2 Year Earlier.
We were walking in the middle of nothingness but the dust was flowing everywhere, my vision was unclear due to darkness but I kept holding my wife’s Rose's hands, “Hang in there, love.” I encouraged, helping her to prevail but she abruptly stopped. “Rose..?” I turned and saw her tear gleaming face, “What’s the point of this irregular path, Rylan?” She spat, trying to leave my hand, “Do you think we can save Kenny from this ravagedness!?” She yelled, hitting my sensitive nerve, “Can we safe our son from her f*****g Father?” She snarled, yanking my hand away, “But, Rose… I am trying. I am doing all this for you, for us.” I whispered, coming closer, trying to get her to listen.
“Trying to do what? Get us killed!? I could spend my life without complaining to you, Rylan but I can’t let Kenny face this.” She said sadly, picking my ten years old son, hugging her and moving back.
“Rose, please don’t leave me.” I pleaded, trying to come closer. If I lose her, I will lose my hope, my reason to live. “Don’t come near us, we don’t want your dark shadow on us.” She hissed with tears rolling down, my eyes were wide, blinking to comprehend the situation where I was losing my reason to live.
“Please.. Kenny. Do you want to leave, Papa?” I asked desperately, coming after them but the more I came closer the more I went far away from them.
“Papa, it was all your fault.” He whispered, cracking my heart, my eyes widened in pure appall by his distressing words. “You couldn’t protect us.” Rose said as blood began to flow from their eyes, “No.. No..” Shaking my head to deny this reality, I tried to neglect this fact, “NO!” I screamed and looked up with my horrified face, running after them, “Rose, Kenny, No! Please don’t leave me!” I cried, running after them but no matter how much I ran I couldn't reach up to them, the distance between us was infinite. “I am nothing without you! Please come back! Please!” I sobbed, my feet started to bleed but I didn’t stop running, coming after them, urging me to hold onto a single remain of them but the blood continued to flow out and I was losing them.
“Please! Come back!” I yelled, holding my hand out. In a spit second, they were right in front of me but no longer existing as my palm was pressed over Rose’s heart, looking up at her bloody eyes with my teary one, “Rose…”
“Look what you did to us, Rylan…” She whispered and before I could do or say something they vanished like sand disappears from fingers and all that remains is what we call memories.
“No.. No.. No.” I fell on my knees, holding the dust of my family, letting a scream of agony from the bottom of my lungs, holding my lost cherished possession by my own selfishness, my arrogance and fault.
“It was your fault…” A voice echoed in my ear continuously as I shook my head, not wanting to accept this fact, shaking my denial, crying my heart out, feeling mocks under my fingernails, calling me a monster, saying a heartless rock is crying.. Saying it’s my fault.
“It wasn’t!” I repeated those words like a mantra, letting out my tears of dejection, flickering with the remorse I have to live with for the rest of my life, “No! No! -”
“No!” My eyes flutter opened, gasping loudly with my throat dried to the extent it was sore, holding out my hand out with sweat rolling down in an uncontrollable rush of stress. “Fuck.” I breathed out, getting up when the bright sunlight fell directly on my face, waking me up from my nightmare, my blue eyes looking around while ruffling my raven hairs, finding myself outside the bar where I got wasted last night.
“Damn, did I sleep outside?” I asked myself but another voice came, “Yes, you did.” Looking up, I saw Rachel, my friend frowning at me, her hazel eyes reflecting disappointment, her hands resting on her waist, “And you threw me out?” I asked, making my hair messy and getting up. She set her long blond hair tied in a braid, “I thought you would go home but I didn’t expect you to sleep right outside my bar.” She scolded, helping me to stand as we went inside.
Rachel Morgan, the owner of a local bar.
“Maybe I was too drunk.” I mumbled. “Are you having a hangover?” She asked, “Nah, I am fine. Just breakfast.”
“Geez, aren’t you going to freshen up?” She asked, slamming the bottle on the counter. “It doesn’t matter, just give me something to eat.” I sighed, putting my forehead on the table.
“By the way, Rylan…” She called as I hummed in response, “Are you having that nightmare again?” She asked and I hummed again. “I don’t understand, It’s been five years since you left everything, since that day and even now you can’t get over it.”
“Rachel, we have talked about it before. Can I have my breakfast?” I asked, waving my hand in the air, trying to shrug off this topic, even it’s mention spoils my mood.
“I get it you are filthy rich but at least get a meaning to live, damn it.” She scoffed, pulling my head up from the table, “And the table was dirty.” She mumbled, grabbing a tissue and wiping whatever it was from my forehead and sighed, continuing her work.
“I don’t understand, what will you gain from this? You are just thirty-three, go out, there’s still much to do.” She tried to convince me but I chuckled, “Like what? Go around and watch people cower in fear by showing my face?” muttering, I noticed her giving me a pitiful look, “Hey, Don’t give me that look.”
“You are beyond saving, you know?” She said, lips curled downwards. “Yeah, yeah, whatever, can I have my breakfast now?” I asked, leaning back, rubbing my temples to not think about my nightmare.
“There you go, Mr Grumpy and the month is ending, don’t forget to send me my payment.” She reminded me. “I won’t.” I nodded, indulging in my breakfast until a certain bald guy with a macho man buildup came to interrupt me, “Oh, look who’s here.” His deep voice echoed, taking a seat beside me, “You look like a pig last night.” He mocked, laughed, and made fun of my state.
