Foul Play

1090 Words
Stella – POV "Kellan had been forced to leave the Pack after failing to find a mate, tragically resulting in him losing his Lycan wolf. "When Lycans lose their wolf, they can't stay with the Pack. So Kellan sought refuge among humans," Damon explained, his voice heavy with regret. "But why is my friend Julie here? She's a human," I asked, a trace of confusion clear in my tone. "Julie is different. She's mated with my Beta, Dexter," Damon replied, his gaze unwavering. "Since she's bonded with a Lycan, the rules allow her to stay." I processed this information, my brow furrowing in thought. "So, since Kellan and I married, does that mean I wasn't his true mate? That he never found his Lycan wolf?" Damon's gaze deepened. "No, he never found his Lycan wolf. Based on that, I would presume you weren't his destined mate." The weight of his words hung between us for a moment before another question nagged at me. "How did you know about my pregnancy? And that you'd even ask the doctor to tell the truth to me before he did harm to my child. Were you watching over me?" I demanded. Damon shifted uncomfortably, a flash of annoyance crossing his face. Yet, behind my barrage of questions, I was desperate for the truth. "I suspect foul play in Kellan's death," Damon began, his voice heavy with emotion. "My enemies intended to target me, mistaking my younger brother for me. I frequently travel to London, whereas Kellan rarely does. But it seems my as-yet unidentified enemies eliminated Kellan. They administered a lethal dose of Wolfsbane before orchestrating the car crash to make his death appear accidental." I felt a sharp pang in my chest, my throat constricting with emotion. Tears streamed down my face, and the realization of the danger and tragedy Kellan had faced was overwhelming. Damon shot me a sympathetic glance, passing me a tissue as my sobs filled the room. Once I collected myself, he continued, "After hearing about Kellan's demise, I stationed a spy to watch over you for your safety. When you entered the forest, my informant alerted me. Kellan often spoke of you over the phone and even sent me photos from your wedding. I didn't take long to connect the dots and recognize you as my sister-in-law." I took a deep breath and replied, "Thank you for sharing everything and helping me uncover the truth about my pregnancy." Damon looked genuinely concerned. "You seem exhausted. I've prepared a guest room for you in this mansion. You should rest." "I could return to the motel and then head to New York. I believe I'd be safer there," I countered. Damon's expression turned stern, his voice authoritative. "You're not safe anywhere else. Given that you're carrying my brother's child, I cannot and will not allow you to leave the Lycan Pack." Proofread and extended version: "I refuse to stay, and you have no right to order me around," I declared, determination evident in my eyes. "I don't appreciate you bossing me around. While I'm thankful for your help, I prefer to be among humans, not... creatures." "Until the threat is neutralized, you're not setting foot outside my Pack. That's final," Damon retorted, his voice echoing with finality as he strode down the hallway. Anger bubbled within me. Instead of following the maid who meant to show me to my room, I defiantly walked out of the manor. As I ventured out, many eyes turned to watch me. The Pack's territory was vast, and I quickly realized I didn't know the exit. The surrounding town seemed foreign and overwhelming, and I felt as vulnerable as a mouse in a lion's den. My initial anger and drive to escape waned, replaced by growing unease. The murmurs of the townsfolk and their judgmental gazes only added to my discomfort. "Stella!" A familiar voice called out. Turning, relief washed over me as I saw Julie, shopping bags in hand. Notably, two security guards and a couple of men were tailing her. The townsfolk regarded Julie with the same demeaning look they had given me, as though we were beneath them. "What are you doing out here all alone?" Julie asked, sensing my distress. She took my hand firmly, leading me away from the prying eyes. We quickly arrived at another impressive mansion near Damon's residence. Julie instructed the security guards to stand down as we entered the peaceful surroundings of a pavilion. She offered me tea, the warm beverage acting as a balm for my frayed nerves. "What were you thinking, Stella? Didn't Alpha Damon explicitly tell you to remain within the Pack's borders?" Julie questioned, her eyes searching mine for answers. I met her gaze defiantly. "I don't want to stay here. And it would be best if you came home with me. Your parents are worried sick." Julie sighed deeply, her shoulders drooping. "I know," she said, a touch of sadness in her voice. "I want to go home, but my mate is insistent. He says there's imminent danger outside the Lycan Pack, both for the Lycans and their mates." Recollections flashed before my eyes: the car that had trailed us when Damon escorted me to the Pack and the man who had tried to strangle me. A chill ran down my spine. Perhaps I was being hasty and naïve. For the sake of my unborn child and my safety, it might be wise to suppress my urge to flee and not act solely on emotions. "I guess I'll stay," I conceded, feeling a mix of resignation and hope. "But we're returning home as soon as it's safe." Julie's face lit up with a reassuring smile. "I've heard you're expecting," Julie remarked, her smile bright and eyes twinkling. I nodded in confirmation. Julie explained she learned of my pregnancy from Alpha Damon. Apparently, he had visited the Pack with Dexter to inspect the surrounding areas and asked Julie to be there for me. A nagging memory resurfaced, and I felt compelled to address it. "Julie, when you were supposedly missing, I ventured into the forest after hearing your voice crying out for help. Was that you?" Julie's eyes widened in surprise. "No, I haven't ventured into the dense forest since the night I found Dexter as my mate," she replied earnestly. Chills ran down my spine as I pondered the implications. If it wasn't Julie, who or what had mimicked her voice, drawing me deeper into that enchanting yet potentially perilous forest?
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