Chapter 4 - The Real Samantha DiFranco.

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Johnny McCarthy, he's up there with some of the worst as one of the worlds scariest, strongest and most powerful men, well at least in our world he is anyway. He's someone that you really don't wanna mess with and if you've ever hurt someone he loves then my only advice to you would be to get on a rocket ship and leave planet earth because he won't stop until he's tortured and killed you. When I was eighteen, my momma was murdered by a rival MC whilst my father had gone to visit my grandparent's club in London. Her death was actually accidental believe it or not and it was just a case of wrong place, wrong time for my momma. She was killed by a stray bullet whilst a gunfight was going on and when my father found out about it, he went crazy and killed every member of the club that was responsible, leaving the club to go extinct. There was also the time one of my dad's club members tried to sexually assault my sister when she was fourteen but thankfully, Axel caught him and my dad made minced meat out of the bastard. Lord knows how he's gonna react or what he's gonna do when he hears what Samantha has been through. "Hello sweetheart" My dad said whilst leaning in and kissing Samanthas head. "Hey dad" Samantha greeted him with a smile. She's always called my father dad ever since I can remember, he was best friends with Sams dad so they were always around each other and calling each other their daughter and dad just came naturally to them. "Dad, what are you doing here? I thought you were in Acapulco?" Axel asked. "I was son until I found out what happened to my daughter and then I was on the first flight back to the states" "Who told you?" My dad narrowed his eyes and glared at me. "That's not important Ace, what I'd like to know is why my own son didn't tell me? don't you think I had a right to know?" "Of course dad but..." "But what?" He growled and I sighed in frustration. "I'm waiting, Ace" He growled again. "I..." I started but was interrupted by Sam who said something which shocked us all. ", please d..don't blame A..Ace, it's not his fault it's m..mine, I..I..I shouldn't have stopped, I..I..I should've k..kept going,'s my f..fault not his" "What are you talking about, darling? none of this is your fault" "Yer it is because if I never stopped to help that man then none of this would've happened and you wouldn't be mad at Ace" My dad hugged Sam who shockingly accepted it even her grip on my hand loosened when she was in my dads embrace. "First of all Samantha, none of this is your fault you're the victim here and I promise you, sweetheart, we're gonna bring hell down on the bastards who did this to you and secondly, I'm not mad at Ace, I'm just angry that you were attacked and none of my own kin thought to inform me about it" Samantha closed her eyes and let out a breath. "As long as you're not mad at Ace" She said and we all chuckled even my dad. "You're one of a kind, Samantha DiFranco" "I know" My dad gave Sam another kiss on her head before pulling away and turning to face the rest of us. "Ace, Axel and Topaz follow me, we need to talk in private" "Ok" "Yes sir" "Yes father" We all responded. My father, Axel and Topaz left the room and I was about to follow them when I felt a tight grip on my hand. I turned to face my Sammy who was looking at me with panic and fear. "Baby, what's wrong?" "Pl..please....please, don't leave me" Sam whispered as her eyes looked at me with tear and fear-filled eyes. "Hey, it's ok" I sat next to her and held her close to me. "I'm not gonna be long baby, dad just wants to have a quick chat with me, ok...I'll be back as soon as possible" Sam didn't respond to me, she just sat there clutching to me keeping a tight grip on my hand and my shirt. As much as I love her being in my embrace and not wanting me to leave her, I knew I had to go and have this meeting with my father, luckily, Angel and Carter managed to make her feel better about me leaving her. "Don't worry Sammy, I'll look after you and keep you safe until Wolf comes back" Carter said and Angel scoffed. "Pfft boy please, I'll look after her" "What? you?" "Yes me" "But you're a girl, she needs a man" "Urgh!!, sexist b***h" Angel says whilst rolling her eyes. Sam chuckled at the quarrelling pair which was like music to my ears, not only is her laugh so beautiful and melodious but also it's a sound I haven't heard in what feels like forever and it's something I've been dying to hear for so long. "Get lost alpha, Sams in great hands with me and Robin over there" "Hey, I'm not Robin, I'm Batman" Angel rolls her eyes once again, what is it with girls and rolling their eyes all the damn time?. "Boy please, you're barely qualified to be Robin, I was just being nice" Sam once again