The Party

995 Words
Rani's POV: This is the huge and extravagant party that I've ever been. A Paris Hilton's hotel. Luxurious cars are paraded outside. Men on their best Suits, Women carries their self under their expensive dresses. " This would be the Party of the Year though! " I stated when we got out from the Limo. " Indeed sweetheart. And I want you to meet some of my business partners inside " Vijay said excitingly and started to walked inside the venue. " how boring you sound , Vijay? What am I going to do by meeting them?" I replied . " Khushi, please dont leave her okay? If you want to enjoy the party its fine as long as you two are together. Last time, She got into a tussle with a lady." Vijay instructed Khushi ignoring me before walking inside. I huffed. That was not my fault. That lady was high on alcohol and verbally spat me mistaking me for a waitress. So, I give it back. Puneet's POV: Both Me and Niyati are at the entrance welcoming my guests. While speaking with someone, I looked at the group of people walking in. A huge lump form onto my throat. My heart starts to pumping in crazy way. I just looked at the most beautiful thing that god's sent from heaven. My mouth agape! Niyati gave me a confused look but I don't care. My eyes focused on her who's walking in with her husband and its seems like my wife and that guy noticed my reactions. they turned around to follow my gaze. And that's it . I can clearly see her now, oh my god! What is on earth has a living goddess? Why god showered her so much beauty! Why god- Oh my! Man, trust me! shes very beautiful in person. Her photos don't do justice to her beauty. I cant take my eyes off on her while she gracefully walk around and greeted people on the way. Control,Puneet. Stop acting like a harmonal teenager. " stop eye r****g her . that is if you don't want to get your face bruised. " My wife put her fingers under my chin and push my jaw up. I just closed my eyes for my embarrassment. She still had her back towards them. " Hi Puneet, " Vijay Malhotra greeted me with a firm handshake. The ladies just offered a smile. " hello, best wishes for your new venture." Vikram Malhotra, villain of my story spoke. " Oh hi, thanks. welcome . This is my wife, Niyati." as I finished the sentence, she turned towards them. " Hi, Nice to meet you." Khushi said in her sweet voice. Everyone looked happy except for Vikram. He looks like a volcano about to erupt. They both glared at eachother. " ouch!" Khushi hissed in pain. That's when I noticed Vikram is clutching her hand tightly. Hearing her , he let it go and examined her hand.  " sorry,Khushi. I just lost my mind . Sorry. Does it hurt?" He asked her gently while caressing the spot . " it's ok." Khushi replied with a smile.  " Vikram, you are so whimped man.  your wife is really beautiful." Niyati said with a grin.  " thanks. You too looks stunning." Khushi replied shyly.  " you know eachother? " Khushi asked Vikram. " err, yeah. She's my classmate." Vikram answered still glaring at my wife. I stepped in front of Niyati but she shoved me to the side. " choti, call for you." Vijay's wife give her mobile.  Khushi walked away from us to speak.  " who?" Vijay asked her. " mom, boys are refusing to eat and running around. " she replied.oh, yeah. How can I forgot? She's married and has three kids.  " alright, then let's get this party started." I said and gestured them all to go inside. Then , Rahul Varma came in with his wife Priya and Khushi who went to attend the call. I greeted them and took them all inside. " Ladies and gentleman" I begin my boring speech which was prepared by my secretary . I ended it rather quickly by skipping some details.  " let the party begin. " I screamed in excitement. I then got myself a drink and involved with the guests. I even convinced Vijay in getting a deal .  This night is getting better.  I then saw  Priya talking with someone. I remembered my dad showing me Khushi's photo and then Priya saying no. I lived my entire life in my dream with Khushi. She thwarted my dream palace in a day. Now I am struck in loveless marriage. It's all her fault. I don't know how many glass I took.  I walked to her. Khushi's POV: Seriously? I can't find my family inside. They all went their separate ways to talk business. Even Rani found someone to talk with. There's a lot of people at this time and I feel the pain on my foot right now. I decided to go outside. I think I need air to breathe. I hate parties. This isn't my thing. There is a getaway. A huge garden outside the hotel. I don't know but I think I started to like flowers. It makes me feel relaxed. A cold breezed wrapped my slender body. I just sit down on the wooden chair. And watching the flowers swaying and dancing with a soundless air. " So. What the popular Khushi Malhotra is doing here? " I heard a girl's voice from my back. I almost fainted because of her presence. It seems like my heart wanted to jump out  because of her sudden presence. " Oh. My. God Niyati " I clutch my dress tightly.  " you scared me. " I said but I'm not mad. I find myself smiling instead. " Can I sit? " She first broke off our gaze. I nodded and she sit next to me.
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