Chapter Thirty-Four: Unexpected Fact

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SALLY woke up early. She stood up and walked away from the bed to open up the curtains. The sun is not up yet. She pulled the chair and sat near the big window to wait for the sunrise. Seeing the sun rising for the day makes her head calm and clear. Someone knocked on the door. “Come in.” The door opened and Jannette entered. She looked at Sally with a smile on her face. “Good morning, milady!” She greeted cheerfully. Sally can’t get used to being called like that but every time she tell Jannette to just call her by her name, she would be extremely disappointed. She’ll mutter nonsensical things like she doesn’t like her as her maid or that Sally hates her presence. ‘Why would she think like that?’ She sighed. “As expected from milady, you’re always early.” “I figured that it will be nice to see the sunrise.” “I see. I’ll brush your hair now, milady.” “Yes, thank you, Jannette.” She muttered shyly. Jannette felt glad and took the hairbrush from the dressing table. She started brushing Sally’s hair gently. “Do you always brush your hair, milady? It’s so smooth and shiny. It’s pretty when the sunlight hits it.” She complimented. “No, not at all.” She answered. Sally never cared about her physical appearance since it will always get messy at the end of the day considering her environment. What’s important for her is surviving and graduating right on time. “Hm, I guess it’s natural.” The sun is rising. Sally’s eyes were fixed to the sky while Jannette is secretly staring at her. She’s not like any other commoner who became mean after experiencing luxury in life. In fact, she’s calm, polite, and kind to everyone. ‘If she became a noble someday, I want to serve her.’ She thought with a smile. “Do you love sunrises, milady?” Jannette asked. “Yes, even sunsets.” She answered with a bright smile. “Hm, then how about jewelry?” She asked again. “Who wouldn’t like jewelry? They’re pretty too.” It’s the same answer whenever she was asked if she likes any of those expensive material things, however, when it comes to these simple things like the sunrise and the sunset, her smile is as bright as the day. Her smile grew bigger at the thought. She tied her hair up. “Done! Now, milady, what color of dress would you like to wear today?” She asked. “Blue would be fine.” She answered. Jannette took a blue, long-sleeve dress. The cascade and the tips of the sleeves are white, and it has a black ribbon behind. After wearing the dress, she picked a simple pair of earrings for the accessories and went downstairs. Surprisingly, the crown prince is already in the dining hall. “Good morning, your highness.” She greeted. “Take a seat and eat. We’ll be leaving soon.” “Yes, your highness.” It’s rare for her to see the crown prince earlier than her. She’s eating silently and after that, they rode the carriage. She’s reporting about the mines managed by Marquis Thratan and anything useful to the crown prince. “That would be all, your highness.” “Alright. I’ll expect further reports about the mines.” “Yes, your highness. I will deliver the reports tomorrow after breakfast. Also, your highness, we already have a hint regarding the human trafficking case. The evidence against Baron Luigi Galvez is in your highness’ hands now, it will end tomorrow before sunset if the crown prince will give the signal to the royal knights.” “Make it today. Don’t let anything gone worse.” “I’ll inform the captain of the third squadron.” Helios watched her as she wrote everything in her notebook. ‘She’s quite passionate in her work. I found it very reliable and my schedule is quite breathable, thanks to her hard work.’ “Are you having a hard time working for me?” He suddenly asked. “I beg your pardon, your highness?” “I am the busiest person in the kingdom and it’s hard to find time to relax even just for a little bit.” She put down her notebook and quill and looked at him smiling. “Not at all, your highness. I consider working for you as a blessing.” What she said is true. Thanks to her work, she doesn’t have time to think about her grandmother’s death and the fact that she doesn’t have a family anymore. She thought she might go crazy if not for her work. “I see. I’m glad to hear that.” He replied before looking at the view outside. Sally stared at him for a while before resuming her work. Finally, they arrived at the Marquis’ mansion. Standing in the doorway is the Marquis and his butler. The carriage stopped in front of them. Sally went out first before the crown prince. She bowed at the Marquis. The Marquis only nodded and did not pay much attention to her though she didn’t care. “I greet the future sun of the kingdom.” The Marquis greeted. “Good morning, Marquis Thratan.” The