
Whispers Of Seduction

one-night stand
opposites attract

“You look lovely in that dress Sunshine” he commended and then looked back at me with lust-filled eyes that made my mouth instantly parched. “But you would look more lovely without it. Now get down on your knees” he growled.




Katie Stewart tries her best to stay happy with herself in her two years old relationship. She cherishes Austin, her boyfriend, but she never enjoyed having s*x with him. She sees s*x as overhyped and a waste of time when she is clearly not in a position to judge since she has had only one s*x partner all her life.


All her ideas of s*x change when she meets the famous Richard Carter, the owner of the most successful car company in the whole USA. A man she frequently only saw in a TV commercials until fate brings them together in a bar.


Richard is a man of principle and for him to touch her; he must have her written consent.


With Richard, she experiences s*x in a different way and she comes to the realization that for her to love s*x, there has to be pain involved.


Richard is more drawn to this woman than he had to any other woman in his past, but things get darker when he realizes her craze for pain is more than any masochist he has known. In addition, the more she craves pain, the more he wants to bend to her wish.


It all gets to a point where they both take a pause and Richard realizes his partner might actually need therapy!

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Her liability boyfriend
DISCLAIMER This book contains explicit content and is intended for mature audiences only. Reader discretion is advised. The characters and situations depicted in this story are purely fictional and should not be replicated in real life. Remember, consent is key in all relationships. Enjoy responsibly!" ************* Kate’s POV I am aware of three different types of pain. physical, emotional, and mental. Each pain has its depth and its damages, but imagine a scenario where you couldn’t feel any type of pain anymore, not because you are immune, but because you have gotten so used to them that it now felt normal and somewhat good. Remind me why I was thinking of pain while my boyfriend’s shaft was buried deep inside of me, humping and groaning while I lay like a pillow princess, not feeling anything. Did it matter to Austin if I was having fun? It obviously didn't. In the two years that we had been dating, he had never worried that I wouldn't moan when s*x was supposed to make me do so. It wasn’t as though he was on the small side or he wasn’t trying his best. I just couldn’t feel it. There was something in me that craved something out of the ordinary. Well back to talking about pain. Having such high tolerance for pain was definitely trauma. After living an abusive life all my childhood and finally being sent packing when I was 17, this was something I was bound to be used to. After leaving my abusive stepmother and my absentee father, I first struggled, but I quickly found my stance. I was now 21 years old, yet I was still traumatised. My life was really miserable. I did my best to hide it, but I was a walking ball of grief. “Oh…. Oh, my God I am cu…. Cumming” Austin groaned as he fastened his pace. I only started feeling the s*x when he did that, but it was too short for me to achieve an orgasm. He shook as he offloaded his seed in the condom he had on and then collapsed beside me. “That was awesome” he breathed out, leaning towards me and then kissed me. “Did you c*m?” he asked already exhausted. I smiled at him. “Of course I did,” I lied, standing up to get my clothes which had been littered on the floor. “It didn't show Kate,” he said, looking at me with disbelief. I rolled my eyes at him while I slipped on my dress which had earlier been tossed to the floor. “I told you I wasn’t a moaner Austin” He shrugged. “I haven’t seen a type like you before honestly,” he said turning to the other side of the bed, closing his eyes, ready to sleep. I remained silent. I simply grabbed my bag and headed out. Austin didn't ask me where I was going so late. Almost as though he didn't care. It wasn't as if I had another flat to go. We lived in the same flat together. Although I paid for the flat with my own money, we both owned it. Despite the fact that Austin made no financial contributions to the house, he made sure the paperwork were in both of our names. “When are you coming back?” He asked dryly through his sleep. “Maybe tomorrow,” I said while opening the door, and then I left. I had to meet up with Brianna, my best friend for a girl’s night. I sure needed a break from all the work throughout the week. It was so hard to meet up to three jobs a week, trying to feed not just only me, but your liability boyfriend who wouldn’t lift a finger to help. Brianna hated him. She felt I was doing too much for him when he wasn’t even trying. I wondered how she was going to react if I told her I never for once had an orgasm from him. She would literally lose her mind. After seeing her text telling me to meet her at King's Bar, I hailed a cab. I always looked forward to having girl's night during the week. It helped me realise that I might not be completely out of control. I occasionally needed a break—not just from Austin, but also from the utter desolation my heart had been subdued in. On getting to King’s bar, I paid the cabman and went straight in. This was bigger than what we normally used for our girl’s night. It was one of the best clubs in Los Angeles. I wondered what Brianna had in mind when she chose this. I attempted to put Brianna on call as I was standing inside the bar's expansive area where soft music was playing, but I noticed a pale hand waving back at me. She was right by the corner. I put my phone down and moved in her direction. She grinned broadly as her green eyes scanned me from top to bottom. “And the babysitter is finally here” She cheered. I was forced to roll my eyes. The amount of times she had called me that was unhealthy. I leaned closer to