Chapter Twenty- Eight: The Visitors

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SALLY’S attention was in front of the road when she felt someone’s presence behind her. She looked behind. Her eyes widen and her mouth is gaping open. She stopped her horse and the crown prince stopped his horse as well. “Your highness! Goodness! Why are you following me?” “Do you think I would let you go alone in this woods?” “Thank you for your highness’ concern but I can go home safely on my own, so I suggest that your highness should return to the royal palace and spend the rest of the night in there.” “It’s tempting but no.” “Your highness!” Helios ignored her and started to move forward. Sally sighed and followed him from behind. She drove the horse faster than the crown prince and said, “I’ll lead the way, your highness. The trail is difficult and it’s dangerous for those who don’t know the road very well.” “Alright.” The hood covering her head fell on her back, letting her black hair flowed with the cold wind. The crown prince watched her taking the lead. He never thought that she can ride a horse quite well with that small frame? It seems that she was not bothered by the coldness. Her cheek turned light pink and her breath heavy. “Are you alright?” The crown prince catches up with her. “Yes.” “Is your house still far?” “No. After we turn around from that big tree over there, we will arrive at my house.” She instructed. They turn around the big oak tree and two cabins were visible. Smoke came out from the chimney and light is visible in the window. They stopped in front of the wooden fence and went down from the horse. “Your highness, please give me your horse. I’ll tie it in the stable. You can head inside. The people in there are nice.” “It’s alright. I’ll come along with you.” “It’s cold, your highness. How dare I let the crown prince remain here outside?” “Stop it. It’s not like I’ll die in the cold.” “… Alright.” She gave up and let Helios followed her. She tied the horses in the stable and went to the door. She knocked on it and called Sarah, “Sarah. Sarah, it’s me, Sally.” The door opened and Sarah appeared in front of her with a wide, goofy grin on her face. She saw the crown prince a while ago and can’t help but feel proud at Sally’s charm for enchanting such a fine man. “Oh, and who is this young lad?” She watches him from head to toe. “Please, Sarah, stop it.” They entered the house. “Your highness, please give me your coat.” “I can take care of it my own.” He doesn’t want to rely much on her because it’s embarrassing. Sarah’s eyes widen in shock and gazed at the crown prince. “Oh my God! Please pardon my rudeness, your highness!” “… It’s fine.” Helios looked around the house. It’s small but tidy and smells nice. Sitting on the rocking chair is an old woman with a blanket covering her legs. “She fell asleep waiting for you.” “Sorry for arriving late. It must be hard for you, Sarah.” “Oh, it’s alright. My husband and child are both well in the house, and the pie and cocoa taste good that I think you can now enter marriage.” She joked. “Please, I don’t want to get married.” “Anyway, I’ll be going now. Your highness, I’ll be leaving. Goodbye Grandma Rena.” “Who is Rena? I am not Rena!” Grandma Rena muttered, slightly awaken from her slumber. Sally chuckled and Sarah left. “I apologize for the house.” “It’s fine.” “Would you like some hot cocoa, your highness?” “I never thought you can be this hospitable.” “How dare I not offer a cup of cocoa to the crown prince of the kingdom?” “Is that sarcasm?” “No. Not at all, your highness. Please wait for a while.” She went to the kitchen and prepare three cups of hot cocoa. Helios went to the coach near Grandma Rena. ‘So this is why she eagerly wants to go home despite her condition.’ He thought. Grandma Rena’s brown eyes fell to Helios. She smiled kindly at him. “My, what a pretty boy.” Helios didn’t answer and kept on staring at her. “You looked like, a burning flame. When I was younger, I had a lover and he had the same look in your eyes.” She narrated with a small smile on her face. “What kind of look does he have?” “My, are you curious?” “I won’t ask if I don’t.” The old woman laughed at him. Helios once again ignored it yet he kept on staring at her, waiting for her answer. “His eyes, they were cold yet something is burning in those deep within. It’s dangerous yet pretty at the same time. Ah, somehow, I miss him.” “Where is he now?” “Your highness, grandma, what are you two talking about?” Sally appeared and handed them their cups. Helios looked at Sally and saw how kind her expression is. Her eyes were warm and kind, even her smile. He thought of something different from what he usually thinks. ‘Will she look at me with that kind of eyes?’ “Your highness, you can sleep in my room. I can sleep here downstairs.” Helios frowned and sips the hot cocoa. “Don’t treat me like a child. I will sleep here. Go sleep in your room.” Sally stared at him with a surprised expression. She never expects that the crown prince can be this gentleman to a woman. The offer is quite tempting but she cannot let the crown prince of the kingdom sleep on the floor. “Oh, don’t worry Sally, dear, you and that pretty fairy can sleep together in the room.” “Who is she calling fairy?” “I apologize, your highness, my grandma makes mistakes in her words sometimes… Grandma, I cannot do that. You see, this person here is a man.” “A man you say? My! You have a handsome husband!” “Grandma, he is not my husband.” While listening and staring at Sally’s troubled expression, a wicked smile formed on his lips. He knelt and look at the old woman and said, “Yes, would you like me to be her husband? I can do a very good job about that.” “Oh my God! Your highness!” Sally was now very troubled on how to explain things to her grandmother. “When will the baby appear?” “No! There’s no such thing! Your highness, I appreciate it if you don’t mess grandma’s memories any further as it will trouble me in the future.” “Why not? The baby thing sounds fun.” He teased even more. Sally’s face turned bright red. She felt like she’ll go insane later. “Let's go sleep. The night is already deep and your highness needs to return to the palace early in