crown prince greeted back. “Your highness might be tired, please come in and have tea with me.” He said. The crown prince nodded and they went inside the mansion. She’s following them behind until they arrived in the drawing-room. She stood behind the crown prince and is facing the marquis. The marquis stared at her with confusion. “This is my secretary, Sally Esther.” The crown prince introduced as he noticed his puzzled expression towards the woman behind him. Sally bowed to him. “It is nice to meet you, Marquis. I apologized if my presence bothered you.” “No, I am not bothered at all. So it’s true that your highness hired a secretary. May I ask which noble family did she belong to?” He asked. The crown prince sips his tea which was served by a maid then looked at the Marquis. “My secretary is not a noble.” “She isn’t?” “Yes. I chose her base on her skills. She’s competent and surprisingly, my schedule is now bearable.” He muttered with a proud smile on his face. “I see, however, your highness,” “Is there something wrong with my preference, Marquis?” The atmosphere in the room became chilly. “N-No. Of course, there’s none, your highness.” The marquis stuttered. “Now, let’s moving to our business,” They started talking about the mines. Sally paid close attention to their conversation. The conversation is about transporting the magic stones towards the neighboring country called Draria, however, the route going towards Draria was blocked due to the rebels who were against Grandalia. It became a huge headache for the crown prince. He wished on taking action regarding the matter but he can’t just wipe everything on the route since it belonged to Draria's kingdom. He can’t damage one of Draria's territories. He tried to solve it by sending a letter with the content of providing knights but the Draria kingdom hasn’t replied to them yet. ‘Other than Grandalia, Draria kingdom is also a powerful kingdom. It is truly a wealthy nation but not as wealthy as Grandalia and the root behind the wealth of the kingdom is the magic stone. I heard magic stones are only located here in the kingdom.’ She thought. “I’m afraid we will sink rock-bottom if we continue waiting for their reply.” “Hm, it seems that the Draria kingdom possesses such high pride despite us providing help to solve the problem.” “Yes, I guess that would be true, your highness.” “Alright, this will be enough for now. I will visit again, marquis.” The crown prince stood up, followed by the Marquis. “Yes, your highness. I’ll escort you outside.” “There’s no need.” “Alright. Blessings for the future sun of the kingdom.” The crown prince and Sally left the room. They arrived at the carriage and headed back to the capital. It’s quiet inside until they arrived at the palace. The butler approached them. “Welcome back, your highness and Lady Esther. Your highness, the young master of the Lionel family is waiting for you in the drawing-room. He said that it’s about the task your highness gave to him.” The butler said. “Alright. Bring us some tea.” “Yes, your highness.” The crown prince headed to the drawing-room. Sally watched the crown prince back and wondered about the task the crown prince gave to Ethan. ‘I shouldn’t be too curious about that. Anyway, let’s work.’ --- The crown prince arrived at the drawing-room and saw Ethan sitting on the couch sipping tea. He saw the crown prince and immediately stood up and greet him. “I greet the future sun of the kingdom.” “Sit down.” Both of them sit down facing each other. “So how was the investigation?” He asked him. “It’s quite interesting than I thought.” He answered and put his teacup on the plate. He took the paper from his inside pocket and put it on the table. “This paper isn’t just ordinary paper.” “What do you mean?” He asked in confusion. “Your highness, what I’m telling you is something very interesting. I’m saying that the owner of this paper is incredibly strong.” “I thought so too. I tried to track him down but the tracking magic won’t work.” “Oh, well, of course, tracking magic won’t work, your highness. It is because this paper traveled through time.” “What?” He asked in incredulity. “What do you mean traveled through time? From when?” “All I know for now is this piece of paper traveled through time.” “Can’t you use your ability?” “My ability can’t see through time, your highness. I just know this information right now after using too much mana in my eyes.” His hazel eyes turned red for a while then returned to their original color. Helios can see the exhaustion on his face. “You’ve done enough. Would you like me to send the royal doctor?” “No, it’s fine. Anyway, how is Lady Esther doing?” The crown prince stared curiously looked at him. “Why are you asking?” “Because I am a concerned friend, your