Chapter 18 - The Mountains.

1309 Words
"I cannot loose this fight again !" She cried . "Please don't make things more difficult for me than it already is" Mark watched her , the stubbornness in her eyes , the reason behind her stubbornness. He understood everything. He wasn't ready to give up but he lets her to do stuff on her own. He knew that once she is stubborn , she won't let anything come in front of him and also that the reason of her stubbornness of him itself . Part of him did want to go back to lucas again. Or atleast see him once. But majorly he was ready to abandon lucas for Venezia if he had a choice. That's when he realised , he loved her. "Go wait for me at the gates , I'll see you in a bit." She ordered. He simply nodded and left slowly in respect. She left after him and entered into her chambers. She immediately got herself ready in her warrior suit , picked up her sword and the candlestand and got out of her chambers , slowly looking around. To her bad luck , one of her lady's maid sensed something and was walking into the corridors upto Venezia's chamber. She spotted Venezia escape , when she was standing at the door of her chamber. Venezia shooed her impulsively holding the candlestand and gestured her to keep quite but instead her eyes widened after seeing Venezia in that manner , with the sword and weapons tied all over her body that she couldn't help but shout for help. She got terrified after seeing Venezia like that and ran away . Venezia ran after her but immediately decided that it will be too late. So she dropped the candlestand right there in to make herself visible in the dark but instead the candle's flame caught fire on the carpet spread all over the corridors . The fire slowly started spreading after Venezia ran away immediately , trying her best to escape . Unfortunately , the fire around the corridors caught attention of many , who retired inside the cathedral along with the pope. She reached out at the gates where mark was already waiting with his stallion. "What did you do?" Mark exclaimed. "Don't blame it on me now , let's go" Venezia rushed and grabbed her own stallion and fled away. There was a chaos spread all across the cathedral , and the one part of it left buring in fire but The pope watched her run away , calmly from a big dark wooden window. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Some of the civilians and knights were led behind her when they both tried to flee. After reaching at the mountain top , they came near to them and tried to attack them. Venezia's horse neighed up high when she drew her sword out in order to defense and protect mark. She slashed the 2-3 knights that were led after her one by one and the foot civilians got scared and ran away from where they came. Mark silently watched her dark coal hair open and fly up in the dusky black sky while she was fighting like a mighty warrior. She was never supposed to be a nun , she never deserved it. But at that moment , he knew. He knew that her Destiny will eventually come follow back to her , no matter what . After then , they headed towards the north into the highlands and sparse forest. The night was cold. They kept riding as far as they could and after reaching a certain point in the faraway lost land , where they could see nothing nothing but darkness to maximum eyesight, feel the grass and see the sky as bright as a galaxy. The stars twinkled like glitters and the breeze made the cold even worse. There was silence in the moment of admiration. After a while of slowly riding upto even more farther , they decided they take a rest up in the hiding. A small unknown cave was enough to fit the two. They tied up thier horses and mark tried to make fire happen out of stones. "Seriously ? You know that?" Venezia asked feeling mesmerized seeing him like that . "Ah , ha! . Offcourse , what do you think of me ?" "Ehh , I don't know maybe the that the royalties are useless so.." she shrugged. " Umm no , m'lady. You're mistaken. These kind of things are thought to us since the beginning of our existence. Especially to the royal haha . Who knows , In case of emergency we might anything have to go underground." "Oh , for that I suppose you had secret passageways" Mark sighed. "yes ! Those are another option too. But please !" He sounded offended. "Okay , okay I didn't said anything" Venezia defends herself immediately and sits down on a tree trunk nearby unlocking her sword belt. Mark watched her unlocking and curiously asks her , staring at her sword . "How did you do that?" "It's poisoned" Venezia replied immediately in a deep serious tone as if she knew what he meant already. "How much?" "Well , I did it before getting out of my chambers to escape so it's fresh . Which means if you touch it , the iron would melt and your skin will burn." Mark looked at her , in serious dead eyes with no emotions on his face and continued cracking the stones to make fire. "I never knew you'll be this Sinister" the sticks flamed. Venezia looked at him and then looked down casually loosening her boots. "You know nothing of me yet!" •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• It was half a early morning when mark is peacefully sleeping. They both decided to take turns and rest . It was Venezia's turn to keep watch. She sat outside , peacefully seeing the sun rise slowly so she decided to wake him up. As soon as they made proceed the better. The looked back , walked inside the cave. The rays slowly started spreading on his red blush cheeks that Venezia couldn't help but freeze and admire him. She sat down slowly , giving herself up on his beauty. She leaned beside him , sitting and supported her chin on her one arm. She watched him sleep. "Maybe the last time he'll be sleeping so peacefully , maybe not. All he reminds me is of those wonderful days on the highlands. He gives me so much I never knew I'll ever have. I feel so much comfort., Protected, yes ! Protected even if you don't like to fight ! That protection you give me is different , yet so powerful. You're so powerful!" She thought to herself , whispered in her own ears , because she might not be able to say it again and brushed her bruised finger through his soft golden hair while watching him sleep on his own chest. "He has no idea how much I long for him , Oh my sweet boy!" She exclaimed. Mark slowly opened up his eyes , and found a blurred vision of her back , facing the rising sun. Endnote : omg they're so cute ! ? Anyways , vote and comment why you feel ???✨
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