
The Beta's Bride

another world

Beatrix Lovota is a Lycan Beta in the Fire Moon Kingdom of the South as well as the close friend to the princess of the Kingdom. She is turning 21 and for a Lycan that means she has the chance to meet the mate the Moon Goddess has chosen for her.

She meets her mate but then disaster strikes as Rogue shifters attack the kingdom and everything she holds close to her. Can she handle all of the changes and challenges thrown her way?

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Preparing for Change
Siobhan and Bellatrix sat in the gardens of the pack house, sipping mimosas and waiting for their lunch guest. The two Lycan women conversed quietly as pack omegas finished setting up a picnic lunch fit for a Princess and her guests. “Princess Lyulph, Miss Lovota,” they heard a familiar voice call out. “I see you’ve started without me.” Siobhan turned to see her best friend, Princess Eleanor Bardolph walking towards them, carrying a basket of her own. “I brought more wine, bread, and cheese,” she announced as Siobhan embraced her. Bellatrix quickly took the basket from Eleanor before hugging her as well. “It’s been too long Nell,” Siobhan started, “we should really make these lunches a weekly appointment.” “That could be fun.” Eleanor agreed, accepting a mimosa from Bellatrix. “We could do weekly ladies luncheons. Mix a little business with our pleasure.” The women smiled and settled in, ready to plan upcoming events, the largest one being Bellatrix’s birthday over the weekend. “So Trix, this is your year! 21 is such a wonderful milestone. Ethan and Harvey are joining me for the weekend, they’ve got some business with Alpha King Leon and Callan, but once that’s settled, they’re ready to party. What’s left for me to help with?” Eleanor said. “Not much,” Bellatrix said. “The omegas have done such a great job decorating everything. I’m so glad you’re here, I’ve got butterflies thinking of tonight’s party.” Siobhan added “we’re set to start the party at 10. That gives us plenty of time to finish shopping and getting ourselves ready. Hair and makeup will be arriving at 7. After lunch we’re off.” The ladies happily refilled their glasses and selected sandwiches, fruits, and cheeses from the spread before them. While they ate, the two princesses discussed their budget and education plans for their respective kingdoms, and Bellatrix provided her opinions on how to improve health care for the werewolves living within the kingdoms. The two alpha blood princesses and their beta blood friend freely exchanged ideas that would improve the kingdoms for all. Bellatrix showed them new techniques she was developing for combat training and the princesses were impressed. “You’ll have to share that with Harvey,” Eleanor said in between bites of melon, “he and William can implement them for our guards.” Bellatrix blushed. Her own father was the Beta of this kingdom, and he had also shown his troops how to perform the technique. The Lycans finished their meal and Siobhan mind linked their driver, the ladies were ready to shop. The driver met the women at the SUV and opened the doors for them. They made themselves comfortable on the leather seats, excited to shop for the possibilities of the night. When a Lycan turns 21, they are able to meet the other half of their soul. They and their wolves are able to identify the one who completes them. It does not always happen right away, but it can. To help speed up the process, when a shifter turns 21, a large event is thrown and other wolves come from all over to attend. There are only a few Lycan families left, and they are the rulers of the 3 Kingdoms. The Storm Kingdom of the North, where Eleanor is Princess and her brother is King, The Fire Moon Kingdom of the South, home to Siobhan and her family, and the Eastern Kingdom, ruled by Alaric Conri, a powerful shifter who’s bloodline can be traced to the original Lycoans. No one knows much else about him, his Beta and Gamma are trusted to act on his behalf if necessary. Rogues and other shifters like werebears reside on the Western lands. The Betas and Gammas of the Kingdoms are also Lycan and the kingdoms are essentially made up of wolves, grateful for the protection of the stronger shifters. The princesses playfully teased Bellatrix about finding the mate of her dreams as they shopped for their dresses. After some time had passed, the women were satisfied with what they found and headed back to the waiting SUV. Once seated, they happily dug through their bags and admired their purchases and they chatted excitedly. They were right on schedule and had plenty of time to get ready for their party. At the pack house, Bellatrix and Eleanor headed to the elevator while Siobhan went to check on party preparations. They rode up to the third floor and parted ways at the doors to their respective apartments. Once inside, Bellatrix quickly stripped off her clothes and got into the shower. The hot water felt amazing as it was hitting her skin. She tilted her head up and let the water hit her perky breasts and toned stomach. She paused for a moment, enjoying the sensations and breathing in the steam. Then she reached for her shampoo and lathered her long black hair while she thought of the possibilities of tonight. Her wolf, Valeria, spoke. “I can sense the moon goddess will be blessing us soon. This will be a life changing experience for you.” Bellatrix smiled as she lathered her body and conditioned her hair. She still had butterflies in her stomach thinking of the party and her birthday, but she felt more excited than nervous. She got out of the shower and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She dried herself off and wrapped herself in a silk robe then started toweling her hair. In her suite, Eleanor was taking a bath. She lowered her body beneath champagne scented bubbles and breathed in the steam. Tonight was about Trix and she was hopeful her friend would find her mate. She knew what it was like to not know your other half, and she didn’t want that for Bellatrix. Aurora, her wolf, was pacing in her mind. “Is everything ok Aurora?” she asked “Yes, the moon goddess is close tonight. I can feel that there are big changes soon.” the wolf replied as she seemed to settle. “All I want is for tonight to go smoothly.” “And it shall.” Eleanor slowly rose from her bath, water dripping off of her fair skin. She wrapped herself in a towel and made her way to the bedroom. She too wore a silk robe, and she let her blonde hair tumble down her back. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and admired herself for a moment. Then she grabbed her dress bag and shoes and walked out to the elevator to go to Siobhan’s suite to get ready. Bellatrix met her at the elevator, looking refreshed and happy. The doors to the elevator opened and Eleanor stepped aside. “ After you, birthday girl.” Giggling, the two rode up to meet Siobhan and the stylists.

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