chuckled and I took this as my chance to leave. "I'll be back as soon as possible, baby, I promise" I lean in and kiss her forehead. "Ok" Sam says whilst looking and sounding nervous. I give her a reassuring smile and a comforting squeeze on her hand before leaving the room and heading up to my office. My dad had better make this meeting fast so that I can get back to Sam. I haven't even been away from her a minute and already I miss her and wanna hold her in my arms again, damn this mate bond is stronger than I initially thought. When I get to my office, I was irked to see my dad sitting in my chair, doesn't he realise I run this place now, not him?. "Take a seat, son" I do as he says and sit down in the guest seat in front of my desk whilst my sister sits down on the couch and Axel remains standing leaning against my bookshelf. "First of all, I wanna start off by saying it's nice to see you again kids, I've missed you all" "We've missed you too, dad" Topaz says whilst myself and Axel just nod our heads. "Secondly, what happened to Sam is about to cause waves amongst MC's that neither Sam nor the bastards who did this are aware of" I scrunch my face up in confusion. "What do you mean, dad?" My dad looks me directly in my eyes with a stern look. "You'll find out soon enough son but first, I wanna know everything that happened to Sam and I mean everything, don't leave a single thing out" My dad said in a threatening tone that I was all too familiar with. "Ok" I said whilst letting out a sigh. The more I repeat what happened to Sam, the more I wanna go on a bloody rampage not giving a f**k if the bikers I hurt are the ones who hurt her or not. I take a deep breath before telling my father everything that happened to Sam including showing him the doctors reports and test results. By the time I was finished telling him everything, I felt a wave of intense rage surging through my blood and I had this hunger to torture and kill anyone or anything that I can get my hands on. "Jesus Christ" My dad says with a sigh as he runs a hand over his bald head and face. "Do we have any leads on who the sick motherfuckers are?" I nod my head. "In my top drawer" My dad opens up the drawer and almost immediately, his jaw clenched, his breathing became heavy and his eyes were wide with anger and he wasn't blinking. Fuck, the Beast is about to make an appearance. He pulls out the pin that one of my prospects found at the sight where Sam was found and he glared at it like the pin was the ring leader behind Sams attack which technically it is if you think about it. "Satans Angels? aren't these the arseholes who threatened you to dump Sam all those years ago?" "Yes sir" I answer him feeling bile rise up into my throat. I hate remembering that day when I was forced to dump Sam and I couldn't do anything about it. I was so weak back then but I'm not anymore and I'm gonna do everything in my power to not only keep Sam safe and where she belongs which is right by my side but to also rain down hell on anyone who was there that night even those who didn't participate in the attack. They're not gonna know what's f*****g hit them once we're done with them. "Have you had this blood tested?" My dad asks breaking me from my thoughts. I nod my head as I let out another sigh. "Yes's Sams blood" My dad was even angrier, if that's possible. He stood up from his seat and started pacing whilst repeatedly muttering under his breath 'this isn't good, this isn't f*****g good'. "s**t!!" He growled whilst resting his hands on the back of the chair and looking down. "What's wrong, dad?" Topaz asks sounding worried. My dad looked at both Topaz and Axel briefly before settling his eyes on me. He takes a deep breath before speaking again and what he said made no sense to me at all. "There are things about Sam that you all don't know about, hell even Sam is unaware to an extent because we wanted to keep her safe and make sure there was no target on her back but now thanks to Satans Angels MC...all hell is about to break loose" "What do you mean?" He sits back down in his seat and puts on his stern and emotionless face. "Have any of you heard of the Red Devils MC, Hells Gate MC and the Wild Riders MC?" "Are you kidding, dad?" Axel asked him in an are you being serious? tone whilst chuckling slightly. "Of course we've heard of them, they're the most dangerous and most feared MC's in the entire world not to mention their members are some of the most vile and vicious bikers known to man, nobody and I mean nobody messes with them because you'd be signing your own death certificate if you do" I said knowing exactly who these MC's are. I've never had any dealings with these MC's and I've never met any of their members personally but I know their reputation and I'd even go as far as saying that they make my father look like