Chapter 3 - Sam Wakes Up.

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Angel 'Midnight Skye' Mendez. How did my baby girl find herself mixed up with a woman like this?. I've heard that she's such a badass that she beats both men and women up for not only sport but fun. "Ace McCarthy, you don't know how badly I want to punch you right now?" Angel said with a sneer as everyone around us gasped. It's considered extremely disrespectful to not only threaten the alpha and leader of a pack but to call him by his birth name whether you're a member of his pack or not so right now my club are in shock seeing this tiny woman threaten their big, bad alpha. "But lucky for you Ace, I love Sam more than I dislike you and for some warped reason known only to my beautiful best friend, she's madly in love with you even after eight long years of pain so consider yourself a very, very lucky man" She said whilst glaring at me and I glared back at her. She may be my Sammys best friend and a champion fighter but that doesn't mean I'll tolerate complete and utter disrespect from her. After all, this is my club and my territory, I'm the f*****g king here not her. "So, where is she?" Angel asked whilst clapping her hands together. "Let's go to my office first Angel, we need to talk before I take you to see her" She nods her head. "Ok, as long as you don't take forever, I wanna see Sam as soon as possible" You and me both, sister. Everyone heads inside as I lead Angel, Carter and my sister to my office. I sit down in my office chair, whilst Angel sits in the guest seat in front of my desk and Carter and Topaz sit on the couch. "So...first things first, how's Sam doing?" I let out a frustrated sigh. "She's still unconscious, our pack doctor reckons that her brain has shut her body down so that she can heal herself properly" "Well, it's not that far fetched if you really think about it, I mean if everything you said on the phone is true then it's not completely shocking for her body to wanna recover in the best way possible" I was about to respond to her when I was interrupted by my brother. "Oh everything he said was true, that girl was f*****g traumatised" "And you are?" Angel asks whilst looking at Axel with narrowed eyes. "Axel McCarthy but I'm known best by my road name Venom" "Oh, I've heard about you, you're the biker with no remorse" Axel smirks at the compliment. "That's me" Angel starts to look my brother up and down with an impressed look which isn't shocking, good looks are practically hereditary in the McCarthy genes. "Hmm, Maks also told me a lot about you...she never told me how hot you are though" What?. I growled at her words. I don't know why but just the thought of my Maka thinking my brother is hot makes me angry, actually, the thought of her thinking any man other than me is hot makes me angry. "Oh calm down doggy, she's only got eyes for you" Angel said whilst rolling her eyes. I growled once again when Angel called me a dog. Even though dogs and wolves come from the same family, we still get offended when someone refers to us a dog. She should know this because she's also a wolf, both myself and my wolf can sense it. I tell Axel to take a seat which he does sitting down in a chair next to me. I can see he's holding a brown envelope which I'm intrigued by but right now I need to deal with Angel before dealing with whatever that is. I was annoyed and groaned in frustration when Angel asked me to repeat everything that had happened to Sam. I could never forget what happened to Sam or what she's been through, no matter how hard I try to, I just can't but that doesn't mean I wanna keep talking about it. "Do I really have to, Angel? we all know what happened to her and some of us in this room were there when she was brought here by my prospect and that image is burned into our minds forever" She looks down for a second before looking back up at me. "Ok fine but I wanna know everything your doctors are doing for my friend and I wanna know how good your doctors are because if they're incompetent and can't care for her the way she deserves then I can fly in some doctors" "My doctors are perfectly competent Angel, I've got some of the best doctors and nurses in the US working for my me, Sam is in great hands" She nods her head and sighs. "Ok so...what have your team done? I mean...has she had any examinations or tests done? what if the men who did this to her weren't clean?" I pick up Sams file and hand it to her. "What is this?" "These are the results for all tests and examinations my doctor has performed on Sam" Angel looks through the file with a fine-tooth comb as I explain each one to her. "Samantha's got two head wounds so my doctor performed a CT scan on her to make sure there was no brain damage which thankfully there isn't, he also ran tests for HIV and all possible STI's which also came back negative for each one" Angel was silent for a few minutes but