Ep 11: Honk Once for Yes, Honk Twice for No

2366 Words

Sania’s POV . I forgot that humans and apparently, elves too, can’t understand what I am saying in my swan form. I must have quacked like crazy–no, that’s not the voice ducks make, right? According to this gorgeous man with skin as dark as midnight, crystal blue eyes, and pointy ears, I honked. There is no way of hearing how I sound as a swan, because all I have been hearing is my own voice cursing at the handsome elf harshly. I call him a lot of animal names, even naming half of the animals in the garden pond. He drops me between two big roots of an oak tree and corners me there with his large body. He is blocking the rising sun from my eyes and for just a sliver of a second; I feel drawn to those clear marine eyes. They are almost the exact shade of the sky above us, just a tad bit

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