a kindergarten teacher, that's how evil and depraved they are. "Exactly son...and the Satans Angels MC have just kicked up a huge s**t storm with these three clubs that they can never ever get out off" What?. What does he mean by that? what have these three MC's got to do with what the Satans Angels MC did to my Sammy?. "I don't understand dad, what's going on?" A very confused Topaz asked whilst narrowing her eyes at our very stressed and angry father. "Look, what I'm about to tell you three is huge and extremely important ok, nobody can know about it not even Sam, at least not until she's physically, emotionally and mentally capable of handling such news....what you're all about to find out can't and I repeat can't leave this room, do you all understand me?" "Yes dad" "Yes sir" "Of course dad, what is it?" My sister asked sounding like an eager beaver which to be perfectly honest, I was also eager to find out what my dad had to say but I managed to keep myself calm and neutral. What he's about to tell us obviously can't be a good thing if he wants us to keep it a secret from Sam and the club. " you all know, Sam and her brothers were born to Vincenzo and Mia DiFranco and when they died, they were left in the care of Mia's father" "Yer so" My dad looked at me for a solid minute before speaking up again and what he said almost knocked me out of my seat. "Sams grandfather is Charles 'Old Timer' Corleone the founder of the Red Devils MC which is now being run by his son who is Sams uncle and godfather Roman 'The Godfather' Corleone and her auntie Lucy 'The Succubus' Corleone is married to Sams paternal uncle Damien 'DOC' DiFranco who is the founder and current president of the Hells Gate MC" WHAT...THE...FUCK?. Is this a f*****g joke?. "What about the Wild Riders MC?" Axel asked whilst looking just as shocked as the rest of us. "The Wild Riders MC was founded by Vincenzo DiFranco and is now being run by Giovani" WHAT? Giovani is the president of the Wild Riders MC? how the hell didn't I know about this? and why didn't Giovani say anything?. "Are you trying to tell me my woman is associated with three of the worlds most deadliest and violent MC's?" "Yes son...four if you count your own" Oh my god. "Why the hell didn't I know about this?" "Because we all agreed years ago that Sam would never find out about her families lifestyles until she was old enough and ready to know because we didn't want her being put in any danger with other MC's and we didn't tell you because we were worried that you might slip up and tell her" I look at my dad with a shocked and angry expression. "You didn't trust me" "It's got nothing to do with trust Ace and everything to do with the fact that you're in love with Sam" "What the f**k have my feelings for her got to do with it?" "Watch your language around me boy" My dad warned whilst glaring at me. "And your feelings have got everything to do with this son because out there in front of the boys you're the big, bad, angry alpha wolf but when you're with Sam you're a lovesick puppy" He's right but that doesn't give him the right to keep something this big from me especially when it concerns my woman's safety. "You still could've told me, dad...I'd never do anything to put Sam in danger and you know that" It offended and hurt me that not only wouldn't my father trust me to keep this secret but that he'd think I'd tell Sam knowing that telling her could put her in danger. My dad's face softens and he nods his head slightly. "You're right, son" "It doesn't matter if you were told or not Ace because keeping this a secret from Sam ultimately landed her in danger anyway" Axel said sounding annoyed and angry. "Can I ask a question?" Topaz asks whilst looking like she was thinking really hard about something. "Of course, sweetheart, what's on your mind?" "Sam obviously knows about bikers and is familiar with MC's doesn't she know that her entire family are bikers and members of the three most ferocious clubs in the moon goddesses creation?" My dad lets out a sigh. "Sam knows sweetheart, she just doesn't know how infamous they all are" "What do you mean?" Axel asks. "In our world Axel, bikers are known by both their birth name and their road name but there are a select few who are known solely by their road names, the Red Devils MC and Hells Gate MC are those people and even though Sam knows her family are bikers, she's completely oblivious to what their road names are or how bad their reputations are" "So what you're saying is that Sam knows their birth names but not their road names whilst the werewolf community knows their road names and not their birth names?" "Exactly" "This is f*****g crazy" I say whilst standing up and pacing whilst roughly running my hand through my hair. "I know it is son but it doesn't change the facts...Sam is untouchable