A written consent

2970 Words
Kate’s POV First shot, second shot, third shot I was on the fourth shot of alcohol with the loud music from the bar, blasting my ear but it didn’t do a good job stopping me from thinking. Yes, I was back to the bar. After leaving the house because I couldn’t stand being around Austin. I phoned Brianna and she suggested we crash back at the bar. My life was a disaster. Everything that made me happy always found a way of crumbling down. I wasn’t saying Austin particularly made me happy or anything. I just felt he was the only thing keeping my life together. I had been happy at the fact that I was at least committed to something even though it was 2 years disastrous relationship. “To be honest, I kind of like how he cheated.” Brianna begun while I stared blankly into space, not feeling anything at that point. “At least now you can see how much of an asshole he is” I sucked in air, closing my eyes. Only then did I start feeling the effect of the alcohol I had been consuming. “Why did you bring me to this place?” I turned to look at her. She frowned as she shrugged. “You did say you wanted somewhere you could clear your head” “And you thought about the same club I angrily left. What if Richard is around the corner?” It was useless complaining after already spending about an hour. I didn’t complain when we first got there because I had been too devastated to say a word. I was literally zoned out for the first couple of minutes and when it suddenly hit me, I realized this was the last place I wanted to be in. “f**k Richard” she took a sip from her glass. “I doubt he would still be here anyway.” “You should have taking me to 33 arena or night stay, not kings” She rolled her eyes. “Fine” she leaned closer. “Before we left, When you were having a chat with Richard, one dude winked at me and before I had the chance to meet him or even talk to him, you came back angrily, saying you wanted to leave. I want to see if I can have a chance with him now” she said as her lips curled up in a smile. I sighed, staring back at the counter where my drink had been. The bartender sat behind it, waiting for any of us to say we wanted our shot glasses filled. After taking a huge gulp from my shot cup, I asked the bartender to fill it up. I wanted to get so drunk that I would forget my name. Maybe then would I forget how much my heart ached? Even thinking about it brought tears to my eyes. No, I blinked rapidly. I didn't want to cry. I kept hanging on to the words Brianna said about Austin not worthing my tears. Brianna suddenly grabbed me by my arm and drew nearer to me. “I think I have seen him” she giggled. I slowly turned to look at the man who she had referred to. It was a blonde, average looking person who seemed well off. “Hang in there, I will be right back” she said, squeezing my shoulders tightly. Once again, I rolled my eyes. All that for s*x? How pathetic! I shook my head, focusing on my drink which was half-empty. The effect of the drink was getting to me. I was drunk, but not that drunk to not be aware of my surroundings. My eyes were transfixed on the pattern on the counter when I heard the stool beside me being pulled. A familiar scent hit my nose and I stiffened. I already knew who it was, but to keep my cool, I didn't turn around. “With the way you stormed off hours ago, I didn’t think you would ever come anywhere near this bar again Sunshine” His addictive voice struck my ears and I found my body reacting to it. I was forced to look at him, but I made sure to maintain a strict look on my face to give him the notion that I wanted him to f**k off. Although it was hard to stay angry at someone who had a face as striking as that, I tried my best to blurt out the words “Doesn’t it ruin your reputation for a good looking, rich fellow like you to stalk an average looking lady just because he wants to get into her panties” I shot at him. What I said had no effect on him due to how he smirked and then he chuckled. “I had no idea you know how influential I am. Probably it would make you show a little bit of respect” I scoffed at his arrogance. “My boyfriend cheated on me because I left the house and wasted my time talking to you. Maybe if I was home and not having a useless chat with you, he wouldn’t have” I knew I was saying nonsense at that point, thanks to the effect of the alcohol, but it felt just right. “That has to be the dumbest s**t I have ever heard a lady say” “Believe me, Austin has called me worse” “Your boyfriend?” he asked and I nodded slowly, but not too fast, because I felt my head was going to fall off if I moved it too much. I was aware of how drunk I was, but I still proceeded to taking another shot. A worried look sat on his face when I did that. “I