highness.” Helios laughed shortly at his sarcasm. “There’s no need for your concern as her friend, Mr. Lionel.” “Your highness, please hear what I have to say. Lady Robia is very sad about her friendship with Lady Esther. As their friend, would you not do anything for them to be friends again?” He asked thoughtfully. The crown prince’s gaze became cold. “It is not I who should decide about that but Ms. Esther herself, Mr. Lionel.” “But if his highness will interfere, I know that Ms. Esther will listen to you.” “I know that.” “Then, your highness can,” “But I am just being considerate for Ms. Esther. She almost dies because of Lady Robia and not only that, she remained silent for her sake despite that it will be so unfair for her part, and I took part in that injustice as well. Would it not be too selfish if we ask her to forgive Lady Robia after all the injustice she experienced?” Ethan became speechless. It would be too selfish to ask for that. “She just lost her only family not so long ago, so I suggest you shouldn’t say anything that’ll make her upset.” “I beg your pardon, your highness? Her only family died?” “Yes. Her grandmother died right in front of her eyes.” Ethan’s eyes widen in shock. He didn’t know that Sally is having a tough time right now. Guilt suddenly rose in his throat. “I know you don’t like to see Lady Robia cry but we don’t have the right to dictate Ms. Esther. She has the right to choose, also, like you, I don’t like to see Ms. Esther cry as well. If anyone tries to make her cry, I’ll kill them mercilessly.”  His eyes glowed dangerously and the atmosphere became chilly. Ethan flinched and felt goosebumps all over his body. “… I understand, your highness.” “Good.” The chilly atmosphere disappeared. Their conversation ended. The crown prince went to his office and saw Sally dozing off. He stopped in front of her and stared at her face. Her lips are slightly parted and her head slightly tilted to the right side. He finds them hilarious yet adorable at the same time, then, her eyes slowly opened. He watched how her eyes widen in surprise. She stood up immediately. “Your highness! Welcome back!” She muttered hysterically. ‘Did he saw me sleeping!? I guess he saw me! It’s so embarrassing! Ugh!’ She felt herself melting in embarrassment. “You’re sleeping again…” “I apologize, your,” “You can sleep for now however, I won’t let it slide for the second time.” Sally’s mouth hanging open. She looked at him dumbfounded. Did she hear it right? He let it pass? ‘This man can do good things too?’ “I can sense your mockery, Ms. Esther.” He muttered and sat on his seat. He grinned at her dangerously. She swallowed her saliva nervously. “Of course not, your highness. How dare I do that?” She laughed anxiously. ‘Is he some sort of mind reader? Can he do that?’ She wondered. “Look at you, desperately lying in front of me.” “I, I am not lying, your highness!” She denied. The crown prince laugh. ‘Is he not the one who is mocking me?’ She sighed. “Let’s have a break for a while and drink tea.” “Alright…” She said and went out of the office. “He needs a break when he just arrived in the office,” “I can hear you!” She covered her mouth and swear to herself why she said those things out loud. She walked fast away from the office’s door, unfortunately, she bumped into Anthony. “M-Mr. Anthony! You’re here.” “Hello, milady. Is there something you need?” “Ah, the crown prince wants tea so I’m going down to prepare it.” “No need, I’ll do that, instead, will you please give this to his highness? It’s the letter from the headmaster of the Lavrielle Academy.” He said and handed a maroon envelope. “Oh, alright.” She returned to the office holding the envelope. “Mr. Anthony said that he’ll deliver the tea. Your highness, you have a letter from the headmaster.” She gave him the envelope. He opened it and read the letter silently. Sally looked at him silently. She flinched when his eyes suddenly went in her direction. “After one week, we will return to the academy.” “May I ask why?” “No reason.” She was disappointed. Her expression is as clear as day which made Helios grinned. “You’re disappointed?” “Of course not, your highness.” She denied. “Liar. It’s written all over your face.” She calmed herself and looked at the crown prince with a smiling face. “I am not lying, your highness.” The crown prince’s grin became wider. He leaned on his chair and crossed his arms on his chest. “I see.” Sally returned to her desk and pretended to read a document. The crown prince stared at her, trying not to laugh again. It is because the paper is upside down. “The paper is upside down, Ms. Esther.” She immediately turned the paper to the right position and read it with her face bright red. ***
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