her, frowning. “I told you already, stop calling that,” I said even though I knew for a fact I was simply talking to myself. I knew my best friend and she was going to do it again. “Well that is what you get since you have chosen to babysit a full-grown man Kate” she shot at me. I sighed, resting my back against my chair. “I am not babysitting Austin. How long do I have to tell you before you finally realize that?” She counted with her fingers as she spoke. “You work 3 jobs a week, you feed him. You f*****g bought the apartment you two are staying in currently and all he does is sit home like the f*****g house husband that he is” The last part made me chuckle. “Just ditch him already. What do you get from him anyway? Good s*x and back pats?” Even the s*x wasn’t good! I wanted to scream that loud so bad because I felt so suffocated, but I restrained myself for sanity's sake. “I am done with this conversation,” I said grabbing the cocktail she had ordered for the both of us and taking a sip from it. “Of course you are. You never want to talk about it. It’s f*****g tiresome” Brianna sighed as she leaned back on her chair, using her eyes to scour through the crowd. I already knew what she was doing. She was in search of an easy person she could just wink at and have him in her bed that night. I wondered what was so good about s*x that she loved so much. I simply saw it as overhyped and a waste of time and energy. Brianna’s head suddenly snapped to me as her eyes widened. She leaned closer, grabbing my hands. “Have you seen that commercial about Freda’s Inc. on TV. It comes right after that drag queen show,” she asked in desperation, looking like who would pass out if I told her I hadn’t seen it. I frowned in confusion. “What is this all about?” I had seen the commercial. Richard Carter, the owner of the company was in it. One of the most successful car companies in not just the whole USA, but I could say the whole world. “Don’t look until I tell you to,” she said slowly, still glancing around like a culprit. “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked, yanking my hands from her grip. She was creeping me out. She leaned even closer and then she whispered. “Richard Carter is beside you in the VIP section” The moment she said that, my neck lost control and I turned to confirm what she was saying. Before I even had the chance to see him, she grabbed my chin forcefully, rotating my head back to look at her. “I said don’t f*****g look until I tell you to!” she yelled at me. I sighed, already exhausted by her overreaction. “And what is the big deal?” I asked, folding my arms. “We don’t want him to know we are looking at him” I chuckled. “That guy is a f*****g billionaire. Who says he would be concerned if two ladies stare at him in a club” She thought for a while and then she shrugged. “That’s true though” Shaking my head with a sigh, I finally turned to look. I'm not sure why, but just by giving him a quick glance, my heart began to race. We locked gazes. He narrowed his eyes and gave me a hard-to-decipher look when a normal person would have turned away. I wouldn't classify myself as normal either because I also was unable to quit gazing. His piercing gaze that possessed a hint of intrigue and danger had me on hold He looked heavenly. With the most perfectly sculpted face, healthy brunette hair, and sexy ocean-deep eyes. His alluring perfection blew me right away. Alongside his magnetic gaze that made my mouth run dry. His blue eyes held a lot of profundity and I loved how they were on me. He also possessed a sort of rugged charm, making him absolutely irresistible. His onyx-black hair complemented his slightly pale skin, giving him a unique look His broad shoulders and wide frame gave him a sort of virile look. He was the type of man that would make any lady drool. Way more handsome in real life even though he was drop-dead gorgeous in the commercial. Brianna turned my chin once again. She had a disbelieved look in her eyes. “You are f*****g overdoing it!” she yelled at me. “I seriously don’t see the hype. He is just a regular guy,” I said even though I knew deep down that it was a lie. That man was nothing close to regular. Even thinking about him sent fire through my skin. “Regular!” Brianna's eyes widened. “You consider a man like Richard to be regular? We should be thankful to the heavens that we are in the same bar with him. Do you know how many girls would kill to be us?” “He is never going to look our way, so forget about it,” I said to her and she rolled her eyes. “You are difficult,” she commented, taking a sip from her own cocktail. I also had my glass in my hand, resisting the urge to look at the fine man one last time. I knew I was going to be busted if Brianna figured I fancied the same person I called regular. Minutes later, I decided to forget about him and just focus on the ladies' night we were meant to have. “How are things with you and Hardin?” I asked. Brianna was about to speak, but her eyes remained transfixed behind me. It didn’t take long for me to realize there was someone beside me. I turned to look at the bald-headed masculine man dressed in a suit and dark shades. He leaned closer to me and whispered. “My boss wants to see you,” he said in a gravelly, dangerous voice. I looked at Brianna who seemed confused and the man who had just passed the information. “And who is your boss?” I asked, watching as he casually pointed in the direction of Richard Carter. My heart skipped. He was looking at me again with those sexy absolutely flirty eyes. My heart raced as I gulped. What did he want from me? “What does he want?” I asked turning back to the man. “Are you coming or not” he seemed impatient as he asked. I scoffed at the Audacity. I turned back to look at Brianna. “No” I replied plainly, hoping he would take his rudeness somewhere else. Brianna had her eyes broadened, staring at me like I had lost my mind, but I didn't give in. I was stunned the man was still there. Did he not hear when I said no. “I can't leave until