Chapter 19: Who are you?

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Chapter 19: Who are you?Carl's phone rang. Adele squinted. It was Carl manager Sunny calling. Carl glanced at the screen and reached out to hang up. Adele took the initiative to answer for him. "Carl ..." The next second, the manager's voice sounded from the phone. Carl was speechless. Adele used his mouth to signal for him to answer, while he put down his legs from the sofa. Because he had been sitting cross-legged for a long time, he suddenly moved and his legs were numb like needles. Adele furrowed his brows and supported the back of the sofa with one hand. He stood up with two stiff legs and walked towards the bedroom in a difficult and strange posture. "Hey, Carl, Carl, can you hear me?"Carl ..." The manager's voice kept coming from his phone. Carl pursed his lips in frustration. After Adele entered the bedroom and closed the door, he put the phone in his ear." Sunny, go ahead." ... In the bedroom. Adele had his back against the door, one hand on his thigh and the other hand on his phone. His thumb was pointing to a name in the phone's address book. A few seconds later, Adele's fingers trembled and pressed down. Adele took a deep breath instinctively when he saw the number indicating the name. Soon, the other end answered. "Hello." The man's soft and magnetic voice entered Adele's ears. Adele tightened her phone, her beautiful face tensed up. "..."Who are you?" Perhaps it was because Adele didn't get a response, but the man's voice became hoarse. Adele closed his eyes, his chest was suddenly filled with a strong feeling of disgust. "Adele, it's you ..." This time, before the man could finish, Adele quickly took off his phone and hung up. At the same time, he seemed to be afraid that the man would call again and Adele put the man's number on the blacklist. After the series of movements were completed, Adele felt that the feeling of self-abandonment that was suppressed in his heart had lessened.She raised her elegant chin and let out a long sigh. Adele, you can't be so selfish.This is your own business. You have to find a way to solve it yourself, not... Adele shook his head fiercely, throwing away all those thoughts that he shouldn't have.She turned around, opened the door, and walked out calmly. His manager called to remind Carl of his schedule for tomorrow. Carl was now a well-deserved A-list superstar in the entertainment industry with both looks and strength. For someone like him, it was already very rare for him to have a day that belonged to him 365 days a year. "Adele, I'm sorry. Tomorrow's job was set two months ago ..." "Why are you explaining this?"Adele interrupted Carl and pushed Carl's arm towards the door." Although I've been frozen by Sanders Group for more than four years, I've heard about the nature of an artist's work."Besides, it's not my first time knowing how busy you are." "But, more than half of what happened today was my responsibility. I ..." "It has nothing to do with you."Adele pushed Carl out of the door. His eyes were bright as he looked at Carl's face that was filled with guilt. She said confidently," Don't worry, for the sake of Troy and Daisy, I won't let myself fall into useless negative emotions.I still have to think of a way to get Troy back from Wilson Group." Carl stared at Adele's eyes that glittered with determination. He almost blurted out," Wilson Group's not where you can come back just because you want to." When he thought of the situation, he had a unshirkable responsibility. And at this critical moment, he couldn't mention any help. He could n' t throw cold water at her. The corner of Carl's mouth twitched a few times and he swallowed the words that had slipped into his throat. He clenched his fists and said to Adele," Mm, I believe you can do it. Come on." "Can she tell him that she can see through what he is thinking?" Adele asked.
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