Chapter 19 - The Village

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It was the same morning , but the difference is that the sun was fully upon their head which means breakfast time for mark. So , they decided to stop by a nearest small village in the eastern part. The village was as small as a house and people were closely connected. They headed towards a cafe to give themselves some rest. Venezia got herself changed into some borrowed clothes while mark was eating insatiably. " I know I told you that we need to head out as soon as possible but that doesn't mean you eat like that?" Venezia asked while watching mark with a disgusting face. "I get very hungry when I'm tired okay !! " Mark rolled his eyes. "mhm!" she raised her eyebrows when they both get interrupted by a cheerful waitress coming to their desk. She was a tiny jumpy young women with shiny golden hair but looked poor by her looks. Besides her looks , she did not feel poor , it looks like she enjoys every bit and pieces of her life and cherishes every moment joyfully. "Good mornin' senorita , here's the coffee you ordered and whoa , what do I see , you're wearing one of our traditional dress. Ah ! You look so amazing." The waitress continued talking after serving without taking a breath. "What lovely guests I have in my small little cafe , otherwise who would actually like to come here in this darn village." "Wait , this cafe is beautiful , why's that ?" Venezia got attracted by her cheerful and decided to interview her more. " Well , offcourse can't you see ? It's because of me !!" Mark showed no interest on the loud waitress and continued eating his meal. "Oh don't be silly , anyone who have love to be your friend , infact I myself would have love to talk to you if I hadn't had to proceed with my journey" "Oh my , really ? Well you look a little foreign to me." The waitress studies her. "In that case , Did you know today is our grape harvest festival? I would love you to be our guest.." "Well actually ..." Venezia get's interrupted by the waitress. " No really , everyone here outside is busy squashing grapes on their own buckets." Suddenly , mark stops eating and sees this as an opportunity to convince Venezia and spend more time with her. "wow, it's the harvest season already!!" Mark speak out loud casually. "Well , honestly I've always heard of it but never really experienced , I've always wanted to experience the a village festival like this." "I understand, but you can have that later , don't you-" Venezia again gets interrupted by Mark this time. "We'll be honored to be your guest miss?" "Call me anna.." the waitress offers her hand. "Oh , what an ironic name" Venezia talks to the waitress and slowly changes her gaze towards mark. Mark presses his lips. That's not how he expected the festivities to begin. Anna takes Venezia outside at the porch where there were trumpets playing and people casually singing and talking around . The first event was of Crushing grapes from their feet. There were freshly picked violet grapes filled inside a big bucket and Two to three young women stepped in crushing them. The men around smoked cigars and played various instruments. The aura around her became immensely joyful that when she got there , she forgot all of her future worry. That's what festivities do to you. Venezia was smiling so charmingly after a very long time and mark watched her leaning sideways against the cafe's door , his arms crossed. He smiled with her when she called him out and thought to himself "since when did you become so important to me?" His thoughts got distracted when a random old man calling him out to pick apples out of the garden , considering him a normal farmer boy. He wore a simple white tee shirt and cotton pants , and headed towards the garden. By the evening , the gathering became more stronger and it was starting to feel like more like a festival. The autumn leaves , fell on the ground slowly and Venezia baked pies with Anna , mark following them both. It seemed like Venezia loved anna speak and tell many stories rather than baking pumpkin pies , which was at last resorted to mark and he enjoyed finishing the recipe. Many on the ground danced under the orange sky when he came out again. Anna pushed both of them into the crowd , and the others insisted them to dance together along with many other couples on the floor. Well , they weren't a couple actually , Venezia shyly tried to resist but it was an opportunity for mark. He grabbed her by her waist and held his small palms with other hand. This time , his touch sent a shiver down her spine and she could do nothing but stare at him. She kept staring at him when they started grooving slowly . She later on calmly smiled when her eyes traveled across the environment around her . There were fairy lights , people cheering and talking , lots and lots of loud music when they started doing their traditional dance . She and mark , jumped simultaneously , matching the footsteps . He turned her around and she laughed so relentlessly. Watching her laugh , her beauty radiated out which gave mark an utter pleasure. A kind of pleasure he has never experienced before. They stayed the night there itself , but Venezia's worry didn't let them sleep peacefully. She insisted on leaving for the journey as early as possible so they left the next day before sunrise. They walked through the plain harvested plateaus and rode across the bridge into a sparse forest . They walked along holding thier stallions , talking quietly "The good thing is , we've almost crossed the border. As soon as we cross the border , we won't require such rush." "Mhm , I couldn't care less!!" Mark replied carelessly , taunting her. "Well you should!" Venezia mocked him back. Just then suddenly , a group of soldiers hiding inside the forest bundled out and pointed their swords at her. "These are not from our province , they are not our soldiers !!" Mark's eyes widened when he looked around and whispered it to her. Both got stunned and froze themselves , they were too many and Venezia processed that she wouldn't be able to finish all over or she'll end up hurting mark. So , she gave up immediately and raised up her hands , mark copied. " We're ordered to bring lady Venezia!" One of the soldier spoke from behind , as fear crept in his eyes by the thought of fighting her. One of the leader of that group , came at front of her , holding his sword down and spoke in his big authoritative voice. "We're asked to bring you as hostage" "Just . Me ? " Venezia replied surprisingly. "Yes , m'lady." he knelt down in front of her respectfully. "Well then , seems like father is not so happy!." After a pause she ordered mark. "You go ahead !" And joined her wrist at her back while the one of the other soldier tied her down with a rope. Mark was left speechless. He couldn't process what just happened and what he needs to do. This is not how he expected things to be. "everything was going down again , no! This isn't supposed to happen , no ! " The thoughts kept rushing around in his mind and he stood there , frozen. "Go mark , go ahead in your journey , I'm happy for you !!" She spoke with a smile of her face but her soggy eyes meant something else. She might not be able to see him again , but the time she spent with her , she'll cherish it , always in her heart. That's the best part of her life. She thought to herself , while walking when they took her with themselves. Mark watched her go , his eyes all welled up. He couldn't understand why the world is so against everything he loves. He wasn't able to save Venezia when she needed him the most. And how could she do that to him. How could she can be so kind for a selfish man like him. He thinks of nothing but himself , all because he fell in love with her is why he wanted her the most. And she just gave up. Gave herself for his happiness. For what ? Lucas ? . Thoughts kept trembling in Mark's mind when he watched her leave. Not being able to save her , inspired him more , for what she has given herself for , now was his only aim to acquire.
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