Chapter 6 - Going Down-2

1977 Words

I was hit right away by the stench of rotting flesh. I retched. I couldn't walk into the room until I had hold of my gag reflexes. Cho's hand on me, I glanced back at him. “Should I come with you?” he asked. “No. I'm sure it isn't necessary,” I said through the mask and held my hand over it, pinching my nose and trying to breathe only through my mouth. I needed some menthol rub to block the nasty smells. “Sabrina is here, sire,” Nicolas said, holding the door open. Tremayne was Nicolas' sire, and although Tremayne was weak, Nicolas must still feel some thread of obligation and duty to him, in his last hours. I still did not trust this fully, and my insides were shuddering. “Sabrina?” a feeble voice sounding like that of an old man spoke. It was not the rich baritone that I associated w

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