Chapter : 7. Principals punishment..

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Cora’s point of view :- -------------------------------- I never thought university life is going to be so hard before I joined the Rydell University. But now it has turned into another place of my tortures for me. That’s not because of hard study but because of my fellow students who thought bullying me is the best entertainment for them. I should have listened to my foster parents. I should have dropped study and stayed back home. At least I would have a less thing to worry or only one place to be tortured. But now that I am in, there’s no way out for me anymore. By the last class of the day, I realized why everyone was staring at me like that the entire day. Someone spread the rumor that I am a lesbian just because I keep refusing all men’s offers. And I realized it when a girl approached me in the last class after it ended. “Hi, sweetheart. We didn’t introduce ourselves properly yet. My name is Darla. And yours?” It was one of the emo type girls, which was kind of weird. But I was glad that at least one of the girls in this entire place dared to come up to me and talk. All I see in other girls is hate when I am looking for someone who can be my friend through these years. “I’m Cora. Nice to meet you.” She gave me her hand to shake, that I took gladly. I noticed everyone was watching our interaction, but didn’t mind it. “You are really pretty, you know that? And damn sexy.” That was quite weird coming out from a girl, but I still laughed it off. “Thank you. You are not bad yourself.” “I know that. Wanna hang out later for a movie?” “I’m sorry. I would like to do that, but I have things to do.” “Well, if not a movie, then maybe you can invite me over to your house to have a little fun. I won’t mind if you chose my place instead.” Okay. Now it’s getting awkward. She started touching my neck and arms while talking to me seductively. “Umm.. No thank you. I can’t do any of that.” “Oh come on. Don’t play hard. I know you want this. I know you want me to give you cunnalingus on your bed..” That completely took me off guard. What does she think of me? “What the hell? How dare you to say things like this to me? What do you think I am?” I couldn’t stop myself from shouting at her. “Don’t act innocent. I heard already that you are a lesbian. I am one as well. You are pretty and so am I. We can be a perfect couple. So, what do you think?” When she said that, I looked up at other and realize that it is my class mates who spread this rumor. They are all laughing loud by now, making fun of me. “I’m sorry, but you misunderstood me. I’m not your kind.” With that, I picked up my bad and tried to leave with teary eyes, everyone are still laughing at me, making me feel more ashamed. “Wait. If you are not a lesbian, then why are you refusing all the boys? Admit the truth. We won’t judge you. Come on..” A group of boys blocked my way and I recognize one of them from yesterday. “I don’t need to explain anything to you. And who am I or what am I is not your problem. So, move out of my way.” I said to him angrily. “Oh come on! Don’t act like a bi*ch. Tell us what you actually like. We want to make you happy like others.” Soon, the group surrounded me from all around and started touching me everywhere. Some were pocking at my stomach, some was caressing my arms, some, my cheeks and some of them on my neck. And one word they were chanting on my back was “lesbo”. Their action was scaring me so much that I couldn’t stop my tears anymore. To save myself from this embarrassment, I push one of them from the way of the gate and ran out of there as fast as possible. I could hear laughs behind me as it kept following me till I was completed out of the campus. I was too scared to look back at who were those people who were teasing me. The rest of the day went eventless, but I was too sad to remember the incident. And now all I fear is that I have to go back to that place again tomorrow and face that same challenge again. There is no way to skip this torture. I reached home at the right time that day, so there was no punishment for me. I was at least safe for the night. But the next day came soon, and I had to get myself ready to face the same challenges. As expected, as soon as I enter the university premises, everyone started talking bad things about me. They were calling me by different names. Some of them were also teasing me about yesterday’s incident. I don’t understand one thing. Why is everyone against me? Even all the girls hate me and look at me with hateful eyes. What have I ever done wrong to anyone? Is fighting for my own space is wrong? If I don’t want to be chased by boys, is that wrong for me to wish? What is their problem? While going through a rough day, I remembered another event of yesterday. Even though the entire university hates me, there is someone who respects me and my privacy. Who ever that person is who gave me food yesterday, I know that is the only person who cares about me. I wish I knew who that was. I wish I can find that person so that I can have someone on my side. I truly need a friend now to take my mind off all of this. By the time of lunch, I was starving. The little amount of food I