A Moment Between Spouses

1156 Words

“She left you alone, huh?” Mira chuckled, before groaning in pain as she glanced at Rico, who seemed used to his sister leaving him alone whenever he messes up or manages to disappoint Christa with her being his accomplice in the matter. “She is irresponsible as always.” “Like you weren’t in charge either.” Christa retorted back at Rico, who kept shut. Shallom had excused herself, after Daniel stumbled into the room with a worried look, since the scent of Rico and Mira’s blood was still fresh in the air, despite having their wounds stitched and clothes changed after a point. ‘This is awkward.’ Mira thought to herself, feeling like dying would have been nice now, as she wouldn’t have to be dealing with the lover’s quarrel. “Franbel is back, and Carl has him.” Rico told her, not sugarcoati

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