Chapter Seven - Collisions

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“You heard me, Alexander!” taunted Nicholas, looking him straight in the eyes, challenging him to react. He wasn’t the puny little boy anymore and could give Alexander a taste of his own medicine if he tried to harm him. Alexander looked stunned to see this rebellious side to his nature and seemed dumbstruck for the first time in his life. “Stay away from Alyssa, I’m warning you,” hissed Alexander, going closer to threaten him. Nicholas was no less and stood up too and glared at him angrily. Alyssa clutched at her heart with horror seeing her brother again start the same thing as always. Why couldn’t he mind his own business and stop meddling in her affairs? Couldn’t he realize she didn’t need his protection? “What if I don’t? You can’t do a thing this time, Alexander. Go get a life!” said Nicholas, making Alexander seethe with fury. Alyssa’s eyes widened with panic and she rushed towards her brother, trying to pull him backward. She hadn’t expected Nicholas to confront him fearlessly when the other guys always felt intimidated by Alexander’s presence. A silent communication took place between all the others seated on the rug. The game was over and they all stood up to stop a fight from breaking out. Christian caught Nicholas and pulled him away while Ashton pulled Alexander away. Lucas noticed them and was about to come over to give them a lecture when suddenly the doorbell rang. Lucas went to open the door, expecting Marcus, while Alexander and Ashton looked at one another. As if Nicholas wasn’t enough trouble already, now they had to tolerate another enemy, Marcus Donnelly, who was more troublesome than the others. However, the moment Lucas opened the door, they all were shocked to see Sienna’s ex-fiancé and problem maker, Roman Drexler, standing at their doorstep instead, totally drenched in the rain. “You? What are you doing here? How dare you show your face here after everything that you did to Sienna?” yelled Lucas at the top of his voice. Everyone froze inside, seeing who Lucas was talking to. Sienna panicked and hid behind Nicholas while Christian strode towards Lucas to support him. “I just came to talk it out, please. I won’t harm anyone,” said Roman. “No, that’s not an option any longer. I’m calling the police,” said Lucas. Roman panicked upon hearing him and pushed past him into the house before they could realize his motive. He kneeled before Sienna, who screamed with fright. “Please forgive me, Sienna. I’m ashamed of myself. I’m ashamed of what I did to you,” he said, clasping his hands. Lucas strode inside. He reached Roman in a few strides. Even Nicholas, Christian, Alexander, and Ashton reached him, ready to throw him out. “Wait, Lucas. He’s just asking for forgiveness. Let him get his peace of mind. I’m sure it will give him his closure,” said granny. “Get up Roman. I can’t forgive you for what you did to me, but we can solve your problems amicably, as I had promised you,” said Sienna. “Please Sienna. Your forgiveness means a lot to me.” He explained his earlier behavior and begged for her forgiveness. There was a deafening silence in the room. “I forgive you, Roman,” said Sienna, quietly. “Live your life,” she whispered. “Thank you, thank you very much,” said Roman, wiping his eyes. Sienna and Lucas sorted their differences amicably with Roman and he walked out of the house, into the darkness. The storm had stopped and so did the rain. Lucas closed the door after him and turned towards them. Everyone smiled with relief. “Thank God it’s all over,” said Eva. The girls hugged Sienna. Martha had taken Alexia away to her room when Roman walked inside. Lucas’s mom went to check up on her. Lucas thanked Alexander and Ashton for standing up for him. “That’s okay. It’s just for old time’s sake!” said Ashton with a smirk. Lucas smirked back. “Yeah, we’re still enemies,” said Alexander, glaring at Nicholas, making him scoff. “Okay, enough drama for tonight. Let’s have our dinner and retire for the night else we’ll all be tired zombies tomorrow,” said Skylar. “Yes, dinner is ready. I’ll ask the caterers to serve,” said Maria, walking into the great room. The four friends went towards the dining table while the men followed them, staring at the