Chapter 30

2528 Words

Jareth Pov     I wasn’t sure what was coming over me. I was so sure we needed to talk to get past the awkwardness, but it seems like somehow, everything just seemed to work out that way. Unspoken words floated around us, but we didn’t have time for them anyway. Us, here and now, and the speed of our horses as we galloped towards the cave. That was all we could think of now, and the sun that was slowly sliding down to cast shadows across the landscape, kissing the horizon like a long-lost lover. As I turned to look at Thais, I caught the glimmer of a smile on her face from the underneath of her hood and wondered if she’s ever felt this free before in her life. The freedom to fly on the back of her horse, to venture past the unknown of her tiny little farm and discover a whole new world was

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