Chapter 10 - Surprise!

3237 Words

Chapter 10 - Surprise!The weather broke, and the sun came out. I was famished and left Vasyl's side, slipped into the adjoining bathroom. I got dressed, ready for the world, and went out through the other bathroom door that opened out into the dining room. I've always enjoyed the view outside my house. I liked watching the change of seasons, and today the snow was mounded up, pristine and glistening in the sun, sparkling red, gold and blue as though the white blanket was encrusted with multi-faceted diamonds. I had checked my shoulder while dressing, and found that it had healed almost completely. Only a thick bit of red scar tissue was my only clue as to how deep it was. It had missed my collar bone, probably by centimeters, and had left a slight groove on the flesh. Flesh wound. If it

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