Chapter 6 Terrifying Cold

881 Words
"Mom, let me discuss with her first before telling you!" Travis decided to procrastinate. He couldn't refuse his mother, nor could he promise, he could only take it step by step. "Alright then!" Katherine continued, "Travis, why don't you move in with her today? Girls like romance. Today is your wedding night, don't neglect her! Take good care of her, understand?" Huh, wedding night? Travis didn't even think about it. He believed Avalynn wouldn't have thought about it either. That woman never intended to share a bedroom with him. It was impossible in this lifetime! But Travis still nodded, "Alright mom, sister, I'll move out. Take care of yourselves. Call me if you need anything." With just a simple sentence, both Katherine and Mariana couldn't hold back their tears. Travis's father had passed away early, and these two women had been taking care of Travis as he grew up. Now, the only man was leaving home, and they naturally couldn't bear it. "Mom, don't cry! Otherwise, Travis won't go live with your daughter-in-law. How can you hold your grandchild?" Mariana whispered while trying to hold back her own tears. After a while, Katherine and Mariana helped Travis pack up some small belongings. Before leaving, Katherine handed a bank card to Travis. "Mom, what are you doing?" Travis quickly stepped back, he knew his mother only had one bank card, which was also linked to her social security. Now she actually gave him this card. How could this be! "Take it!" Katherine commanded firmly, "That girl married you without asking for financial support. She even bought a house for you two to live in. You must not let her down, give her everything she deserves!" "There's 50,000 dollars in this card, use it to buy a diamond ring and necklace for her, got it?" A sudden sour feeling welled up in Travis's heart! Parents' hearts are truly pitiful! He knew that this money was saved by his mother for her old age. His mother was already 57 years old, what would she do if he used up her savings? "Travis, if mom asks you to take it, then take it." Mariana desperately gestured to Travis. A mother knows her daughter best, Mariana knew that if her younger brother didn't obey, their mother would worry that the daughter-in-law would run away one day. In order to reassure their mother, Travis had to take this money and give it to Avalynn as a betrothal gift, whether she wanted it or not! "If you really appreciate mom, remember to bring your wife back soon so that mom and I can meet her!" Mariana reminded again. She was also not at ease, after all, her little brother had a flash marriage. "I got it!" Travis quickly turned around and left. It wasn't that he lacked empathy, but he was afraid his mother and sister would see his red eyes. He suddenly felt guilty! His mother was thinking about him getting married, but he casually found someone to act with him. "At least before mom passes away, this marriage must not be exposed..." Travis muttered to himself, suddenly feeling scared. If his mother found out that his marriage with Avalynn was just a facade, she definitely wouldn't be able to handle the shock! Travis left and found Azure Meadow Community according to the information Avalynn had previously given him. This was a high-end residential area in Aketard, with a price of over thousands dollars per square meter. There were many floors here, and Avalynn had only told him the room number was 1701, but not which building it was in! Fortunately, he had Avalynn's contact information, so he quickly asked her. At this moment, Avalynn was in a meeting at the company and couldn't help but furrowed her brows when she saw his number. But in the next moment, she still answered the phone. This scene shocked everyone present! Phone calls were not allowed in the conference room, and it was a rule set by Miss Avalynng herself! "Miss Avalynn, your—" "Building B!" Before Travis could finish his sentence, Avalynn had already guessed what he wanted to ask and answered him directly before hanging up. Travis was also surprised, how could that woman predict things? And she was so cold! After hanging up the phone, Avalynn noticed that many people in the room were secretly looking at her. But because she was the president of Timberlight Group, everyone could only silently criticize her in their hearts, no one dared to speak out. Only a young girl with a youthful face and big breasts quietly leaned over and whispered, "Hehe, sis, is it your husband calling you?" Avalynn's cold gaze swept over, like a bolt of lightning. The girl quickly closed her mouth and didn't dare to speak. Her name was Elina Hunter, she was twenty years old this year, and she was grateful that she was a few years younger than her sister. Otherwise, the extraordinary man who just called her sister would have been hers. Elina was also curious. Which brave man dared to marry her sister who had misandry? Hehe, she wondered how long he could endure her sister's temper? Three days? Maybe he wouldn't even last a day and would move out!
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