Chapter Twenty-Four (Part One): The Promise before the Winter Break

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THE CROWN prince returned to his chamber. He removed his black blazer and put it on the chair near his study table. He sweeps his hair and looked at the mirror. His red hair is messy but what’s inside his head is messier. He sits on the couch and stared at the view outside the window. He snapped his fingers and the curtains covered the big window instantly. Red wine appears near him. He took it and sips a little on it. It’s unusual for him to be so bothered about something not concerning the throne. ‘This is not me.’ He pondered and sips the wine again. A man wearing a black cloak appeared before him. He’s carrying a brown envelope and handed it to the crown prince while kneeling. He took it and opened the envelope. “Good job, you can leave.” “Yes, your highness.” He answered and disappeared in front of him. He started reading the paper. His forehead wrinkled at the information he’s reading. The papers disappeared as well as the glass of wine. “This is far more surprising than I thought.” He mumbled and a creepy smile formed his lips. --- The next day, everyone is busy taking academic exams since the winter break is approaching, however, the busiest are the girls since they’re also preparing for the winter ball that will be held in the royal palace. Athena took her third exam for the day and afterward is her free time. Unfortunately, she can’t relax since she needs to see Sally. ‘Why’s she so hard to see? She’s so good in hiding.’ She thought and sighed. “Athena.” She looked behind and saw Ethan. “Ethan, it’s nice to see you on a busy day.” “Yes, is there something wrong? You looked troubled.” He asked. She sighed and answered him. “I’m looking for Sally but she’s nowhere to be found. I wonder if she wants to see me.” “I’m not busy right now. I can help you.” He said smiling at her. Athena’s eyes sparkled in delight. She held his hands due to happiness. “Really? Thank you so much, Ethan!” Her smile warmed his heart. The two of them started looking for Sally. While walking, Athena froze in her position as she saw someone walking in their direction. It’s the crown prince Helios. She can feel her heart beating so fast and her hands are trembling. The moment Helios arrived in their front, they bow down and greeted him. “Good day, your highness.” Both of them said. “Mr. Lionel, I have something to discuss. Meet me at the library after lunch.” He said. Ethan’s expression became serious. He had a hunch of what he’s talking about. “Yes, your highness.” He answered. “What are you doing?” He asked. “We were searching for Ms. Esther,” Ethan answered. “Why?” “Ms. Robia has something to give to her.” He answered. She flinched when he felt him staring at her. “I’m surprised that you’re this bold, Ms. Robia.” He muttered astonished. Athena felt embarrassed but she never said anything in return. “That word goes to you as well, Mr. Lionel.” He added. Ethan glanced at him. Helios looked at them apathetically but his eyes were burning. He’s angry. “It is best for you to stop what you’re doing and leave her alone.” He uttered in earnest. He started walking again but he stopped when Ethan speaks. “I apologize but I think it is best to let Athena and Ms. Esther meet.” Helios turned to face him with a puzzled look. “Best you say? Don’t act as if you don’t know anything, Mr. Lionel and Ms. Robia. Are you not too selfish right now? It’s clear that she wants peace, and I’m granting it for her, so, don’t you dare show your faces in front of her… If you have the conscience.” He warned. The atmosphere became cold all of a sudden. It sends goosebumps in their spines as they felt the fear of dealing with the crown prince of the kingdom. His golden eyes were glowing dreadfully as he glared at them. “Take my words in your heart, I think that’s the best you can do today.” He added and left. Athena’s knees weaken thankfully, Ethan managed to catch her before she fell on the pavement. Her face is pale and her hands are cold. “Would you like to have tea with me, Athena?” He asked. “But, we still have to look for Sally.” “I think we should stop searching for her. The prince has a point. Let’s cool down the situation first before approaching her.” He said. “Yes, you’re right.” Athena agreed. --- Sally was hiding behind a pillar. She saw Ethan, Athena, and the crown prince from afar so she immediately hides. She heard their conversation and she felt glad that the crown prince warned them for approaching her. ‘Their presence is suffocating. I don’t want to see them.’ She thought. She silently left the spot she’s hiding and swiftly mixed with the crowd of students. She went to a place where people isn’t around and decides to spend time there before the class starts again. She sits on the ground, behind the Fagus Sylvatica tree (European Beech Tree), and opens her book. She needs to learn more about magic and she needs to put more effort into her academics. ‘Life is tough outside the academy and the winter break is coming… The winter ball.’ She pondered and a smile appeared on her face. “It’s clear that I can’t go to such an event.” She mumbled. “You won’t go?” She jumped in surprise and looked at the person behind her. It’s Felix. ‘When did he come here? I didn’t sense him!’ She exclaimed mentally. “You won’t go to the winter ball?” He asked again. “Mr. Robia, why are you here?” She didn’t answer his question and proceed in asking him. She doesn’t want to answer any of his questions yet she didn’t want to be rude as well. “I was sitting right over there when I saw you.” He replied while pointing at the spot a few meters away from her position. ‘It was because I was preoccupied that I didn’t notice his presence. If I noticed it earlier, I would have avoided meeting him here.’ She thought. “I see. It’s nice seeing you today Mr. Robia, however, I need to leave now. Goodbye.” She said and turned her back. “Wait!” She stopped and looked at him. “Are you not going to the winter ball? Is it because you don’t have anything to wear to that event. If you don’t mind, we can see a tailor in the capital. I know someone who does the best dresses since Athena favored her so much.” He uttered. He steps closer to her however she steps back. “That is not requisite, Mr. Robia. Thank you for the offer.” She refused and resume walking but he spoke again. “What can we do to be forgiven?” She stopped again but she didn’t look back. “The time will let me know, Mr. Robia, so for the time being, please leave me alone.” She answered. He didn’t ask anything of her and let her leave. The feeling of guilt is eating him continuously. It’s an ugly feeling and excruciating. He turned around and saw a familiar person standing a few steps away from him. His red hair fluttering with the wind and his golden eyes were fixed at him. “Felix.” He called. “Your highness,” He bowed down. “When did your highness arrive here?” He asked. “I’m here since the beginning.” He answered. ‘He must have used magic to conceal his presence.’ He muttered mentally. “I see,” Felix said. “Felix, you don’t have to worry about her,” Helios uttered calmly. “I can provide the dress and I’ll make sure she’ll attend the winter ball.” He added. “Your highness, may I ask why are you interested in Ms. Esther?” He asked courageously towards him. Helios stared at him. His eyes became gentle while staring at him. “I can’t give any other reason besides curiosity. For now, leave Ms. Esther alone. I’m sure you understand why Ms. Esther is like that and I do understand her too.” Felix had a hard time believing the crown prince’s words that came out of his mouth. Knowing the crown prince for a long time, he’s not a considerate and understanding type of person. He always has confidence, selfishness, and tyranny in his personality. He had an idea of what the crown prince felt for Sally deep inside however, the idea that sprang in his head shouldn’t arise for the time being. “Yes, I understand, your highness,” Felix replied. Helios stared at him. He can feel the dissatisfaction in his tone since he knew that he wanted to help the lady but he can’t let that happen. The reason why isn’t clear in his head yet but he’s not obliged to seek it further. He doesn’t have time for that. ‘Let’s focus on today’s events. I still need to meet Mr. Lionel today after lunch.’ He recalls. --- Luncheon came, Helios headed to the library to meet Ethan. As he entered, he immediately saw the person his looking for, sitting on a vacant table in the farthest corner of the library. ‘He came earlier than I thought…’ He muttered mentally and felt satisfied. He walked towards the table and stopped in front of him. Ethan stood up and greeted him. “Hello, your highness.” He only nodded and took a seat facing him. A brown envelope appeared in his hand and he handed it to him. Ethan took it and opened the envelope. He started reading the texts and his eyes widen in surprise. “I, I don’t understand…” He uttered in shock at the information he’s reading. “What’s the connection of the Wisteria Clan to the Temple of Light? And the Sunset Clan has a few negotiations with the Wisteria Family.” “Wisteria Clan was known for its hatred of the Temple of Light while the Sunset Clan was a