Ep 51: You, My Punishment (2)

1949 Words

Sania’s POV . He doesn’t understand. He doesn’t see that I am not a whole person. He can’t see the cr.acks and splinters that I hide underneath this stony mask.   He is too far in the light to be able to understand someone who has sunken deep into the darkness. I don’t deserve a mate like him. Even when I never ask for one. And that is my punishment. The Goddess is giving me someone too perfect that I am afraid if I touch him, I will taint him with my darkness. . . Darilus’s POV . “Darilus… I thought I did… I don’t know. It’s all confusing. I guess I was attracted to him, to his darkness at one point.“ She scoffs, weakly, in a sad timbre. “This is me as the White Witch, Darilus. When one has lived too long in darkness, you… you see things differently. I saw a different sid

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