05: Saved

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GIA: Beta Hector's kisses were like poison on my lips. I felt sick all over. I felt dirty. This was all my fault. Alpha Alexander had warned me earlier not to go with Beta Hector. But it was my stubborn nature that I followed and looked at where I was now. Tears brimmed my eyes as I struggled to break away from Beta Hector. He tried to kiss me again, but this time I was able to dodge. He laughed like crazy. He pinned both of my arms at the top of my head. "Playing hard to get, huh? You were not like this earlier," he said and tried to dunk his lips again. Must break away. With all my might, I pushed him away. Succeeded and he fell on the floor with a loud thud followed by his endless cursing towards me. Using that opportunity, I bolted right to the door, and opened it, even if the surroundings were blurry because of crying too much. I should have listened to Alpha Alexander. I brought this to myself. "Gia!" Beta Hector bellowed. “You're not running away from me. I will catch you wherever you hide, woman.” Don't look. Don't you dare look? My heart thumped wildly against my ribcage as the only thing that was running in my mind was to escape from this monster. I wiped the tears from my eyes and kicked my legs faster. Must not get caught or it would be my doom. Suddenly, my body slammed into something hard. I nearly fell if not for the pair of strong arms that caught me. "No! Please. Let me go! Please!" I cried, attempting to break free. I trashed and scratched while hot tears rolled down from my cheeks, and my heart felt like it was going to burst from beating like crazy. "What happened, woman?" a male voice demanded. I froze and slowly looked up. Alpha Alexander. ‘Mine,’ my wolf exclaimed. 'Take it easy now, Gia. Our mate will save us from that monster.’ I did not know if it was a relief that I cried even more. I felt his body tense but did nothing to stop me from crying. Which I was thankful for. "Brother. You caught that bitch." I stiffened hearing Beta Hector's name, and then my body shivered. Beta Hector. He caught me? There were scratches on the side of his face. Maybe from mine. It served him right. A growl escaped from Alpha Alexander's throat and was reminded that Beta Hector and I had an audience. Run! my body screamed. But it seemed like my feet were nailed to the ground. Be courageous, another part of my mind said. If you will not be brave, who will defend you, Autumn? Besides, he won't hurt you while the alpha is here. Gathering my courage, I wiped the tears from my eyes and faced him. Alpha Alexander remained rooted to the ground. He did not give me away to his brother which I was grateful for. Alpha Alexander's lips pressed into a thin line. "You never failed to make a woman cry, Hector. You're only good at fooling around." He smirked. "She seduced me and when I had to get my price, she ran away like a scared little kitten." "f**k you!" I spat. "You forced yourself on me! You kissed me without my permission." I shivered remembering the memories. "I never thought you were like this, Beta Hector!" I growled. I backed away as fear gripped me hard, and then I bumped into the alpha’s hard chest. I was breathless. The beta threw back his head and laughed. When he was done, his eyes bore into mine. “Hector. What are you up to now? You should be taking care of your visitors not to f**k some random woman.” "You are right, Brother. That woman is mine. She is a gift. She is mine." With shaky fingers, I pointed my fingers at him. "I am no one's property! I admit that I was wrong when I approached you, Beta Hector. I was wrong when I thought you were what I believed you were. But I never said I am giving myself to you!" "It's too late to back out now, b***h. Come here before you anger me now. Come. Come,” he coaxed. “My patience is wearing thin.” He took a step forward and I backed away. Just as he was about to reach out and grab me, Alpha Alexander moved his body between him and me, blocking me from Beta Hector. Despite disregarding me, the alpha's presence made me feel protected and safe. He won't allow me to be with his half-brother, right? "What are you doing, Brother? You're scaring my servant." Servant. Not his mate. How would he acknowledge you when you practically choose another man right in front of him? “Don't be such a party-pooper, Brother. I'm only having a good time. Just give this night to me.” "She's my property, Hector. She's my slave. My servant. I never allowed anyone among my men to abuse women." Beta Hector scoffed. "That woman? Didn't you know what she did? When we entered the room, she offered herself to me by stripping her clothes the moment we entered the room. She was the one who seduced me first, Brother. I am only finishing what we started." My insides shook. "You, liar!" I spat. "I will never seduce you!" I was about to confess to him, thinking he was different. "You kissed me, bitch." “I did not! Why don't you tell the alpha the truth?” "That's enough!" Alpha Alexander's voice interjected. "I heard enough.” “No, Brother. You never know the whole story.” “I heard enough,” Alpha Alexander insisted, this time his voice was colder and softer, but enough to make me and the beta stay silent. “Hector, like I said the female servants are off-limits to you. If you want to take a woman, do it somewhere. Take your w***e, I don’t care as long as you don't do it in my pack.” “You’re believing that b***h?” “I believe what I see. Now, go back to your party.” “But Brother!” he insisted. “That woman is mine.” “That's an order from your alpha,” Alpha Alexander declared using his authority. Left with no choice, he left but told me, “We are not yet done, woman.” My strength left me when the beta left when it was only me and the alpha. The alpha took a step backward, folded his arms, and watched me with an intense stare. “Did you seduce my half-brother?” he asked. I wrapped my arms around myself and smiled bitterly. “I am the victim here.” Did he not come to my rescue because I called him using our mind link? “You did not listen earlier. I told you that the beta was the one who tried to force himself on me.” His eyes narrowed. “You still continue even if you know I am your mate? I never knew you were that low,” he declared with pure disappointment in his face. “Now you're acknowledging our bond? After everything that happened to me tonight? You pretended that you did not know me.” “You brought it upon yourself. I warned you about the beta. When it comes to women, he turns into a monster. You walked freely in the lion's den, woman.” I stepped backward. I was kind of expecting that he would blame me for what happened. And it hurt like a b***h. “Instead of sympathizing with me, you blamed me? Why? Because I am only an omega and slave of your pack? What's the next thing you will do? Reject me? Fine. Reject me all you want.” He clicked his tongue. “That's what I am planning. I searched for a couple of years finding a strong Luna and now, I found her seducing my half-brother. You were that desperate to get laid?” I bit the inside of my cheeks. My heart was screaming foul. The one whom I called to save me. The one whom I thought would listen to me. The one whom I thought would trust my statement did not exist at all. Was this how mates worked? I was waiting for someone like him. “You reject me all you want, but I never forced myself on anyone. Your asshole brother was at fault.” I shook my head. “What am I saying? Regardless of what I will say, you won't believe me anyway.” He stared at me coldly. There was no ounce of hesitation and understanding in his eyes. “That's right. I, Alpha Alexander, reject you, Gia Hunter, as my mate. Now, you are free to pursue my half-brother whom you cherished so much.” Did he know my name?
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