Chapter 7: Wife doesn't lock the door when taking a bath!

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Finally,Travis found the wedding house. He is not the kind of person who likes to argue with women. After entering with luggage, he put aside the recent unpleasantness! The house is very big, more than twice as large as his three-bedroom bungalow, and the decoration is luxurious. Four bedrooms and three living rooms, 3 bathrooms, the first time coming in, it feels like a maze! Travis found that at first glance, the house seems to lack nothing, but there are hardly any daily necessities. In other words, Avalynn should not live in this house usually! Rich people just like to waste things! His family of three living in an 80㎡ house, this woman bought a 400㎡ house and left it empty. If it weren't for her grandfather's forced marriage, she would have used this room to hide her secret lover. Unfortunately, she would have spent her old age alone in this house... Ugh! Travis firmly believes that he is not a parasite, he just wants to find a woman to share life with and meet each other's needs. Besides, he has to hand over 3,000 dollars to the other side every month, which can be considered as rent! There are four rooms, and only the largest one has a few closets, filled with many brand new clothes. This must be Avalynn's cloakroom. There are various styles of coats, but only two sets of underwear. They are either pure white or pure black, and they are all comfortable cotton panties. It's a waste of her amazing figure. Shouldn't she buy something sexy? Travis doesn't have fetishism, so he definitely won't touch Avalynn's clothes. He tactfully retreats and chooses the farthest room from this one as his base. Since the woman has a man-averse complex, the farther away from her, the better. Travis understands this! Gurgling. Travis's stomach growls again, he quickly goes into the kitchen to take a look. Oh my! There is no food, but there is no shortage of advanced kitchen utensils. The problem is, when the stomach is hungry, he can not feed himself with a hammer. Travis quickly goes to the community mall to purchase. He can't go back home in the short term, so he can only make this place his new home. His stomach is too hungry, so he decides to buy some bread as a temporary meal and then slowly purchase other things. Meanwhile, at Timberlight Group. After finishing the meeting, Avalynn looks at her watch, it is already past 9 pm! As usual, she is still thinking about work and gets into a Bentley. The driver drives her to the family mansion in the north bay. But halfway through the journey, she suddenly shouts, "Stop!" "Miss Avalynn, what's wrong?" The driver quickly brakes and respectfully asks. Avalynn naturally doesn't answer him. It's only halfway that she realizes that she got married today. Her grandfather said that until she has children, she can't go back to the Hunter’s family mansion! As the old rhyme says: When a rooster crows at break of day, All his hen-folk must obey.No choice for a dog's wife. But to make the best of a dog's life. This is a tradition in the whole country of Zylandia! Even though she is wealthy, she still needs to live with her husband after marriage. "Turn around and go to Community Azure Meadow!" "Yes, Miss Avalynn!" Although the driver is curious, he doesn't dare to ask. He is already the only male driver left by Avalynn's side, and he's afraid that any wrong words would make him lose this high-paying job! When Travis returns home again, it's already half past ten in the evening! He didn't turn off the lights when he went out, and when he came back, everything in the house was tidy, so naturally he didn't know that Avalynn had returned fifteen minutes ago. Covered in sweat from shopping, he takes off his shirt and heads to the bathroom. But as soon as he pushes the door open, he freezes! His eyes are fixed on the woman in the bathtub, unable to blink. Avalynn is enjoying a relaxing bath in the tub, with her fair feet sticking out of the water. Her ten pink toes, like plum blossoms in the snow. Although the bathtub is full of bubbles, from Travis's elevated angle, he can still see some beautiful scenes in the water. This woman is unbelievably fair, with a curvaceous figure and skin as delicate as pearl. Puff! Puff! Damn heartbeat again! Ten times more intense than before! As a resident in gynecology Travis has seen countless women's bodies, so he has never had any reaction. But at this moment, he feels infinitely stand up! "Haven't you seen enough? Do you want me to gouge out your eyes?" Avalynn doesn't scream, although a little startled, she still calmly threatens. She used to live alone and never locked the bathroom door when taking a bath. Who would have thought something like this would happen today! "I'm sorry, Miss Avalynn, I didn't know you were back!" Travis even got goosebumps and quickly retreated. He pretends to be calm, but as soon as he leaves, he leans against the wall, desperately trying to breathe. He's afraid that if he delayed half a second, he would suffocate and pass out! This is the aftermath of a flash marriage, you have no idea about the other person's habits. Although that woman's gaze is terrifying, how can her figure be so good? Why is every inch of her body so attractive? Travis can't help but look down at his own private area. Damn! Why is it so big? Why does he have such a damn reaction to this iceberg? It's simply a miracle! In the bathroom, Avalynn also holds her chest tightly. When that man was there, she could pretend nothing happened, but now that he's gone, she feels uncomfortable all over. Her body has been seen by a man! Even though that man is her husband, and he didn't show any dirty looks, she still feels disgusted! "I knew getting married was not a good thing..." Avalynn bites her teeth lightly. In fact, she suspects that Travis did it on purpose! She has been suspicious since she was young, and when Travis easily passed the two tests she set, she suspected that he was a scheming man. He must know that she is from a wealthy family, and that her grandfather is testing him, so he put on a fake appearance of not being greedy for money or being lecherous.Avalynn never believed that there were animals in this world without desires, let alone men! But without sufficient evidence, she could only continue to play along. After bathing, Avalynn walked out of the hall. Travis sat on the sofa, absent-mindedly pressing the TV remote control, and looked up to see Avalynn, unable to help but tense up. "Miss Avalynn, can you please put on some underwear after bathing?" Travis earnestly requested. Avalynn had a graceful figure, wearing a thin silk nightgown, clinging to her body and highlighting a center and two basic points. Which man could resist it? Only Travis, being a gynecologist, had a resistance beyond ordinary people, so as not to have a nosebleed. "Hmph, how do I know you're sitting in the hall watching over me?" Avalynn stared at Travis with frosty eyes, sharp as a blade! Too inconvenient! Which woman would wear underwear after bathing? She liked a carefree life, and suddenly having a man in the house was simply unbearable! "Well, I'll go back to my room right away!" Travis stood up and avoided her. This woman was too cold, he originally wanted to talk to her and cultivate some feelings, but now he realized that he had overestimated his abilities! Facing this kind of woman, he really had nothing to say! Thinking about living with this kind of woman in the future, he indeed, as Elina thought, felt a bit unsettled! But as soon as he turned around, he heard a strange sound behind him. He turned his head and saw Avalynn kneeling in pain on the ground. Without wearing underwear, the opening of her neckline had opened a little, and the scenery inside was like a devil, almost sucking Travis's soul in! "Hey, what's wrong with you?"
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