Chapter 29

2438 Words

Thais Pov     It was a rough night. Most of us were wishing we could stay another night just so we could actually all sleep in a bed, but we weren’t keen on staying, knowing vampires were nearby. The daylight was all we had, and we wanted to be away from the town before dark came. It was a hard decision, but Lea and Robby decided to stay. Lea woke up and threw up in the bathroom, and that was all it took for Robby to tell us all with a sad soft look on his face that they were going back. Jareth begged Jaelyn to come and get them so they wouldn’t be traveling alone, and we all left the inn waving goodbye to them, happy to know that Jaelyn would be taking them home. It was sad, because I really never got much of a chance to get close to Lea, but I was glad she was going to be safe and with

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