don’t think you should be doing that. You seem alone. Who is going to take you home?” “Don’t act like you care” I bit my lips as I giggled. “I bet you are waiting patiently for me to get drunk so you can take advantage of me. That’s how you men are” I paused taking another gulp from the shot cup which the bartender had filled already. “Austin once had s*x with me while I was asleep because we had a fight and he didn’t know how to ask for s*x, so he just helped himself. I guess that’s his kink. He doesn't care if I moan during s*x anyway” “He seems like a complete asshole” ”Don’t judge him, you seem like a s*x freak too anyway” I leaned closer to him, whispering. “I hate s*x by the way” and then I giggled, inhaling deeply his manly s*x that made my brain knock. “Okay you are drunk,” he confirmed, holding me back to my seat. He was right, I was mad drunk, but it was like the best feeling ever. If I were not drunk, I wouldnt be having a conversation with a stranger I had only seen once on TV. “And you shouldn’t be here alone,” he added again as he looked around. “Where do you stay? I can get my men to drop you off,” he offered, but all I did was shake my head. The last thing I wanted was to go back to my house and be reminded that my boyfriend who I had known for 2 years cheated on me. “I don’t have a house” I lied, smiling at him, resting my head on my palm with my elbow on the counter, but due to how drunk I was, I slipped right off. “That can’t be possible” he frowned at me. I stood up from my seat. It felt like the ground was getting closer the more I tried to walk over to him. I staggered, but I managed to hold his thighs, leading me closer to him. Without thinking, I sat down on his lap and noticed how he stiffened. The distance between us was nothing. Our faces were so close that if I puckered my lips enough we could kiss. I could see the lust in his eyes as he stared at me. Did he want me? How could the almighty Richard Carter feel a thing for me? “Take me to your house” I whispered seductively. His hot breath on my face made me want to have his lips on mine, but before I had the liberty to do that, he held my waist and led me away from his thighs. “You are too drunk to be doing this” his voice had gotten raspier. I chuckled. “Oh common. You said it hours ago. You want me” I paused. “Let me rephrase that. You want my body. I don't want your money. I am giving you….” I raised my dress a bit, exposing my thighs “For free” his eyes traveled from my eyes to my exposed thighs. I could have sworn he swallowed hard. Then he snapped out of it and shook his head. “We need to get you home,” he spoke out. I groaned in frustration. “You are impossible” I scoffed, getting off him, staggering towards the door. “Hey! Where are you going!” he yelled after me, but I didn't give him a response. The moment I got outside, the fresh breeze made me nauseous. I bent to the floor, vomiting the content of my stomach. I was still doing that when someone held my hair from behind to prevent me from puking on it. I raised my head up to see Richard. I shook my head in disbelief. “You don’t want to have s*x with me, but yet you help me. What kind of a man are you?” I asked “Oh don’t get me wrong Sunshine, I want to f**k you so bad, that you’ll learn a lesson for rejecting me in the first place, but not in this state” I smiled bringing my lips between my teeth. “I think I like that” I didn't know why I said that because it was certain I didn't like s*x anyway, but with Richard, I was willing to experiment. “But right now, we need to know where you live” he suddenly added. I was about to speak, but it seemed like the alcohol I took reached its limit in my system and I suddenly fell to the floor. Richard was quick enough to catch me. It felt as though the whole world was spinning. I was conscious, but at the same time, it felt like I wasn't. The only thing I remembered at that point was when Richard picked me up from the floor, flinging me across his shoulder like a bag of corn. Another thing I remembered was opening my eyes to Richard driving while he made a call. I think he informed the police about a missing girl. I didn’t remember most of the things I did or he did, but I was pretty sure I remembered what he said when he laid me down on what seemed like a bed. “Sunshine, the last thing you should try and do is seduce a man like me. There is always going to be a consequence and I’d be damned if I touch you without a written consent” ******* THE NEXT MORNING I tilted to the other side of the soft bed, groaning. I slowly opened my eyes due to the light from the window that attacked them. It didn’t take me any time to realize I wasn’t in my room or my house. I panicked that instant, sitting up from