Chapter 16 - Over-night Guests-1

2171 Words

Chapter 16 - Over-night GuestsGiving plasma a second time had drained me both in spirit and energy. Ariel had taken my donation and she assured me she would take it to Tremayne herself. We parted company at that point, her going one way and us going another. Cho held me up as we stepped outside (in order to not startle anyone by our vanishing act). The wind whipped at us as Rick and I joined hands, and Cho held on to me. Two seconds later, I was glad to be home where it was warm and I knew we were safe. My ears popped when we returned to my house. “Holy Living Hell!” Hobart's grating baritone startled us as we popped into the dining room. “Sorry,” I said taking in the big Were standing in my living room, one hand over his heart looking as though he'd seen three ghosts and passed a kidne

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