“I was enjoying my own company before your heavy existence decided to ruin, you know?” I sighed, trying to focus entirely on my food and not on this man. “Oh come on,” He continued to laugh and even began to pat my back.
“Stop it, Hays.”
Hays Bruce, an underground wrestler at night and store owner at day.
“By the way, did you hear about Harley? They said he went to the Sleazoid.” He talked about the forest no one was allowed to as it’s mountains were high and dangerous enough for a person to lose it’s life. “So, what?” I shrugged. “Hey come on, he works for you.” He said nervously. “It was his fault for going there anyways, it seems like he will not make it.” I mumbled, eating my breakfast calmly.
“I guess it was my fault to mention a life in front of someone like you. Rachel? Can I have the usual?” He sighed, calling her, “Right away.” She grinned, preparing a breakfast for him as well.
“Leave me, what about your family, how’s everyone?” I asked, changing to the topic. “Ah,we are fine. Filiana is turning seven next week. Ah, she is so adorable.” he beamed, smiling and talking about his niece. “I see.” I hummed.
“Man, you should stop this as well, it’s been five years-” I got up and walked to the counter. “Here’s your money.” I said, putting it on the table and walked away. “You haven’t finished, Rylan.” Rachel called but, “I am fine.” I replied and left.
I don’t understand, for how long are they going to repeat the same thing?! It was my life, my misery and I want to remain in it. Growling at my thought, my hands curled into a tight fist and walked away without thinking about it anymore.
My home was far away from our town Bougainvillea. Right in the countryside an enormous mansion which is so large that I can’t bear it’s empty and hollowness. It’s walls exist with her name on it so I rarely go there.
From the outskirts to my home all farms and fields come across in which I never had intentions of exploring.
Rose, my wife, wanted to leave the town but couldn’t leave her parents as well so we built a home right between the town and the big city named Azure from where I used to work. Ah, those times were mesmerizing.
Sighing, I went to the garden in the center of town and took a seat and hear some people talking behind,
“Officer, my husband Harley isn’t home yet, please find him. please.” Mrs Harley cried, “Don’t worry, Ma’am. We are looking into this matter but unfortunately his last trace was found near Sleazoid and it’s outside our boundaries, we can explore that area.” The Officer Jacob apologized, bowing in respect.
“Tsk, coward.” I scoffed, leaning my head back and closing my eyes for a moment but the moment darkness fell upon my being, my breath hitched, recalling my nightmare. “Don’t think about it, Rylan.” Controlling my emotions, I shook my head. That's why I get wasted and pass out, I have lost my sleep long ago.
“Oh Harley!” Mrs Harley continued to cry, praying for his return. Ignoring her sobs, I continued to walk down and went to the undertaker’s shop, Ed's long white hairs were getting in his way as usual, but somehow he still looks young and almost ghost-like with those green eyes, “Hey, Ed, how are you doin’?” I asked, “What brings you here to my humble shop, Mr Scott?” He asked, chuckling, “I want you to prepare a coffin.” I said, taking a seat. “My, Is it my fortunate time to take your measurements?” He asked excitedly, “Not mine, But Harley’s.” I hummed, looking around his ominous shop,
“That’s not very nice, Mr Scott.” His smile faded, “Harley is just missing, let’s just hope he returns.” He said. “It’s no use to avoid the bitter reality, Harley is no longer between us.” I replied rudely, putting my one leg over the other, “You are a cluster of pessimism.” He mumbled. “Anyways, it is my job after all, give me his measurement and I shall prepare a beautiful coffin for his farewell.” He grinned, joining his fingers together, “Good.” I hummed, got up and gave him the measurements and left.
I don’t have much of a positive image here anyways. They think I am rude, arrogant and pessimist as he says but I simply stated the fact no matter how harsh it sounds, it was reality- the truth all of us must accept; death.
Resting my hands in my pockets, I walked down, going down the cliff towards the Sleazoid, humming to myself, I casually walked around that forest, looking around for Harley, ignoring the monstrous sound coming from afar.
After walking around there for a long time, I sensed a familiar aura and followed it until I found Harley, well at least half of him.
“Damn.” I took you my handkerchief, covering my mouth to subdue the scent of death, it seems like he was dead for two day, “What brought you here?” I mumbled and looked at his body.
Seems like his lower body was eaten by creatures but what was he doing here in the first place?” I thought, not knowing what to do. If I took his body back, everyone would be heartbroken but If I didn’t they would keep hoping he would return. Shaking my head, I took off his wedding ring, grabbed his rotten body by the hair and dragged it to the end of the mountain, “Sorry pal, can’t leave you here as well.” I said and threw it out of the mountain but before throwing it I can’t help but to sense a truly evil energy emitting from him, so explicitly nefarious that I can’t explain.
“What was that?” I gasped, moving back and got out of the forest. I picked up Ed on my way and went to Mrs Harley, “What kind of sick joke is it, Rylan?” She cried, after watching the coffin, “Harley is not dead!” She snarled, pushing me away, “You hear me? He is not!” She was not ready to accept it and tackled me, making me fall on the ground. My lips parted to say something but I couldn’t speak. “Put it down.” I ordered Ed. “No! Take it away from here!” She shook her head not believing it but then Ed removed the lid where his wedding ring was residing. “No… Harley, No..” She fell down and began to cry out loud, putting her head on the coffin. Ed stayed where I was still on the ground.
My hands curled in a fist as my lips curled into a sorrowful smile, whispering, talking to myself, “Did you see? No one can escape the painful truth of death.”
One should never neglect the harsh reality; demise.