the morning.” She helped her grandmother went upstairs and lay on the bed. The two went to the next room and opened the door. It was a small room with a small bed and table near the window. “You can sleep on the bed, I’ll sleep on the floor.” She suggested again. “Do you think I’m that evil to let a woman sleep on the floor? Stop this nonsense. I’ll sleep downstairs.” “I dare not think of anyone as an evil person unless I’ve seen it, your highness. This does not define that you are bad or not, I just don’t want to burden you any further.” She explained calmly. He stared at her for a while and roamed his eyes around the room. “…Alright.” “Thank you for understanding.” “Do you always speak formally in front of everyone?” “Not at all, your highness.” “Then speak casually in front of me from now on.” “Huh? How dare I do that?” “I told you, you can.” She sighed. If this continues they won’t sleep for tonight. She nodded in defeat. “If that is what your highness wants.” “Good.” “Goodnight, your highness.” “Yes, goodnight.” Sally closed the door and headed downstairs. She took an extra blanket and lay on the carpet near the fireplace. She covered her body with the blanket and stared at the fire until she fell asleep. --- The crown prince can’t sleep because everything is new for him. He walks out from the bed and walks toward the books on the table. There are four books on the table. The three are about medicinal herbs while the last one is a cooking book. His foot hit something hard below the table. He looked at it and saw another book. He picked it and chuckled. “So she read romance book? And it’s an adult one.” He was amused by the discovery. He put the book and silently went out of the room. He walks downstairs and saw a small figure laying on the carpet on the floor. His heart throbbed as he walks towards her. He touches her cheek and removes the strands of her on her face. He picked her up and walk upstairs, put her on the bed, and covered her with a blanket. “… If you’re having a hard time, you should have said it to me.” He mumbled under his breath before disappearing into her room. He arrived at his palace. He went to his room and lay on his bed with a smile on his face. ‘Now, what will I do tomorrow…?’ He thought before falling to slumber. --- Morning came and Sally was very surprised when she woke up in her room and on her bed. She stood up and run downstairs however the crown prince is nowhere to be found. ‘Maybe he went home already?’ She shrugged her shoulders and went to the bathroom to wash her face. She went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast when suddenly, someone knocked on the door. She put the plates on the table and went to the door. She opened it. Her eyes widen and her mouth hangs open when she saw a familiar blond man smiling at her. She closes the door and covers her mouth. “I must be dreaming.” She mumbled however Felix knocked again. She gasped and sighed. ‘How on earth did he know I’m here?’ She opens the door again and forced a smile. “Good morning, Ms. Esther. I’m sorry for the sudden visit. I brought you cookies.” “Come in, Mr. Robia. I can’t let you stay outside when it’s freezing.” “Thank you.” He entered the house. He looked around the house then his eyes fell to the dishes and food on the table. “You live with someone?” He asked. “… Do you want something? Coffee or cocoa?” “Coffee please.” She went to the kitchen and prepared the coffee. Felix is smiling while staring at Sally’s back while preparing the drink. She handed him the cup of coffee. “I’m surprised you’re here. How did you get in here?” “The cookies I brought were delicious. I recommend you to try it with tea.” “I suggest you do not evade the question, Mr. Robia.” “… I asked the school.” Sally sighed. ‘Damn, I should have put a fake address but I might get suspended.’ “Excuse me for a moment.” “Ah, yes.” Sally went upstairs and open her grandmother’s room. She helped her get dress and they went downstairs. Felix saw them. He put the cup on the table and helped Sally assist the old woman. Grandma Rena sits on the rocking chair and Sally covered her legs with a blanket. Felix stared at her face and was moved by her kindness. “What is my fiancé doing here?” The old woman asked while staring at Felix. Sally laughed. “Grandma, he is not your fiancé.” Felix awkwardly looking at them. “Mr. Robia, come join us. I’ll cook some more.” “No, it’s alright. I ate breakfast before coming here.” “Oh, alright. Grandma, you should eat too.” Felix’s eyes became gentler while staring at the two. Sally is feeding her while smiling brightly. ‘She really loves her grandmother.’ Someone knocked on the door again. “It’s alright. I’ll open it.” “Thank you, Mr. Robia.” Felix went to the door and open it. His eyes widen and he froze on his spot. The crown prince’s eyes widen while looking at Felix who opened the door. “Your highness?” “What are you doing here?” The crown prince was holding a bag full of books and new sets of blankets. He had a lot of stuff and he’s here without a single knight accompanying him. “Mr. Robia? Is something wrong? You seemed,” Sally gasped and step back looking at the crown prince with wide eyes. “Y-Your highness? Why are you here?” ‘Why do I feel like I’m cheating? This is not right.’ “What are you doing here, Felix?” The crown prince asked him again. “I’m visiting Ms. Esther.” Sally felt the intense gazes between the two. She thinking of kicking the two out of her house but she can’t do that. Grandma Rena slowly walked behind Sally and screamed in bliss. “Oh my! My suitors are here!” Sally forced herself to not laugh at the situation however she can’t contain herself and burst into laughter. The crown prince and Felix’s faces turned red in embarrassment. She held her grandma’s shoulders and hugged her from behind. “Grandma, how about you let your suitors come in?” “Oh yes. That is a nice idea. Prepare tea for us.” “Of course! Right away young lady!” Sally answered and went to the kitchen to prepare tea. The two entered hiding their embarrassed expression however they pardoned the old woman. ‘It’s not so bad to let this happen once in a lifetime.’ She muttered inwardly. ***
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