Return of Franbel I

1249 Words

Drake was falling for a long time, it was scary, but he closed his eyes and opened them, as he noticed that the scenery always changed when he did that, but unfortunately for him, it didn’t work for him in this situation, as he kept falling just like last time. There were no papers which burned after being touched, nor were the paper stairs present. The boy wasn’t giving him a blank stare as he wasn’t there. ‘This is a very long fall compared to the last one,’ Drake thought apathetically to himself, as he continued to fall down in Franbel’s memories. He cared, but after Franbel’s Grandmother had shot him in the leg. He should be scared, worried or annoyed, but the latter was definitely the emotion he was feeling. He wasn’t thinking about the encounter or the sinister grin he received from

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