Chapter 27

1070 Words

RUBY'S POV Everyone around me was giving me wary looks. Asana had her head down,her husband gave a worried but encouraging look, Timothy was the one who was way worse than everyone else.His leg was bouncing from nervousness while he tried to look everywhere but me. I had expected Darius to have told Michael about the delicateness of my mate issue but that did not seem like the case. “My mate did not escape but was actually chased away from the pack,’’ Michael gave me an impatient stare when I paused my statement. “He presented as something we are not used to,” I continued, trying to ease him into the shock that he was going to get. “My mate is an omega,” I finished off. I would have found Michael's reaction comical if I hadn't been ready to throw up because of how anxious I was, his

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