Chapter Six - An Interesting Game

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They were all taken aback by Alexander’s announcement to stay. How did he accept defeat that soon? Was he planning something to create trouble during the wedding? “Fine but if you create any trouble, I’ll do the same to you at your wedding!” threatened Lucas. Sienna curbed the grin that was trying to break free on her face. What sort of threatening was that? Were they really enemies? “Done, give us a room and we’ll stay out of your way,” said Alexander while Alyssa grimaced at her brother’s words. She knew she would feel claustrophobic with him breathing fire down her neck all the time. Eva on the other hand stood a little farther away from them and refused to even look at Alexander. She could feel his gaze upon her every now and then but she knew better. She now knew what exactly he thought about her, how much he hated her. “Or you can enjoy it with us,” said Nicholas. Alexander gritted his teeth and glared at him with hatred. “The lesser you talk to me the better, Nicholas,” he growled. “Stop you two. Alyssa, show them the room next to yours,” said Lucas coming to the rescue to prevent the two from again flying at each other’s throat as was always the case when they met. “There should have been a hotel nearby. Then we wouldn’t have to stay here at all,” said Ashton looking displeased with his situation. “It’s alright, Ashton. I’ll ensure that you aren’t inconvenienced here in any way,” said Lucas. Then turning to Alexander he looked him in the eye. “For the sake of our childhood friendship at least, please be a part of my wedding!” said Lucas. “I’ve buried that phase of our past, Lucas. But still, I’m happy for you. Congratulations,” said Alexander. “Thank you,” replied Lucas who seemed to be the pacifier between Alexander and Nicholas. They finally ignored one another and a displeased Alyssa led them to the elevator and everyone breathed a little sigh of relief that no one would be getting murdered. To some extent, they thanked their lucky stars that Marcus wasn’t here tonight. Alyssa didn’t speak a word to them and silently stood at one corner of the glass elevator, staring at Eva standing near the staircase downstairs. “You compelled us to come here, Lisa. I had to leave my work to come here. You’ll be punished for this,” growled her brother angrily while Ashton grunted with anger. She turned to face her brother. “Why did you need to come here at all? You could have complained to your dad.” Alexander looked at her furiously, his jaws clenching, his hands formed into angry fists as he tried hard to control himself. “Talk respectfully, Lisa. He’s also your dad and he’s done a lot for us.” Ashton was used to this drama and stared at Hayley instead who had been avoiding him like a plague. He sighed knowing it was better that way. He wasn’t good enough for her! “He isn’t my dad. My dad died because of him.” Alexander sighed and looked away, taking in deep breaths. There was no point talking to her. She was always this way, rebellious, frustrating, bitter, and filled with hatred for him and their parents. The elevator came to a stop and Alyssa strode out without waiting for them. She went to a corner room further down the corridor and stopped in front of a closed door. “You both can sleep here. This one’s empty. Eva and I are right next to you.” With that, she went back to the elevator not wanting to talk to them at all. It would be better if they stayed in their room and not mingled with anyone here. It was only for twenty-four hours. Tomorrow by this time the wedding would be over and they would all return home. When she went downstairs, she found Mrs. Donnelly, granny, and Sienna playing board games with Alexia while the others sat on a huge rug on the floor and were busy playing some crazy game of truth or dare. “Alyssa, join us,” said Eva, patting the place next to her. Alyssa grinned and sat down beside her while Nicholas who was sitting beside Hayley glared at her looking more annoyed than ever before. She ignored him just as she had done the whole day but to her immense surprise, he just got up and started coming towards her. Alyssa’s eyes widened as he pushed the others aside and made space for himself beside her. “No, you aren’t sitting here, Nicholas,” she gritted out but he turned a deaf ear to her. With everyone else arguing about who to start with, no one paid them any heed. Alyssa got up to sit on the other side of Eva but Nicholas caught her wrist. “You aren’t going anywhere.” Alyssa glared at him, trying to extricate her hand from his grip. “I won’t sit with you.” She was adamant, struggling more. “Are you afraid of your brother?” She glared at him and shook her head. “No, I’m not afraid of anyone in the whole world.” Nicholas’s mouth twitched as a smile struggled to break free. “Then prove it. Sit beside me.” He challenged, tugging at her wrist. She almost fell onto his lap but checked herself at the last minute. “A*swipe!” she muttered while Nicholas laughed. “What did you call me?” he leaned closer but she pushed him away in annoyance.” “You heard me.” She looked around at the others who were still arguing. The elevator came down and to her horror, Alexander and Ashton emerged. Their glance immediately fell upon them and they approached them angrily. “Why do your brother and his tail always look angry?” whispered Nicholas into her ears. Alyssa tried to place some distance between them and gave him a warning look. “Mind your own business if you don’t want bloodshed.” Alexander and Ashton glared at Nicholas sitting beside Alyssa and were about to force them apart when at that precise moment Lucas appeared and rolled his eyes at them. He gave them a look of warning that made them step back. “Lisa, come here, right now,” growled Alexander. “Don’t f*cking control me, Alex,” she growled back. “Okay, cool down, Alyssa. Come and sit with me,” said Skylar, making some space between her and Christian. Alyssa grinned and got up to go, making Christian glare at her, shaking his head slowly, to indicate not to listen to Skylar. She sat down beside Skylar while Nicholas stared at her with annoyance. Alyssa gave him a victorious look. However, to her annoyance, Alexander and Ashton pulled a chair and sat opposite them just to keep a watch. “Eva, I need to talk to you,” growled Alexander but Eva shook her head. “I’m busy. Anyway, I have nothing to talk about.” Her answer seemed to make him angrier and he just sat broodingly, watching her every now and then. “Let’s start with Christian,” announced Skylar. Christian rolled his eyes at her. “You have to sit beside me to get anything out of me,” he shrugged determinedly. Skylar and Alyssa exchanged places and the game started. Christian opted for a dare and he was dared to climb up the stairs to the top floor and down in two minutes. They cheered him on as he completed the task in 100 seconds, impressing them all. Next, it was Eva’s turn and she chose truth. “Have you ever written a love letter in your life? If yes, to whom? If no, whom would you want to write one to?” asked Skylar with a knowing smile on her face. Eva paled at her question and looked at Alyssa for help. With the receiver of her first and only love letter sitting opposite her and watching her like a hawk, how could she answer that question? “I can’t answer that. I’m ready for my punishment,” she said, losing all her enthusiasm. “Okay, kiss any guy present here,” said Nicholas, just to rile up an already annoyed Alexander. One look at his face was enough to know that he wasn’t liking what was going on. Eva glared at Nicholas when Alexander got up to interfere. He was afraid that Eva would kiss Nicholas of all the people on earth. “I don’t think she wants to play any longer,” he said, pushing his chair away. Eva went towards Ashton while they all just stared at what she was up to now. “Bro, bend down please,” she said and Ashton obliged. Eva planted a kiss on his cheek and he smiled at her. It was a sweet gesture and Alexander stood in a daze too stunned to react. Eva went back to her place and settled down and the game continued. Next, it was Alyssa’s turn and she chose truth. “Who’s your first love? You can only take names of guys who aren’t your father, brother, family members, or friends,” said Hayley. “Zac Efron always!” she announced making Nicholas’s jaws drop as he seethed with jealousy. “I’m far better,” he muttered when Alexander’s head jerked towards him and he glared at him. “What did you say?” he growled.
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