
649 Words
Amanda's P.O.V   I wake up in a cold sweat. WOW! What a dream, so vivid.    I was in the school parking lot, taking deep breaths getting ready to go inside. I started walking towards the double doors, heading into the gym. It's the dance at the beginning of the school year, the sweet pie dance, the girls bring the pies, and they raffle them off to the highest bidder. When they win, they get a nice Lil dance.   When I get in through the doors, I see beautiful, sparkling silver stars and balloons up into the gym roof. The bleachers have been pulled out, and everyone is dancing and having a wonderful time.   I am wearing a flowing blue gown, waiting in line for my pie to get approved by the chaperone who's there to watch over everything and everyone. Everyone turns towards me, some in awe, and some are envious, but I don't pay them any attention. I worked so hard on that pie, and I hope some guy will buy a piece or even the whole pie. Anyway, I am super excited. I never go to dances, and it's my last year of high school, so I don't want to miss it.   I spot my cousin, Arica, dancing with her mate, Deeds Oliver. He's such a nice guy and treats her very well.   She sees me and mouths, "you look beautiful, cuz."   "So do you, cuz." I mouth back. I'm next to be approved by the chaperone, and I walk over to where the ladies have their pies and put mine down.   "Look, everyone. Humi is here, and she's bringing us all her pie; HAHA," someone yelled.   "It looks like she thinks someone will buy her pie. HAHA." Someone else yelled.   "Oh jeez, she is such a weirdo….loser. How about you leave and take your pie with you? No one will buy it, and you're gonna end up taking your pie home with you." Another person said, laughing.   I held my head up high and waited to grab a number from the other chaperone who hands the ladies raffle numbers for their pies. The guys don't know who made it. They just raffle them off and whoever bids the highest gets the whole night of dancing, and they share the pie together if they chose to.   I walk towards the bleachers and sit down, waiting it out. Someone sits beside me. When I turn my head to see who it is, I see blueish gray eyes looking right through me.   "Why did you run away? Baby. You know you want it, and you know you will be mine," he says.    And that's when I woke up as I said WOW!   I realize my shirt was pulled up past my breasts...what the hell?! I get out of bed and notice my bedroom window is open a little bit. It sends a shiver down my spine. I look out my window, and I see the sun coming up but hear no sounds. I mean nothing, not a peep. It's just silent. I close the window and head down to the kitchen to get a glass of water, and my throat is on fire. I have no idea why. I really need to get some sleep, and I head back to bed with my water. My mind won't shut off all I keep thinking is, who did Sage pick for his mate? I hope it's not that slut, Vanessa. I wish I were brave enough to go to his big bash and see the ceremony for the crowning of the Alpha.   Well, I am not brave! I am just counting down the months and days until graduation, so I can finally leave this town and start a new life away from everyone.   I climbed back into bed, and yet again, like last night, I cried myself to sleep.
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