devotee to the temple. The two clans were enemies to the point of ignoring each other on any occasions but, what’s their negotiations with each other?” Helios muttered as he tried to understand the details they had. “Perhaps it’s the mana crystal mine the Sunset Clan have and the Wisteria Clan Bridge. I heard the transportation of the mana crystals happened to cross that bridge, upon learning this, the former Wisteria head put a tax on the bridge. I still don’t understand, is this the reason for the feud of the Wisteria and Sunset Clans?” Ethan asked. "No, I believe it’s not. They long hated each other before the tax was implemented. If we think more about it, we will arrive at a possible answer to our question.” Ethan stared at the crown prince then an idea came to his mind. The crown prince knew he had already grasped the answer. “A long time ago, the Wisteria and the Sunset clans had an argument related to the temple of light. The temple of light sided with the Sunset clan and punished the Wisteria clan by summoning a divine beast. Thankfully, the battle ended due to the interference of the king, my father, and the late queen, my mother.” He’ll never forget that day. It’s the day before his birthday that the news arrives before him. It’s his mother’s death and the disappearance of the person he valued. “I never thought this case is this, deep and dark,” Ethan said in skepticism. “That’s right. The royal family has no hold to the temple, and what we’re doing now is punishable by the holy law.” “But this may lead us to the truth!” He argued. “I know, and the moment we arrive there, we might be dead. We don’t know what the temple can do.” “So we’re going to stop now?” He asked the crown prince. “Of course not. I’ll continue the investigation and you’ll do your part as well. You have to be careful, Mr. Lionel, what you learned today shouldn’t be exposed to any other ears other than us, if that is you value your life.” Helios warned. “Yes, I’ll be careful,” Ethan answered. “Good. I’ll contact you again if I have other information regarding the case. Other than that, I have a separate task to give to you.” “A task?” “Yes, consider this as your partial payment for my expensive service,” Helios said. Ethan blinked and sighed. Helios took the green paper he had for a long time. He gave it to Ethan and said, “I want you to look for the person named Arcane. He’s the one who wrote that poem.” “I heard your highness is looking for this person, may I ask why?” Ethan asked. “No. For now, do as I told you to do.” He answered immediately. Ethan sighed again. “Understood.” He answered. Helios stood up and left. Classes have ended. Helios went out of the room with Felix. “Felix, I’ll head first. I have something to do.” “Yes, your highness. What about dinner?” He asked. “Eat without me.” He answered. Felix watched him as he walks away. Helios went to the forest behind the school. When he arrived, he saw Sally sitting under the Liriodendron Tulipifera tree (Tulip Tree). When she saw the crown prince, she immediately stood up and greeted him. “Good afternoon, your highness. It’s nice to see you again.” “How are you?” He asked. “I’m fine, your highness. Thank you for your concern.” She answered. “I’ll be straight, I want you to attend the winter ball.” “I’m afraid I can’t.” “Why?” He asked. “It is because I’m busy, your highness.” She answered. “Is it because you don’t have anything to wear in the winter ball?” He asked directly. She flinched and looked at him with wide eyes. ‘How did he know!? Did Mr. Lionel tell him? Are they close?’ She wondered. “I guess I’m right. Then, come with me.” Helios held her hand and drag her. Sally’s eyes went wider and tried to pull herself away but the crown prince is way stronger than her. “Your highness! I-It’s not just about the dress! I’m really busy!” She explained pulling her hand out from his grip. He didn’t listen to her and kept on dragging her. She gnashed her teeth and said, “I don’t need anyone’s pity!” The crown prince stopped and stared at her. “I don’t need it! Like anyone else, I also have pride within me! Refrain seeing me as someone pitiful!” She exclaimed. “Did you just, shout at me?” He asked in disbelief and glared at her. She flinched and paled while looking at the crown prince. “N-No. It’s not like that, your highness.” She stuttered. A blood-curdling smile appeared on his lips. He pulled her, this time, in a gentle way. “I don’t see you as a pitiful person. I am not a merciful person and everyone knows that. I’m buying you a dress solely because I want you to be there.” He explained. ***
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