Secrets & Mystery

849 Words
Stella – POV "Take a seat, my dear," Mom said, guiding me to a chair. My eyes were fixed on Dad. "We took you in when your parents passed away, Stella. We couldn't have children, so we ensured you grew up surrounded by love. We love you as if you were our own," Dad said. "Why didn't you tell me the truth about my parents? I need to know," I said, wiping tears. "I was scared that if we told you the truth, you might never come to see us again," Mom replied. "Your parents were our neighbors and close friends; your mother was Lily. She was a sweet woman, a housewife. Your dad, Finn, worked as a police officer. They went to visit your grandma and left you with us. On their way back, they were in a car accident and didn't make it." I felt my heart clench with sorrow at her words. The truth weighed heavily in the air, and more tears streamed down my face. Taking a deep breath, I met the gaze of my adoptive parents. "Why did you decide to kill my unborn?" I asked. "You both had no right." "We believed it would be too difficult for you to bring a child into the world and be a single mother," Dad said. "Still, you had no right to bribe the doctor and try to hurt my child. I'm not staying here. I'm going back to New York," I said, then walked to my room. "I'm sorry, Stella. I shouldn't have done that," Dad said. But I didn't care. I quickly packed my clothes into a backpack, placed the bag in the car's trunk, and started the engine. Dad tried to stop me, and Mom pleaded for forgiveness, but I felt unsafe with them. "Please, let me go," I begged. "I'm grateful for how you took me in and cared for me, but what you did—trying to harm my child—has made me feel like I can't trust you or be safe around you anymore. I'm sorry." I got into the car and drove off onto the snowy road. My mind raced. What if I found Kellan? I needed to ask him why he abandoned me. Perhaps I could stay in Alaska and search for answers. Julie, my only trustworthy and dear friend, had been abducted, leaving me even more isolated. I decided to find a motel for shelter. I'd search for Kellan and confront him about why he left me in such pain and darkness. I drove to a nearby motel. As I walked to my room, an attendant brought my luggage. Once inside, I took several deep breaths, washed my face, and settled onto the couch. I contemplated returning to that forest to find Kellan and get his answers. Then I wondered how he knew I was pregnant. Could he be watching me? If he's monitoring me, maybe I should put myself in a situation that makes it look like I'm in danger of drawing him out. I planned to stroll at night in a secluded area. But it would be reckless to put both myself and my unborn child at risk. Lying on the bed, I let out a frustrated sigh. Another idea came to mind: returning to the forest to see if the mysterious part still exists. If I didn't find Kellan, maybe I'd resort to a riskier tactic. It was decided. I freshened up, dressed, and drove to the forest since it was still afternoon, not yet dark. As I approached, officers were on the scene and advised me to turn around, declaring the dense forest off-limits due to two recent disappearances. Disappointed, I redirected my car toward the motel. Midway, I detoured to the supermarket for snacks, having not eaten all day. Maybe I'd find Kellan there, possibly buy some groceries for him. I stumbled as I shopped and simultaneously searched my phone for a discreet local hospital. A strong hand caught me. "Are you alright, Ms.?" I looked up into his unique amber eyes of a handsome man and nodded. The man before me was strikingly handsome, with brown hair and a chiseled jawline. It was difficult to look away, and I noticed others in the store stealing glances his way, too. "I'm okay, thank you," I said. "Call me Kayden," he responded with a warm smile. "I'm Stella." "Nice to meet you. Are you from Alaska?" Kayden inquired. "Born and raised. It seems you're not a local?" "I'm not. I'm from New York and am here on a solo trip," he replied as we moved to the checkout. "May I ask a favor? Would you mind showing me around? I know we're strangers, and I don't want to impose, but—" "I'd be happy to show you around. I recently moved back to Alaska from New York myself." It was odd; I felt an inexplicable comfort around Kayden, even though we'd just met. After shopping, I returned to the motel and was startled to find a silhouette sitting on the couch.
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