what seemed like a California king-sized bed. I stared at the all white enormous room that screamed luxury until my eyes met with someone dressed in all black seated on a couch, watching me. Due to how scared I was, I flinched, screaming hard, but he didn’t shake. I wasn’t even sure he blinked. He simply kept his blue eyes on me while staring hard with his ever-so-stunning face. All the memories of what happened the previous night came flooding back and I wanted to sink myself into the enormous bed forever. My heart raced the more I thought about what I said and how I even tried to seduce him! Alcohol was a b***h! “You seem sober enough” he let out calmly. His voice still had the ability to make my stomach flip. Something didn’t feel right. My body felt too free and it made me question if I was still wearing my slightly tight dress which I wore to the bar the previous night. I looked under the duvet and I gasped when I realized I was wearing an oversized shirt instead of my dress! With widened eyes, I looked at him. “What the hell did you do?” I shot at him fiercely. “You had s*x with me. I was drunk. How could you take my seductions seriously!” He chuckled dryly. By dryly, I meant, his face didn’t change from casual, but his mouth made the sound. “Are you sore?” he asked bluntly. I frowned at him. “What is that supposed to mean?” “I asked a question. Are you sore?” He repeated. I leaned against the head of the bed, still frowning “No, I am not” “You have your answer,” he let out casually. I scoffed. “That makes no sense. I have never even gotten sore from s*x before” “Sunshine that‘s because a man like me hasn't f****d you” he leaned away from his seat. “If I do, you wouldn’t have the legs to walk back home or the throat to yell at me” I swallowed hard. I didn't know why, but a part of me wanted to taste that kind of s*x. The type which I would feel the effect for more than a day. “Where are my clothes?” I asked, staring around. He pointed at another couch. My blue dress was laid perfectly there. I got out of bed, trying my best to drag the shirt down to cover my thighs as I walked over to my dress on the couch. I grabbed the dress from the couch and turned to him. “Close your eyes” I ordered. He let out a scoff and his eyes darkened. “You have no idea what kind of a man I am Sunshine” He growled. Swallowing hard, I frowned “You are not being a gentleman” “That’s because I am not gentle a bit,” he said as he pointed at the shirt I was wearing. “I changed you into that. I have seen it all. There’s nothing spectacular there to hide” I scoffed. What kind of a difficult man was he? I stood there, racking my head for a way to prevent myself from changing in front of him when I suddenly remembered something. I narrowed my eyes staring at him. “You said something yesterday” I took a step closer. “Written consent” I blurted out. I noticed how his eyes lit up a bit when I said that “Are you interested?” I shook my head. “That makes no sense. You wanted to have s*x with me in the club and then you speak of written consent?” “Staring at you in the club, I was willing to bend my principles for you but ended up being rejected. I am not going to let that happen twice” “What sort of written consent are you talking about?” “The kind were I would have full access to your body and do whatever I please with no restrictions. It will all depend on your tolerance level” “Tolerance to what?” He stood up from his seat and slowly started walking towards me with his eyes not leaving mine. “Extreme s*x. A kind of s*x were we would both reach our breaking points. That is the kind of stuff I am into” I had no idea why I didn't tremble when he said something like that. It sure didn't sound normal, but I found myself being thrilled by him talking about it alone. “And how would I give out a written consent to something I‘m not sure I would like” He walked slowly, circling around me. I couldn't tell why his scent sent fire between my legs. Between my legs_where I wanted him. He stood beside me as he swept my hair from my front to my back and then he trailed his finger from my neck, down my shoulder. I felt Goosebumps that instant as my whole body shook. “Answer me” I let out with great difficulty. “Then I guess I would have to give you an illustration of what that kind of s*x would look like” “Right now?” I felt his hot breath on my neck as he kissed me there and I sucked in air. He whispered. “If that is what you want of course” “Yes,” I blurted out without even thinking. “Yes, what Sunshine?” he pushed further. “Yes, that is what I want” I turned to look at him. My eyes went straight to his inviting lips. “Show me what you mean by extreme s*x Mr Richard,”
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