Chapter 7

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LUKE'S POV(wolf) My lips still tingled from the kiss that I had shared with Mary. It was pretty chaste but it was from my mate which made it even more special. Max was yet to take back control but I could feel his presence ,he was gauging the woods full of apprehension.I was sure no one would jump out and try to ambush us considering we had four more hours to go before out time run out. We would probably meet with border patrol, but the most they would do was probably be hostile but they wouldn't go against the pack leader orders. We were completely free to indulge in a fantasy where our mate had accepted us and she had just bid us goodbye. Mary had not rejected us but Ruby had. The human part of a wolf had more power, especially in such decision-making, considering one could forever live without their wolf but living in your wolf form or the wolf being the only one active had dire consequences.The fact that we had both been separated from our mates couldn't help but have me worried as we had true mates and it was known that they never separated most even mating the minute they found each other. There were herbal teas that could help one soothe the pain of the mate bond due to separation, but my situation as a lone ranger was not going to help my case. I could hide my omega status and my wolf but I couldn't hide the bond pains. "Did you forget the heats?" Max commented out of the blue. "We just graduated from first base less than two hours ago for gods sake," I responded while groaning, "Technically, only me but you get my point.One win for Luke, Zero for Max," I whistled happily. " Not if you die before that you fool," Max retorted. I laughed into the night, knowing how easy it was to get under Max's skin. He was coming around and the fact that we could joke about our predicament was a good sign. My biggest fear was Max withdrawing completely. He was naturally a softie,shy and a people pleaser. His world came crashing down tonight with all the pillars of his life crumbling one after the other. His future,his love life and his parents.He had completely lost everything and was probably reeling from the shock of it. I was his wolf but also a friend he could lean on. I wished he could talk to me but that would be hypocritical as I was also silent about what I was feeling and the discovery I had made. I hated hiding things from him. "Why are we headed to the forest Luke? I don't have an alternative destination but why did you pick it?" Max quietly asked "To be honest something in the forest calls to me. I feel that we will be safest heading there,it will take us a couple of days. You can rest up and sort through your feelings and thoughts. I know you have not fully processed everything that has happened. I haven't either but am coping better.You can come out during feeding times, when thirsty,actually anytime you feel like it but don't feel pressured to," I responded. I was yet to tell Max about my reincarnation and how it was tied to the present circumstances. I tried thinking of ways I could breach the topic to him without wierding him out or making him feel like I was not being serious about it. I had nothing and no one to back up my claim. The closest was Mary but she had a memory block which I was yet to understand what had caused it. Another thing that made me hesitate was that Max would blame himself over me not presenting as an Alpha. He would single out that he was the problem, but that was not the case,this was the Moon Goddess's doing. Max was more stubborn than a mule when he held onto a belief.I didn't want to take any chances with how delicate everything was. I slowly came to the realisation that I loved myself and my new wolf form. It was different but nice regardless. It would take time adjusting but having your wolf was a gift and I couldn't be grateful enough for it. Seeing signs of dawn, I sped up,having some few kilometers left to cover before I completely left my previous pack lands behind and got to no mans land which was primarily occupied by rogues. This was going to be my last opportunity to be in my wolf form for a very long time. Shifting from now on was going to be a luxury I couldn't afford. I would completely savour the remaining few hours. MAX'S POV Feelings of self hate tangled up with thoughts of hating my wolf were what completely occupied me. If Luke thought he was doing me a favour asking me to rest leaving me to my thoughts, he was wrong. I was a prisoner to my thoughts,completely tortured and couldn't help but think I was doomed. I was lonely before and with few acquaintances as my life had been completely occupied with training and being groomed for my future role in the pack.. As for my family we were not close. Now I completely had no one. Bantering with Luke was like talking to myself it made little to no difference. I didn't share in the enthusiasm Luke had. I loved him so much, don't get me wrong but I never felt like I was the perfect human companion for him. We were polar opposites, he was an inborn leader,him taking charge during this situation being a perfect example while I cowered away in fear. Talking to Luke once in a while was an escape from my destructive thoughts. The love struck i***t still heart eyed I couldn't help but worry we would attract the attention of a wild animal with how little he paid mind to our surroundings. I would have been no better either way,would have probably walked straight into a tree or right into a bear's den. Whatever guided him to go to the forest we would work with it. Wolf instinct was never wrong. These were our last days either way,if he had decided to sail through the seas I would not have stopped him either. We were living on borrowed time, the sand in the hour glass trickling quickly. We had covered more ground in wolf form than we would have in human form. For a fur colour that contrasted so strongly with the surroundings it was very risky to be running in this form but with the few hours we had been granted to be out of the pack land we had to make due. I just hoped there was some light at the end of our tunnel. I desperately needed it.
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