1001 Words
Kara came out of her room as she heard strong, cheery voices from outside. After eating the food she had gone to her room to sleep peacefully the whole night. The morning sun shined brightly through the curtains when she got out of the bed and came to the balcony to look outside. Her eyes instantly fell upon James and Damon who were playing basketball for different teams in the courtyard outside. There were some of their friends who were clapping and whistling in encouragement while playing alongside them. Damon's eyes met hers and he instantly smiled and waved at her to come down. She smiled at him, seeing the friendly match that was going on between both brothers. But then the smile was instantly wiped off her face as the ball suddenly hit Damon on the back of his head when James tried to snatch the ball. The force was strong and due to lack of attention towards the game, Damon immediately fell face first on the ground. "Damon!" Kara shouted in panic and immediately ran out of her room to go downstairs. Damon got up back on his feet, standing up when he saw Kara rushing out in a hurry towards them. James' saw the concern on Kara's face for Damon and he felt like giving a punch in Damon's face. Damon looked at James in anger. James' teammates chuckled at his reaction, "better keep your eyes on the ball next time instead of on the chick, dude." James smirked at Damon smugly but it was instantly wiped off when he saw the concern on Kara's face. "Are you alright?" She asked Damon worriedly, trying to find any wound on his body. Damon smiled down at her, forgetting all the anger that he was feeling a few moments ago. "You are bleeding." Kara saw a bit of blood coming out from a scratch over his forehead as she touched her fingertip there to caress gently. "I am alright. Don't worry. Just a small accident." Damon said softly. Kara gave him a small smile, and responded, "you should get inside now. What is even the need of playing at this hour? It's still only..." she tried to look at her hand but there was no watch but Damon was quick to finish her sentence, "Ten am." Kara's mouth dropped open, "I have been sleeping for so long since yesterday afternoon? You should have wakened me up!" "No big deal. You were not feeling fine yesterday. It is good you took some rest." Damon grinned and patted her cheek. Kara nodded and turned around to leave. Her eyes going towards James to give him an angry glare which he proudly ignored and looked away but she could still see the small grin on his face that he tried to cover up. Kara's stare suddenly turned doubtful. What the hell was James up to? It was not like him to interact with people and play with Damon and his friends openly. She could suddenly feel that the picture was wider than what James was letting her see. James smirked at her confused face. As Damon had turned around to talk to the rest of the boys team, James' hand slipped in her waist from behind as he lowered his head to whisper in her ear, "don't think too much, Kara. You will soon know what I am up to." Kara's eyes instantly widened in fear and shock. But before she could respond, James' touch was gone and in the next second, Damon was turning back around to face her. "You okay?" he asked. Kara smiled up at him weakly, "uh... ye.. yeah. I am fine." Damon slipped his hand on her shoulder and started walking back towards the house. Kara could still feel the burning smug look of James on her back. Kara was hell confused with everything. If things continued like this, she knew she was going to go mad. Damon's grip tightened on her shoulder to draw her attention, "You okay princess? What's the matter? Anything bothering you?" "I am sorry you got hurt because of me." Kara looked up at him, "Umm... James hit you." "He is good, no worries. I was happy when he came to play with us actually. I did not even know he was so good at playing basketball until today. And the hit... well, it was my fault because I was watching you instead of the ball." "Is it still hurting?" Kara glanced at the wound on his forehead. Damon smiled slyly and said in a weak voice, "yes. A lot." Kara saw the mischief in his eyes and narrowed his eyes at him in fake anger. Damon laughed at the cute look on her face, "I love to see your concern towards me. Actually, I think it was good that I got hit by James as because of him you came running towards me. I did not even feel any pain when I saw the concern for me on your face." Kara scrunched her nose in anger at him but smiled a little at his words. "Go freshen up now. I will see you in a bit after taking bath." Kara nodded her head in acceptance and walked away towards her room. When James entered the house, he saw her retreating figure. Damon's gaze fell upon him and he stopped to wait for James to catch up with his walk. "Don't think you have won today. The match is still on." Damon grinned at him slyly, "the move was good but we will finish it someday else." James met Damon's gaze and responded coolly, "you just lost because you were not paying attention." "How can I pay attention to a stupid game when the love of my life was looking at me." Damon laughed out happily but James was burning with anger at his words. Instead of giving him a response, he turned his head down to look at the ground while walking.
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