you come with me. My boss said to make sure of that” He said more softly this time. Probably he hoped I would have a change of mind. Brianna kicked me from under the table giving me a gesture that I better get my ass up from the chair. I groaned in frustration, looking at Richard who surprisingly still had his eyes on me. “Fine” I let out already pissed and then I stood up. “I will be right back,” I said to Brianna She smiled at me, immediately giving me a thumbs up. I stood up, following the man who walked in front, leading me to the VIP section to Richard who wouldn’t take his intense gaze off me. I didn’t know why his gaze had so much effect on me. It restricted my movement a lot, making my knee wobble. How could a man I had never met have so much effect on me? The guard stepped aside when we got to the VIP section and I was faced with Richard Carter. It took me a while to realize I was nervously clutching the hem of my dress. He surely noticed his effect on me and that made him smirk in satisfaction. “Have a seat I don’t bite” His voice rolled out of his lips like sweet honey. That deep husky voice made me breathe out sharply. How could someone be so perfect? I thought to myself. Even though he offered a seat, I didn’t give in. “What do you want?” I asked firmly, trying to give him the notion that I wasn’t affected by his looks, which I was. He still had that grin of mischief on his face as he leaned back on his seat. “Your name?” “I don't owe you that” He chuckled dryly, pausing to think for a while, and then he spoke “Sunshine then. Suits you perfectly” I rolled my eyes at him. Did he just give me a nickname when he barely even knew me? I was still pissed with the way he flaunted his ego, telling his guard to fetch me while he waited like the king he wasn't. That was the reason I was acting so cranky towards him. I folded my arms across my chest. “Is that what you want? Just my name?” “Well you don’t look friendly, so there is no need to beat around the bush” he leaned forward, scanning my body lustfully. “I want you. Name your price… any price” Astonishment washed through me when he said that. Was he being serious right now? I did have a feeling that this wasn’t going to end well, but I still decided to follow the stupid guard. “I am not a w***e” I shot at him angrily. “And no one is calling you that Sunshine. It is a simple offer. Name your…” I cut him short before he could say anything further. “I have a boyfriend. I think that brings an end to this conversation” “No one cuts me short Sunshine” he let out calmly, but firm enough to have his message passed. “stop calling me that!” I yelled at him and he was taken aback. He probably didn’t expect this type of reaction from me. He suddenly smirked, giving me the notion that he didn’t care about my wrath. “hmmm feisty… I like that” he remarked and paused for a while. “With respect to your boyfriend, how much would he take for me to have you in my bed tonight” The arrogance made me mad. The audacity made me want to slap him hard across the face. How dare he? I glared hard at him. “You are f*****g disgusting! I shouldn’t have followed your stupid guard for you to say rubbish to me. Have a good day Mr Fredo!” I shot at him, walking out of the VIP section. I was wrong when I said he was perfect. Physically he was, but mentally, he seemed unstable. Did he think he could approach just any girl and have her on his bed just because he had the looks and the money? I got back to my chair and grabbed my bag. “I am leaving,” I announced to Brianna. Her eyes widened when I said that. She grabbed her bag too and followed me. “Hey, Kate wait up! What the f**k happened!” she yelled. I only stopped walking when I got outside the bar. Then I turned to look at her. “He has a stupid arrogance that I don’t like,” I pointed at her angrily. “Well, he is Richard. Of course, he is allowed to have arrogance” she sighed. “What the hell did he say to you?” “He wants to sleep with me” I shot at her. Her eyes widened. “How much was he going to pay?” I sighed in frustration. Brianna just had to be Brianna. I was not in the mood for that. I turned to leave. “Hey!” she yelled out, running after me. “Fine, he is an asshole. Can we go back and continue with our lady's night?” She yelled after me, but I simply shook my head, walking away and stopping the first cab I could find. I would see her later, but at that point, I wasn’t in the mood for a lady's night anymore. I took a cab home. The reason I went home was not just because of anger, but because I didn’t think staying in a club after rejecting a man like Richard would be safe. He was very powerful and heaven knew what he was capable of doing. I got home at exactly 9 pm although I had told Austin I wasn’t going to be home until the next day. I planned to crash at Brianna’s place that night. On getting to the house, I switched on all the lights and started making my way to the room. I stopped dead on track when I heard the sound of moaning coming from the bedroom. My heart skipped. That moan surely belonged to a girl. I hastened my footstep as my heart raced. I kept praying it wasn’t what I thought it was. I flung the bedroom door open and my heart dropped. My legs failed me as my mouth suddenly became parched. My beloved boyfriend Austin was pushing his length into another girl. They were too caught up in the moment to know when I entered. “Au…. Austin!” I yelled out as tears gathered in my eyes. He jumped up almost immediately. His eyes widened the moment he saw me. The girl grabbed a blanket to cover her nakedness with fear in her eyes. “Babe this is not what it looks like” He tried to explain. Tears went down my cheeks. “Not what it looks like? Not what it looks like? And you are f*****g another girl!” I screamed at him like a crazy person. “I’m… I’m sorry Kate. I… don’t… please…” he tried to apologize getting up from the bed to get to me. “No” I sucked in air as I shook. In anger, I blurted out. “WE ARE DONE!”

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