The turmoil

1546 Words
Khushi's POV: " you are really lucky to have such a lovely husband. I had known him only for about six months. Even at that time, He always speaks about you. Khushi did that, she's like this . That guy is so in love with you. " Niyati said , making me blush. " Thanks. I know. I am not lucky but blessed. He's my everything likewise. I can't imagine my life without him." I replied. Then we both sat in silence. " so how long are you and Mr. Puneet Randhawa married?" I asked her. " it's been two years. Ours was arranged marriage. " She replied without any real enthusiasm.  Before I could ask her more, " Khushi, come let's go." Vikram appeared in front of me. He looks angry like a raging bull. " Vicky, please . Let me explain. " my di came running towards us. She panted as if she ran a marathon.  " just stop. Don't you utter any word. How could you, Priya?" Vikram asked her and she looks down.  Now I am confused. What the hell has happened inside? What did di do wrong? As I ponder on what went wrong, I felt myself being dragged by Vikram. Di followed us and caught hold of my other hand. Seriously? " Vicky, you're not in right state of mind. So, let me take Khushi and I will explain everything to you and her tomorrow." Di said almost pleading him. " no" He yanked her hand from mine and tries to push me inside the car . "NO...No...let me explain." Di pleaded again. By now,We are in the middle of the parking lot. "I don't want to hear your explanation." Vikram yells . He then looks behind and notice Mr.Randhawa walking towards us with blood dripping from his mouth. This makes him explode. "I swear it's nothing but a small mistake." di starts but Vikram cuts her off. " small mistake, huh? That guy was speaking about my wife. MY WIFE" He shouted . Trying to control himself, he hold my hand tighter. "just leave, Priya." Vikram says through clench teeth. I stares at him. I have never seen him so mad and di so dejected. Her face is red and tears are stinging at her eyes. what the hell happened between them inside? 'I got to make this right.' I slowly walks up to di trying to talk with her but Vikram pushes her back that she almost stumbles to the floor. " what the hell, Vikram? " I shouted and rushed towards my di to make sure she's fine. "Khushi Come here before I do something bad." Vikram hollers, clenching his fists. This make me jump as I knew he is serious. Di looks at me and hugged me. I stood in the middle . " Just go. I will sort it out. " She whispered in my ear. She then grabs her things and before Vikram and Me walk away , she says looking straight into Vikram eyes, "You just need to hear me out." We both drove to home in silence. I don't want to argue with him in this situation. To be honest, I am a bit scared of him. I am equally mad at him for what happened earlier. " Khushi , I am sorr" I didn't let him finish, " sorry for what? For pushing my di. Seeing Mr.Randhawa's face, I believe you punched him. Why? You know how much I love my di and how much she means to me. Just don't talk." I snapped at him. He was taken aback. Before he could say anymore, " Mummy!" Vishal and Virat came running to me. Both started to complain about eachother. Vikram tried to talk with me but I ignored him and went inside to see Arohi. " Khushi, Vicky why do you come early? I told you I will take care of my grandchildren." " I got headache , mummyji. So only, we got returned early. Now I am well." I said while taking Arohi from her. She then left to her room.  I walked to our room leaving Vikram and the boys behind. I feed Arohi and put her to sleep . Then I thought about the incident that happened a while ago. Soon Vikram entered along with Virat and Vishal. Vikram sat on the other side of bed while looking at me longingly. " mummy , please talk with daddy. " Vishal took my arm and placed it on top of Vikram's hand. " you too, daddy" Virat patted Vikram's shoulder and they both walked out ,locking our room from outside. I took a deep breath and looked away. Light fingers touched me under my chin, and I looked up to meet the blazing brown eyes of my husband. He scooted over and hugged me tightly.  " you don't know how much you means to me,Khushi. I can't let anyone take you away from me. You don't know how I felt when that Puneet spoke about how he lived a life with you in his dream. Priya tried to find someother guy for you . She found Puneet suitable for you. How can I stay sane after hearing all that? You tell me. I am sorry for pushing Priya but please don't be mad at me." He said in a soft voice.  Does my di really did that? How come I didn't get to know about it?  " it's ok. I am here with you . That's all matters. I love you. Nobody can take me away from you. I am forever yours. Yours only. " I cupped his cheeks and kissed his forehead. Rahul's POV: " did you see Priya?" I asked everyone I encountered in the party. But nobody knows where she left. As I came out, I spotted Priya in a garden outside the hotel. Priya leans onto the car and slides down very slowly tears running down her face. I looked at Puneet and his wife who now surrounded my wife. I rushed towards Priya and hugged her. " Vicky knows. He took Khushi away from me." She sobbed. But how? " Sorry, Mr.Verma. My drunk husband let it slip out accidently. " Niyati apologized sincerely.  Mr.Randhawa has bruised lips.I just send them away and took Priya with me. All the way she kept blabbering about the same incident.  I feel bad for her. Poor Khushi. By the time, we reached home , my kids are fast asleep.  I consoled Priya saying she can talk with Vikram and Khushi tomorrow. I thought it will be easy to solve the problem. But no. Vikram overreacts and literally made it impossible to meet Khushi despite Rani and Vijay's words. He even appointed guards to prevent Priya from seeing her.Also her whereabouts. Khushi being stubborn and rebellious , did came out but only to be caught by Vikram.He accompanied her to her office and works from there. Priya's POV: By Friday, I become very concerned. Vikram has managed to prevent me from seeing Khushi, the entire week. I am becoming paranoid. Stepping out of the car, I took a deep breath and took in a lot of air. I need to set everything right. For that to happen, I have to see Khushi and explain. I entered the rather large building and went straight to the automatic doors. Then, as I walked in, two security guards stopped me. "Ma'am, your ID please" One of them asked kindly. Uh oh. I smiled nervously. "I don't have one. I'm here to see Khushi Malhotra." The other, much larger guard, frowned. "I'm really sorry ma'am, but you have to make an appointment." Hmmm. In fairness, he did sound sincere. But hey! Khushi really is here! "But you don't understand! I have to see her." I tried reasoning. Some of the people in the lobby were already looking at the starting commotion. "Like I said; no appointment, no entry. You need to call the secretary and then the access pass will be mailed to you." I'm starting to get irritated. I changed the tone of my voice. "Do you know who I am?" I tried to sound important and such. The two guards shook their heads. "I'm Khushi's sister." I declared. Both are a little surprised, but they remained in front of me. "Then you are not allowed in,Ma'am. strict order from boss. You need an access pass, Ma'am." I groaned. "Please? Just call her office or something. Then tell her that her sister is looking for her." "Our boss is a very busy person. No one is allowed to disturb her. No one is even allowed to go inside her office room except her secretary." He patiently explained. "So ma'am, I'm going to have to ask you to leave right now. Because if you don't, we have no other choice but to force you out." The other one said. I silently cursed. Then I looked at them intensely. "If I force my way in, will you shoot me?" I boldly asked. I didn't give them enough time to think though, because a second later, I pushed in between them and ran for the lifts. I really hope they don't catch me.
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