Chapter 7 - You're Fired

1951 Words

Chapter 7 - You're FiredI wasn't worried about the gun. The gun was a no-brainer. It was Nicolas who I was worried about. Cho made his lightning move with a swish of his foot. The gun flew out of Nathan's hand, hit the ceiling, fell and discharged with an odd pop. The slug must have hit a concrete wall, because it pinged and hit something that stopped it. None of us were hit. “RI-I-I-ICK!” I yelled, moving behind the large pillar in the center of the room. Nicolas lunged for the gun, pushing his puny scion out of the way. Nathan fell with a thud and slid about a foot on the highly polished floorboards. A displacement of molecules filled the space around me. Rick, the leprechaun, appeared in front of me. “Hi, toots.” Rick said, his eyes swimming around to take things in. “Whoa, s**t!” U

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