ones they were interested in. Lucas sat with his fiancée but sadly, none of the others got to sit with the one they wanted. While Nicholas was sandwiched between Alexander and Eva, Ashton was forced to sit with Skylar and Alexander. Alyssa was the only one who didn’t mind where she sat, as long as it wasn’t beside Nicholas. Christian was too frustrated sitting beside Lucas and seeing him do all lovey-dovey stuff with his fiancée. With Eva beside him, he just couldn’t wait for dinner to be over and grab his own fiancée to remind her of his dues. Alexia occupied her usual seat beside Sienna while Granny, Mrs. Donnelly, Alyssa, and Hayley, all sat together and joked and gossiped, enjoying themselves the most. The food was brought in and the prayers were over when Alexander elbowed Nicholas on purpose. “Take your lazy ass out of here.” Nicholas served himself and flashed him a lazy grin, knowing that he might be dying to sit with Eva. “Why should I? Do you think she likes you at all?” Alexander wanted to punch his face and would have if Lucas’s mom and granny hadn’t been around. “I’ll get even with you for this.” Nicholas gave him a look full of challenge. “So will I.” His mom and granny rolled their eyes at the two of them. “Can we eat in peace?” his mom scolded Nicholas and finally they stopped their bickering. After dinner, they all retired to their rooms, but Alexander grabbed Eva’s hand and pulled her to the terrace with him. Alyssa walked out of aunt Claudia’s room with the diamond earring she gave her to wear for the wedding. She placed the pouch in her pocket and happily walked towards her room, but as soon as she reached the elevator, Nicholas grabbed her and pulled her into the entertainment room nearby. He closed the door and pinned her to the door with his hard, ripped body. Alyssa was stunned at the suddenness of his actions and placed her hand on his chest to push him away, but couldn’t. The more she pushed, the more he tightened his hold around her, caging her against the door. “What the f*ck are you up to, Nicholas? Let me go this minute.” She struggled but in vain since it didn’t look like Nicholas had any wish to let her go. Nicholas leaned closer to her, a strange fire burning in his eyes. “Why are you ignoring me?” he asked impatiently, but Alyssa pushed at his chest more instead of replying to him. “I’m not a very patient man, Alyssa. I asked you something. Answer me, dammit!” Feeling frustrated by her lack of response, he caught her hands and pinned them above her head. “Have you gone crazy? Alexander is here and I don’t want to create a scene,” she stated bravely, looking directly into his eyes. Nicholas held her gaze, leaning closer to her, his piercing gaze taking in her radiant face, her pink full lips, her soft skin, and her long golden hair as if committing them to his memory. “So you are afraid of your brother!” he whispered, his eyes lingering on her lips. Alyssa tossed her hair with indignation and looked him in the eyes. “No, I’m not. Sienna’s wedding means more to me. I don’t want to create problems at her wedding. Just one more day to go, Nicholas, and then we’ll go our own way and would never need to see each other again.” Nicholas seemed to contemplate what she said and then shook his head slowly, not liking it at all. “You think so? You think we’ll never meet again?” Alyssa looked at him in confusion. “You’re weird, Nicholas. Now move and let me go.” Nicholas looked at her with a strange emotion in his eyes that she couldn’t decipher. “I’m weird, whereas your Zac Efron is normal, right?” Alyssa’s jaws dropped to the floor. Now, where did he come from? She was now thoroughly convinced that Nicholas Donnelly was crazy and weird. “Why are you bringing him up? Everyone’s entitled to have their favorites. You really are weird.” Nicholas glared at her angrily, his heart and mind burning with a fit of intense jealousy. “I saved you thrice, yet you consider me weird. You don’t even remember me Alyssa, let alone be grateful for whatever I’ve done for you! I prefer the Alyssa I remember, the one who kissed me ten years ago.” Alyssa’s jaws dropped at his words, and she just gaped at him. When did she kiss him ten years ago? She just met the guy, didn’t she?
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