Chapter 5 - Somewhere Over the Rainbow-1

2105 Words

Chapter 5 - Somewhere Over the RainbowSnow covered the ground when I looked out of the jet's open door, after we'd landed. The surrounding air field looked flat and barren under the lights. Beyond that, there were almost no lights in the distance. For all I knew we were somewhere in Siberia. Just how many “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” shows had I watched on that jet? Aside from the few plane hangars, there wasn't another building anywhere. Trees, in fact, were much less abundant. But then, it was black as pitch out. Icy wind bit my face, and I pulled up my collar, zipped my coat further up to my neck, and wondered why I'd left my knit hat at home. Well, I had no idea where I was going tonight. But once we were down on the ground, I did. “Is this Kansas?” I asked Stefan who stood behind me on

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