Chapter 26

2361 Words

Thais Pov     Alright, I wasn’t even going to try to understand what was going on with Nicki and Jareth. It was like the moment they started to ride with each other they became best friends. The moment we got to town, we took our horses to an inn’s stable, and from there we started to gather supplies we needed. At first, Jareth tried to tell us to all sleep but, for some reason, none of us were really tired. Maybe it was because this was the first time we’d seen other people in a little while now, but we were all slightly excited. Everyone branched off away from each other, and I ended up with Lottie and Louis. It was a really strange combination, but for some reason, Louis and Lottie were starting to be friends. I walked behind them, taking time to stare at the shops, not really caring i

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