Chapter 11 - Throwing Sticks

2499 Words

Chapter 11 - Throwing SticksVasyl stopped, and looked down at me like I'd dumped ice water on his head. Everyone stopped and stared at me. Cho, who was standing near the door, doing his imitation of Kwai Chang Caine from Kung Fu, stopped as if uncertain which way to jump. “What do you mean?” Vasyl said, eyeing me, absolutely clueless, but brows were drawn, and a crease in his forehead told me the degree of anger he was about to display. I bit down on my lower lip. Oh, crap. I never told Vasyl that I had donated my eggs to be used for—well, this. Ophelia chose that moment to say something. In French. Terrific. Vasyl hissed, showing fang. Lots of it. Spitting angry French, so that spittle flew from his mouth. At the same time, he displayed his horrific wings. I pushed at him, trying to k

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