in our world and if you hurt're dead" "I hurt her, why aren't I dead?" I asked in a confused whisper. If my Sam really is related to these people then I would've been six feet under eight years ago but I'm not. "Because son the night you dumped Sam, I called up The Godfather and DOC and informed them of what happened and they agreed to help you and Giovani to keep Sam safe so that she could finish school and have a life away from all MCs" "Do they know who threatened Ace?" Topaz asks our dad who just shakes his head whilst narrowing his head down with a guilty look on his face. "Why?" My dad shrugs his shoulders at my question. "I don't know...I guess at the time, I assumed they'd leave you both alone after knowing they were successful in splitting you up but obviously I was wrong and now I wish that I had told them because maybe just maybe I could've prevented all of this from happening" "It's not your fault dad" Topaz says whilst going over to our dad and hugging him. "I know, sweetheart but it doesn't stop me from feeling guilty" The room fell silent for a few minutes with Topaz comforting our father as we all tried to process all of this new information. Axel then broke the silence with a question which I wasn't sure if any of us could answer but my father proved me wrong. "So, what do we do now? we can't let these bastards get away with all of this" "Oh trust me, son, they won't especially when Lethal finds out what they did to her" Topaz gasped as Axel snapped his head towards my father. My eyes had widened to the size of saucers upon hearing the most dangerous name in the supernatural realm. "Lethal as in...the Lethal" I said shocked. "The one and only" Oh my god. Lethal is a legend in our world and is known as the Godfather of bikers which is kind of ironic because that's his father's road name. Anyway, Lethal is someone that you don't wanna meet in a dark alley late at night especially if you've hurt a member of his family or someone he loves. He's so vicious that nobody is willing to go against him or start a war with him because not only are they too scared to but also because nobody and I mean NOBODY has ever lived to speak about their encounter with the legend that is Lethal. He's got such a formidable reputation, one that nobody can match or should I say want to match. "Lethal is Sams cousin both maternally and paternally not to mention that he's been a surrogate father to her ever since her parents died...he's extremely overprotective of that girl and when he finds out what those sick bastards did to her then forget about all hell breaking loose...that boy will bring about the end of the world just to get revenge for Sam" "Then what are we waiting for? let's call them" Axel said rather excitedly not just because we can get our revenge now but also because he'll get to meet some of the biggest legends in our world. "Hold your horse's son, I'll call them when I'm ready too" "Why not now?" Axel whines and I roll my eyes. You wouldn't think this i***t turns twenty-four in a few weeks, the way he acts. "Well, apart from the fact that Giovani has probably already done the rounds and they could very well be on their way here as we speak...I need to make sure that you all as well as Sam are prepared for what's about to happen because as soon as I make that phone call, this place will be swarming with deadly bikers who are out for vengeance and they'll stop at nothing and I mean nothing to get revenge for Sam" I angrily stand up placing my hands on my desk and glaring at my father. "With all due respect dad, I couldn't give a flying f**k what they do or how they f*****g do it, they can destroy the god damn planet for all I care just as long as I'm there to help them give those bastards a slow and agonizing death so I can make this city safe for my mate to live in again" My dad smirks at me. "I'll give them a call then, shall I?" "You do that" I said with a growl before walking over to the door, I need to see my mate. "Oh and son" "What?" I growl once again, this time it's out of impatience, I really need to get back to my Sam so she can calm down the raging and very unsettled wolf deep inside of me and I don't just mean it figuratively, I mean it literally as well. "Congratulations" He said with a big, bright smile. "I'm very happy to have Sam officially be a part of this family" "Thanks, dad" I say with a smile before leaving my office and heading back to the infirmary. I was about to leave my clubhouse when I got a startling mind link from Carter which made my heart race with panic and worry and I started to run using my wolf speed to get to my Sammy as fast as I can. "ACE, GET BACK TO THE INFIRMARY NOW!!, IT'S SAMMY SHE'S HAVING A PANIC ATTACK AND NOBODY CAN CALM HER DOWN!!" Shit. "I'm on my way"
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