consume as my breakfast was also skipped today. I was too nervous about facing my fears that I had no appetite in the morning. But now, I feel really hungry. Having no choice, I had to go to the cafeteria for lunch. I thought if I don’t interact with anyone, I won’t get into any trouble. But I was so wrong. To avoid everyone’s eyes, I chose to sit at the end of the cafeteria, facing the wall. But unfortunately, a group of boys from my class noticed me and came to sit right behind me. To bully me, they kept throwing trash at me and kept calling me lesbo. But I kept silent because I don’t want any trouble. I just want to finish my food as fast as possible and leave. So, keeping my head low, I was trying to finish my lunch when I heard some noise behind me. “You fu*king basterds. Why don’t you pick on someone of your own standers. Do you feel happy by teasing an innocent girl?” Out of no where, two boys stood up from their table and started beating us those boys who were teasing me. They beat them so hard that one of them even fainted. It happend so fast that I don’t know what to do. I wanted to stop them, but I was scared that I might get hit in the process. So instead of stepping in, I shout out at them in anger. “What have you done? Why did you hit him? Oh no! We are going to be in big trouble.” I know that fightings never led anyone to any success. It only causes problems for them. And in this matter, I am going to be the one to be in trouble because the fight started because of me. But I can’t afford to be in trouble. My guardians will kill me if they find out. My soul left my body when the principal came there in time and found us in that condition. He called all of us into his office, which is not a good sign. I think I am going to be in big trouble today. We had no choice except to follow the principal’s orders and go to his office. All three boys who were in the fight are also with me and I can’t express how angry I was at them for getting me in trouble. The principal called all four of us in his office together and made us stand in front of him in line before starting his interrogation. “First of all, tell me your names one by one and which year you are in. Start from the girl.” I was standing at the end of the line, so he began from me.” “Cora Hayes. First year.” “Truce Romero. Third year.” “Mirth Romero. Third year.” “Clark Stewart. First year.” “So two of you are new students and two of you are twin brothers. What started the fight among yourselves?” Twin brothers? Those two boys who started the fight are twins? I didn’t notice their faces yet to know. “It’s him and his friends who were bulling her. They were calling her with bad names and throwing trash at her. We thought to stop that and make sure they never bully another student again.” One of the twins replied. “That’s not the truth. You though if you show that you are on her side, you will be able to create a better image in her eyes. I know young boys like you. You always do different tricks to impress girls. But fighting to show off for girls are not allowed under my supervision. And you, miss. Why didn’t you stop them? Why didn’t you complain to me instead of letting them fight? Did you wanted them to fight for you? Do you want boys attention like other girls your age?” “No. I was..” “I have heard enough. You guys made a mistake and you have to be punished for it. Call your parents. I want to talk to them and tell them what their kids are doing in the name of study. First you, mister Clark. Bullying your classmates is the worst thing to do at the beginning of your years. Call your parents and let me inform them about your actions.” My body started shaking in fear the moment he said that he is going to call everyone’s parents and tell them what happend. He is going to tell my foster parents about the incident and once I go back home, they will take me on a trip to hell. How am going to do this? How can I stop him from calling them? “Hello. Dad? I got into a trouble. The principle wants to talk to you..” First the boy from my class called his parents and let the principal complain about what he did as we stood there listening to everything. Then it came the twins turn. “Hello? Mom? Umm.. We got into a fight today with a boy. Yes. No, we didn’t. Everything’s under control. But the principal wants to talk to you. Okay.” Soon, their turn was also over, moving next to me. By the time of my turn, I was shaking furiously in fear. I don’t want to do this. I don’t want my family to know about the trouble with boys. They are going to kill me after this. “Miss. Call your parents. Let me talk to them.” “Sir. Please don’t call them. I promise this won’t happen again. I swear I will be a good girl. Please don’t tell them about the fight. Please..” A few drops of tears came out of my eyes in fear as I begged him to not call them. “I have seen a lot of girls like you who create a problem at first and then pretend to be innocent. Those fake tears and that innocent face won’t trick me like them. Call your parents right now or you will be suspended.” After this threat, I have no choice except to call them. Today is the worst day of all, and all of it happend because of these twins.
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