She Is Amazing

1861 Words
Hunter’s P.O.V. “This neutral land is the biggest problem for us because this is connected with human territory from three sides and with the Full Moon Pack from the fourth side. Rogues enter in this area through the human world and then they spread in the forest”, Hazel explained the situation of the rogues in a calm and formal tone while showing the areas on a digital map. She was really good at using technology. She used google earth to show us the exact location and condition of the land around this pack. “Google Earth is a human technology, Hazel. How come you know the exact location of all the packs around this area when the humans don’t know about our existence and they don’t mark packs on the map?” Theo asked her again in a calm tone this time but he was now getting on my nerves. She looked at her still with her cold eyes. I didn’t know what happened after she left my room because I was clear that she got the situation between us. She defied my orders and used the same excuse of being wolf-less but I could feel the sarcasm in her tone. Did she think that I am playing with her? “You are right about this human technology, Alpha Theo but”, she paused and then looked at Daniel. “The map that you are seeing on the screen right now is the merger of two different maps. We have marked the packs on a different map first and then merge it with the clip we get from google earth”, she explained again and I could see a proud smile on Daniel’s lips. “She is everything that I can ask for in my mate”, Shadow chirped like a love-sick puppy at the back of my mind. I couldn’t help it but agreed with her because she was really a genius. “The Blue Moon Pack and The Night Howl Pack which share the forest with us are also taking the security measure that we are using to keep our borders safe to stop rogues’ invasion yet this neutral land is a big problem for all of us. I got a call from their alphas and they also want to have a meeting with you for the same problem”, Alpha Ashton informed me in a formal tone and I nodded. “Ask them to meet me here tomorrow morning with their complete security plan so that I can get an exact idea of what we can do to stop these attacks. Also, do you have any rogue in your captive?” I instructed him and then asked him in the end. “Yes, my king…. We caught two rogues from today’s attack and Danny is now interrogating them”, Alpha Ashton informed me in the same formal tone and now I was really confused. It should be Daniel or Alpha Ashton. Why Danny, a warrior was interrogating them? “Danny is the eldest beta son, my king. He is also the most ruthless interrogator. These beta siblings have mixed human methods with our methods to torture a rogue or a culprit and they all are best in using them”, Alpha Ashton proudly told me about the beta siblings and now I was really impressed by my brother-in-laws too. “I want to see the interrogation”, I demanded and he looked at Hazel. She nodded and then moved towards the screen. She used a remote control to switch the screen and I narrowed my eyes when I heard someone screaming aloud in pain. The footage started running on the screen and I watched it with narrowed eyes. “One answer and you will be free from this agony”, I heard Danny luring the rogue while using a nail and hammer on the rogue’s body as if he was carving a statue. “I won’t answer”, the rogue gritted his teeth while writhing in pain. “Okay… I have plenty of time to play with you. You know… I have a thing for tattoos… but I am very much scared by those needles… you know”, Danny said carelessly and then suddenly hit the nail with the hammer on the rogue’s left shoulder. The rogue screamed aloud and tried to move his body away but couldn’t. His whole body was chained to the ground. He was on his knees and the distance of the chain was keeping his back straight. “Which flower is your favorite?” suddenly Danny asked him in a careless tone while inspecting the place where he hit him with the nail. It seemed that he was thinking about how to carve a tattoo there. “Why?” the rogue asked him in a painful voice. His blood was now dripping on the floor from his shoulder. “I will carve that flower here”, Danny replied to him in the same tone and then hit the nail with the hammer again. The rogue yelled in pain while crying aloud. I noticed that the nail was more than four inches long and it went more than half in his body whenever Danny hit the hammer and then pulled it harshly. “He has a long range of nails from tinier to larger. He uses them according to his mood and the strength of the rogues. He loves to break their spirit slowly”, Daniel spoke this time in a proud tone and I was really astonished by their method. The cell was not lighted enough to have a good look but I could see that there were so many other instruments placed on a table. “Why are you all attacking our pack so frequently when you all know that you can’t infiltrate our pack?” Danny asked him in the same careless tone and then went to the next shoulder. “My favorite flower is the rose…. Let’s carve rose first”, he spoke further and the rogues’ eyes widened in horror. He then started his work with his full concentration and it was really horrible. The way, he hit the nail and then pulled it out harshly as if it was nothing was amazing. I looked at Hazel who was looking bored right now. “What are you thinking?” I mind-linked her while averting my gaze from the screen. No one would know whether she was staring at the screen or was talking with me through mind-link. “This is boring… he is giving him too much time to regain his strength. Danny should start plucking his body hair one by one with a gap of five seconds. It will break him sooner”, she answered me in a formal tone but what she said made me jerk my head in shock. “Hot wax can also be used after mixing liquid wolfsbane and silver”, she suggested again and now I was looking at her as if she was insane. “What’s wrong?” I got a mind link from Theo. “Nothing”, I muttered to him but I was still thinking about what Hazel said. Hot wax with liquid wolfsbane and silver. She wanted to fill his every pore with poison. “She is like us”, Shadow chirped again in delight and I rolled my eyes internally. Soon the rogue fainted due to pain and Danny looked at the rogue as if he had interrupted his fun and Danny wanted to kill him for this. She then switched off the screen and looked back at us. “You have installed cameras there?” Theo asked her again and she nodded. “We closely monitored all our captives on a 24x7 basis”, she informed him in the same formal way. “Inform me when he comes back to his senses. I will visit him there then”, I instructed her this time and she bowed a little to confirm my command. “We should head for dinner, my king. It’s already late”, Alpha Ashton requested me and I nodded. “Hazel”, he then called her and she bowed a little before walking out of the room. I was now confused again because he was using my mate for almost every work here. I came to know from Theo that she was responsible for all the arrangements for us then why did they have a Luna for Goddess's sake? That Barbie doll was only for show? “Let’s go brother”, Theo mind-linked me and I stood up with him. Alpha Ashton then led our way and Daniel walked behind us. “Who will inform the alphas of those two packs?” I asked Alpha Ashton and I really wished that he didn’t take Hazel’s name. “Hazel has already informed them about tomorrow morning's meeting, alpha”, he informed me in a stiff tone this time and I raised my brows in irritation again. “When did she inform them?” Theo asked him in confusion. “Uhhhh… she called them as soon as she left the room, alpha Theo”, he said in a stiff tone as he didn’t want to tell us about Hazel anymore. “I have mailed them the formal invitation also”, Daniel told us from behind and I was really amazed by these beta siblings. They were using the technology so efficiently. “Whose idea is to use human technology here?” I asked Daniel this time. He pursed his lips into a thin line and then took a deep breath. “It was for Hazel first, my king. When her wolf didn’t surface on her eighteenth birthday, Danny bought a laptop and a phone for her. She was already doing her bachelors in computer engineering at that time. She then started taking online classes for so many crash courses and due to her, all other pack members, especially young members started taking interest in human technologies and the rest is the story”, he explained everything in a calm tone. I nodded and then looked at Theo. “Now I know why Ashton didn’t send her to the human world according to our rules. She is an asset and no alpha will abandon a gem like her”, Theo praised her through mind-link and my chest swell with pride. “She is going to the Royal Pack with us”, I informed him through mind-link and he immediately snapped his head towards me. “What? Why?” he asked me in a loud tone through mind-link. “Because I want to”, I answered him and then cut off the mind link before he could ask anything else. We already had reached the dining room and I shrank my nose in disdain when I saw that Barbie doll sitting on a table looking at her nails and Hazel instructing the omegas about the arrangements.
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