Chapter 16 - Over-night Guests-2

1918 Words

“Everything okay?” I turned to the voice and found Rick standing in the threshold of the kitchen. “It's fine. I had to set my brother straight on a few things.” “Right.” I stepped over to the other windows to find I could look out these, but all I could see were white drifts surrounding the house and between the buildings. Blowing snow didn't allow me to see past the barn. “Rick?” I turned to find him rooting around in my refrigerator. He popped his head back out and closed the door of the refrigerator, looking guilty. “What? I-I mean…” “Are you hungry?” I was hungry too. I stepped over to the freezer and peeked inside. I couldn't think of anything else we had to appease the appetites as quickly as a pizza. I pulled it out. It was large sausage, mushroom, and five cheeses. “I'll put

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