.   “Yes, Boss…..”, he chuckled and I rolled my eyes.   “Fine… don’t forget to have your dinner on time”, I said to him in a warning tone and he hummed. Then we both hung up the phone.   “Mom, he can’t come tonight. He has some meeting late in the evening”, I yelled as mom was still in the kitchen. Then I lay down again.   Andrea was so lucky to have a boss and a friend like him.  
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