Ep 50: You, My Punishment (1)

1980 Words

Darilus’s POV . The more I find out about her, the more she makes me curious. And a bit frustrated. Just today, I have three burning questions for her. First, the language; how did she learn it? Then, how she is able to send visions back to Anita. But instead of asking those, I ask the one question I cannot hold back for even one second. “Were you in love with him too?” I wanted to apologize for what I said before. It was stupid and very irresponsible for me to say that it might be the underage girl’s fault. What was I thinking? Children are supposed to be guided and not blamed when they make poor choices because they didn’t know any better. Goddess. More than two hundred years of living and I can still say words without thinking things through. I am ashamed of myself. When I realize

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