Chapter 20: I don't want my son anymore

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Chapter 20: I don't want my son anymoreAdele watched Carl turn around and walk into the elevator. He waved at him and closed the door. The apartment that Adele lived in wasn't very big. It was a room and a living room. It was over 50 square meters. It was enough to live with her alone.However, with the addition of two more than one little kid that could cause trouble for her, two more fifty square meters would not be enough for them to "play ". However, Adele turned around and looked at the cramped apartment. Her eyes were empty and his heart was even more empty. Ever since Troy and Daisy were born, Adele had never been alone. She had never thought that one day Troy or Daisy would leave her. The two little kids were her life. She could not lose any of them. Not only did Carl feel Adele strong, but Adele felt the same way. However, as she looked at the living room that was filled with children's toys and snacks, Adele's eyes were sore and he wanted to cry. She said confidently that she would get Troy back from Wilson Group.In reality, Adele didn't have any confidence at all. The only certain thing was that she would never give up on Troy just like that. Adele shook her hand and sat down on the sofa. She reached out to pick up Troy's favorite Iron Man toy.Her eyes were red as she muttered," little bad guy, I'll settle the debt with you when I bring you back from Wilson Group." ... Wilson's Mansion. After dinner, the group moved to the living room and sat down for less than five minutes. Michael stood up from the sofa and said," I still have work to attend to tonight. I'm going back." After Michael indifferently finished speaking, he raised his foot and walked towards the door. "Stop right there." A tiger roar came from behind Michael. Michael stopped and turned to look.His face was cold, and his dark eyes were filled with confusion as he looked at Ben. He didn't seem to understand why he had provoked Ben. Ben stood up and said through gritted teeth," You're leaving just like that?" Michael replied indifferently Ben a look of "otherwise ". "..."Did you forget something?"Ben's veins on his head popped out. Forgot what? Michael's deep eyes flashed with deep thought. "You silly child." When Sophia saw Michael, he didn't expect him to think of anything. Before Ben completely flared up, he hurriedly got up and led Troy to the front of Michael.She grabbed Michael's hand with one hand and stuffed Troy's small hand into his big one. She glanced at him with pity and reproach and whispered," You don't want your son anymore?" Michael was speechless. The little kid's hand in his palm was small, soft, and warm. It didn't occupy any space. With Michael's obsession with cleanliness, he should have gotten rid of her immediately, but he didn't. Michael lowered his head and looked at Troy who was standing next to him. His heart skipped a beat. "If you don't want me to live with you, forget it." At that moment, Troy puffed up her cheeks and whispered. At the same time, Michael felt little kid's little hand in his palm trying to pull it away. Michael's eyes flickered as she calmly tightened her fingers." I said that as long as the results of the paternity test prove that you are my son, I will be responsible for you." After Michael finished speaking, she held Troy's little hand and led him to the door. Troy was taken aback for a moment, and then her ears turned red. Ben and the others looked at Michael and Troy with relief. They thought that Michael wouldn't agree to live with him. After all, he had seriously rejected or even put an end to people he was n' t familiar with. His personality was cold and he was also obsessed with cleanliness. "If I didn't want you to live together to foster father-son relationships, I would n' t want my good grandson to live with you like you." Ben snorted, but there was an obscure smile on his face. Sophia shook his head and laughed. ... Michael led Troy out of the villa and walked to the side of the car. He pulled open the passenger door and let Troy sit in. Troy glanced at him and Troy sat down. He pulled his seat belt and buckled it. Michael, he saw it, his long eyebrows twitched. After closing the door, Michael was about to walk towards the driver's seat when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Michael paused and took out his phone. The instant his gaze swept across the screen, his black eyes sunk deep...
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