
Undeniable Bond Mate


It wasn't supposed to happen, but it did. She is his adopted foster sister,he is not supposed to have feelings for her.

No matter what he did, he always feel attracted to her. As Alpha he was supposed to have found his mate by then, but the season was yet to end.

His foster sister Elizabeth has gotten his attention, it is a taboo as their father had said but the wolf in him couldn't stay a minute close to her without wanting to mate her.

What will be of Nathan? Will he be able to keep his feelings aside and be a good leader and also a good brother to Elizabeth or is there more secret for him to unravel on why he is attracted to her?

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01: Thought Demons
The wind howled and the dried leaves in the forest rustled. Smoke came out of the park house chimney, while the omegas guard paraded the house. It is the Alpha’s son coming of age, which means he is meant to find his mate at the end of the ball. Nathan was not having it for that, he has been having some weird feelings and when he told his father about it, he was asked to forget it. “It is an abomination to fall for your foster sister, she is like a blood sister to you.” His father, John warned. A stern man, with as stonic face that held no emotions he is, his aura always follows him as he walks. He was labeled as the Great Warrior of the Pack after thirty years that had passed. “Yes dad.”Nathan had answered him in a low tone. He doesn’t know what it feels like to have a father, even when he was young, he didn’t get the attention of his father. He was told that his father has a soft spot for him in his heart but doesn’t know of a proper way to show it. Which he badly wants to agree to, he was stopped from having friends and also not allowed to mingle with anyone. But he never showed how lonely he was, because he has his mother’s love always with him. The door creaked ajar revealing his mother, she flashed him a smile, a smile that holds some many memories and messages that she had hoped he will get it one day. “Am I permitted to come inside?” She asked, a smile still plastered on her face. “Since when do you start to ask before entering my room?” He furred his brow. The Luna that he knows as his mother never asked for permission before she enters his room, she’d badged in like it was nothing and hold a straight face. “Since when you became an adult son. I can’t believe it that time has passed this much, soon you will have a family of your own.” She heaved a sigh. “Common on, it is not like I am leaving this house. It is just father passing down his position to me then me finding my mate. That’s all and nothing more.” He mumbled. Her hand made their ways to his hair, playing with it roughly. “That position has a lot of responsibility my son, it takes a lot from us and we must give in to it with everything we own, with every fiber in your body. So it is not an easy task, you need to be prepared for the best and the worst.” She ended, a tear slowly slipping out of her eyes. “Hey, you don’t have to cry. I will take heed to your words and work with it. Thank you mom.” He gave in to the side hug she’d offered. Home was what it feels like, and it will forever will that way. “Now get up and get ready for the ball.” “But it starts later in the evening mom, I want to rest.” He rumbled. “No, I won’t take down. Now up you go” She shooed him to the bathroom before heading back to the kitchen where she was making sure things are in order. Nathan did as he mother asked him to. He bathed and then draped a black suit that was almost casual on. His father asked him to wear it, that it will make him look more than presentable. He couldn’t deny the fact that he looks so dashing in the suit. With his hair combed down and his face glows of Alpha, he knows one thing for sure, every lady in the ball tonight is likely to fall for him. Keeping his thoughts away, he headed to the kitchen to see what was happening. Nathan said he wanted a small ball but his father went against that, he asked for a huge ball to be prepared for and also more than hundred invites should be passed out. “Hey Nathan.” Elizabeth greeted taking a bite of her apple. Beth or lizzy as they call her happens to be his foster sister, the very one he feels something towards. “Hi Lizzy.” He greeted back, picking an apple for the basket too. He watched as she slowly chewed down the apple, washing it down with a soda water. He slowed hard, everything she does always amaze him. He wanted to hate her but he couldn’t. She is more than innocent for him to hate, she is the nicest soul after his mother, moreover his second priority. “What is happening here?” The Alpha’s voice brought his out of his reveries, his fantasy. He cleared his throat. “Oh Lizzy is just sharing her apple with me, right?” He smiled warily. “Really Lizzy? Can I have too?” The Alpha asked and Lizzy nodded. One thing again was the love the Alpha has for Lizzy, he never fails to show it or brag about her being his favorite. Nathan has nothing against it but he also wants to feel among, he want to be shown love like that of Lizzy. The three shared the short moment together, with Lizzy telling them a story of what had happened at the pack house and how the young students reacted to the event. She is a final year student, and at any time of the year she will graduate or rather stop going to the pack school and then focus on how to be a good daughter. “Hope the teachers will take action on it because I don’t want anything bad to happen to my girl, I will also have a talk with the school leader. Students like that are meant to have a special extra class to tell them more of their nature, their way of life.” The Alpha uttered. “But they are monsters dad. They were always clawing on something.” She argued. The Alpha scoffed. “No my dear, no child is a monster. That is their nature and also our nature. We all have made monsters within us but they differs from each other.” He explained. “Oh thank you dad for enlightening me about it.” She whispered, baring her throat. Nathan was tired of holding it in, it was as if she was doing intentionally. He will damned if he stays with her more, so he excused himself to head to the garden. The garden is where he finds his peace and now that the ball is taking place, he will have less time to spend in the garden. He will so busy with pack work and won’t have a minute to spare. “I will love to be excused. Thank you for the apples lizzy.” He said, giving her a kiss on the forehead. Doing so earned him a loud scoff from his father. He knew what that was for but he only smiled, now that he knows what his father really cares more about, he will make sure he never steps on his feet again. He entered the serene garden, the flowers were growing more and more everyday. During the regime of his grandparents, the garden was more of a graveyard. He was told that it is a human most nightmare to go there because it was believed to be possessed. But now, since things worked out for them, more life giving flowers were planted almost everyday, watered and given the magic fertilizer daily. The sun shoned heavily above him, but he doesn’t care about it. He love getting beat up by the sun and getting all sweaty but today he won’t be able to get all sweaty, his suit will be wasted if that happens so he went to the shade side of the garden. A maid passed by him, he eyed her before calling her back. “Get me a glass of warm milk please.” He ordered and she hurriedly moved to execute his orders. He was starting to feel sick about everything happening that day, it feels like something good or bad would happen, he is not a fortune teller but he is sure damned about the way his body reacts weirdly. “Thank you.” He finally voiced out seeing the maid he had sent earlier was sweating under the hot sun of August. She left him alone again, to his thought demons that fed him with things that might be true or lies. He was told by his mother to trust his instincts and by his father to drop away his thoughts demons, just like some of the wolfs do. But he tried, he couldn’t. His wolf always agrees to the thought demons making it hard for him to do as his father said. Hence he took his mother’s advice to always trust his instincts because they never fail them. Nathan spent the rest of the evening there, watching the sun set and soon it was time for the ball. Guests were arriving already and the party was soon to start. But he knows the party won’t start without the ball boy.

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