Chapter 5 - Somewhere Over the Rainbow-2

2289 Words

Cho's voice invaded. “Hex two and three is kūn. We will not force matters and go with the flow for now.” I turned. “Yes. That's probably a good idea.” We spoke nothing more about vampires. Instead, we discovered a small screen behind the front seat, and figured out how to run a DVD on it and watched something inane. I wasn't sure what to expect, once we got to our destination, and feared the more I spoke about it, the more nervous I would become. It was better to be oblivious. For the time being. I couldn't figure out why my Knowing wasn't able to reveal anything to me at this point. An hour later, our driver announced that we had arrived. I looked out of the tinted windows. Pole lights glowed eerily inside a compound that looked to me more like a military base, complete with chain-link

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