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Kara was worried about James and Damon when she walked out of the washroom in a bathrobe right after a bath. As soon as she was out, a hand was on her arm, pulling her towards a solid chest. Her eyes shot up to face the person in surprise and found James looking down at her with his eyes admiring her beauty.  "You...?" James smirked and bent down closer to her face, "where else am I going to go?" She twisted her arm to get free of his hold but instead, he pulled her even closer. James' face descended down to her earlobe as he whispered, "how far are you going to run from me in this small room? You are going to find me right next to you each time you try to run in other directions that don't lead you to me, Kara." Kara closed her eyes as she felt his aftershave entering her senses like a long forgotten d**g. The aroma coming from him suddenly made her weak. His hot breath fanned on her neck, making her shiver right before his hand slipped around her waist and then to her back to roam on her skin. "Stop." she moaned, more than coming out as strong. James' face slid from her ear to her mouth, his face tracing the path on her skin with the tip of his nose. "You still feel weak around me." James whispered softly. His finger came to her neck to rub away a drop of water that fell from her messily tied hair, "I am still affecting you so much." Kara's hands slipped to hold the edge of James' shirt in a tight fist as he continued, "how are you going to stay away from me being like this?" His lips slid to her eyes and then cheeks one by one, leaving deep, and wet kisses, and then slipped back to the corner of her lips to leave a lingering, hungry kiss. His rested his forehead on hers, his hand still massaging her back, or rather... seducing her with his touch. Unconsciously Kara brought herself closer to his body in an attempt to close the small, almost non existent distance that remained between them. James kissed her face again, tracing her skin with intense kisses. Her breaths turned heavy as she forgot everything under his touch. "I missed you so much, Kara." James whispered before planting a kiss on her shoulder. His hand slid up to move the bathrobe away from her skin, suddenly bringing Kara back to her senses. "James," her voice shivered with weakness when she begged, "leave me, please." James was nowhere in the senses of leaving her, "Why do you want to leave. Isn't this where you belonged from the very start?" "James... please don't make it difficult for me." she said in a gentle voice, "if anyone saw you in my room, it is going to create chaos." "Then let them see us, damn it." James gritted and tightened his hold on her, his lips almost touching hers, "you are mine, Kara. And Damon has to know everything. If you can not tell him by yourself, then let him see it on his own." "You can't be serious!" Kara looked at him with shock. "I am serious." James murmured, "you still love me and that shows in your every gesture. Same as before..." Kara felt her control over her anger slip away with his each word. The last thing she wanted was to show him her anger that was worst than anything else. She put her hand between them, on his chest, and pushed at him forcefully, "You are out of your mind. I told you. I am not in love with you anymore!" James grinned, "Whom are you even lying to Kara? Trying to convince yourself that it is true?" "If you want to believe that, then so be it. I am not going to try and make you believe my words." Kara gritted in frustration, "but I can not see our family getting destroyed because of this. You may not know anything but Damon has been through hell and back with me to save me. I can not ruin it in one second." James was confused at her words, or rather, he did not even want to hear about Damon from her mouth at all. But Kara continued speaking, "If anyone saw you like this in my room, it is going to ruin the family's name and reputation and it is going to ruin Damon's name for years! After my parents' death, he is the only one that I had constantly by my side. I can not do this to him!" James grabbed her arm as anger surfaced in his heart, "then you are ready to see me like this? Losing my mind with each second you are with him? You are going to stay by his side like this while you are in love with me?!" "I am happy with him, James."  Her words only made him even more furious, "Oh yeah, I can damn well see how much happy you are while being with him!" He pulled her body closer to his own, "Listen here, Kara, I am not in the mood of listening to this nonsense. I want you, and you only by my side! To hell with ever other f*****g thing and reputation and crap. For me it is only you who exists. And about Damon... I can handle him." "You will NOT say anything to him!" Kara snapped. James smiked, "If you are not ready to tell him, then it does not mean I can not as well. I am going to show him the truth, Kara. Truth about you and me." "James.." Kara's voice had turned desperate, "don't do this." James' lips slid to her ear as he whispered, "I have to. I will do anything to win you back." "I am not a f*****g prize that you have to win!" Kara murmured in frustration. "I know that." James' voice turned low, "you are my life that I lost three years ago. And I want my life back." His words left her speechless and worried. Her eyes stared up at him unable to give an answer. She heard a knock on her door, making her instantly petrified at the thought of what was going to happen next.  "Kara..." Rita, James' mom's voice came from outside, "Damon is waiting for you downstairs, baby." "What is going to happen now?!" she panicked. "Go, open the door." James said calmly. "Are you out of your senses?" Kara freaked out in a low voice, "If she saw us locked up in this room together.. what is she going to think?" --------- Please join my p*****n channel and get advanced access to all the chapters.Just search for: p a t r e o n . c o m / k t i s h 7 + I will be releasing a new e*****a (if you have read 'The Ritual' on dreame you would already know the level of wildness my eroticas have) on p*****n Exclusively by the first week of April! Please join in. Thank you!
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