I could tell from her eyes that she was thinking about something. "Do you have any questions, Angel?" She sighs as she closes the file. "What if Sam's pregnant? I don't need to tell you how fast werewolf pregnancies are Ace and if she's'll kill her" "Sam isn't pregnant Angel, my pack doctor injected her with a birth control to prevent a possible pregnancy, he knew Sam wouldn't want a permanent reminder of that night's events" "Oh thank god" She says whilst placing her hands on her chest and letting out a relieved sigh. I was shocked when Angel all of a sudden started to cry, not that I can blame her because of what her friend has been through but it just shocked me because of who she is, she seems like a very strong woman in every way. "Here you go, Angel" I hand her a tissue and she thanks me. She wipes away her tears before taking a deep breath. " we have any idea who did this to her?" I nod my head. "Yes we do, one of my prospects found something that one of her attackers obviously dropped when they were....anyway...what was left is a big clue as to who did this" "Then what are you doing just sitting here Ace, let's go and get the motherfuckers" She said whilst standing up. "We can't, not yet anyway" "Why?" She says in frustration and I sigh. "Because we need to wait for Sam to wake up so that we can ask her some questions and see what she knows, we also have to wait for her brothers to fly in from Italy so that we can work out a plan not to mention that we need to make sure we've got the right people and the right club...I'm pretty sure I'm right because these bastards aren't innocent when it comes to f*****g with me and Sam but for all we know the evidence we've got could be perfectly innocent and the guy accidentally dropped it when he was taking a leak or something" "What do you mean these people aren't innocent when it comes to you and Sam, what's going on, Ace?" I sigh whilst roughly rubbing my forehead. "When I broke up with Sam eight years ago, it was because I was being threatened by the president of the Satans Angels MC...he threatened to kidnap, torture and kill Sam if I didn't dump her so to keep her safe I did what they said and arranged a plan with Giovani to keep her safe away from them which she was up until that night" "And you think Satans Angels MC are the ones who attacked Sammy?" I nod my head. "How do you know?" "Because one of my prospects found a pin where Sam was attacked, the pin was of a pair of angels wings with devils horns on it and it was personalised with the name Lorenzo which is the name of their president" "That seems way too coincidental if you ask me, Ace...I mean they threaten you to dump Sam and then eight years later this assholes pin or whatever it is, is found at the exact same place where she was attacked...that can't be a coincidence" I look down and sigh. "I know, Angel but we can't go around attacking MC's unless we know for absolute sure that they actually did it and right now a lone pin isn't enough evidence...we need to speak to Sam when she wakes up and find out what she knows" Angel closes her eyes and shakes her head. I can tell she's feeling frustrated and wants to hunt these assholes down, I know because I feel the exact same way so does everyone else in this MC but I wanna make sure it was them first before I do anything because this revenge isn't gonna be your average revenge, it's one that's gonna cause them pain and suffering until their last breath and even then they won't be able to find peace because I'll make sure they suffer even in their afterlives as well. "Trust me, Angel, if they did do this then I'm gonna make sure the bastards are tortured until they're begging for death....they're not gonna get away with this, I promise you" I can tell she's not happy with my decision and I understand it but she has to respect that at the end of the day, it is MY decision and we can't go in there half-c****d without a proper plan and get shitty revenge on these assholes instead of giving them what they actually deserve. I let out a sigh as I narrow my eyes at my brother or more like the envelope in his hands. "What have you got there, Axe?" "Huh...oh, it's the latest test results doc ran to find out who attacked Sam, he wanted me to give you it" He hands me the file and I wasted no time in opening it. The file contains numerous DNA reports including DNA from hair, sperm, spit, blood and skin cells that were found on Samantha's body and clothes as well as the pin found at the scene. "What is it, brother?" Topaz asks sounding curious. I didn't answer her because I was too busy reading everything carefully. "I have concluded that Miss Samantha Mia DiFranco was assaulted by nine perpetrators" My wolf speaks out loud before growling a very deep and scary growl and attempting to claw his way out to gain control. "LET ME OUT, ACE!!, LET ME OUT!!, I WANNA f*****g KILL THEM FOR HURTING MY MATE!!" "Calm down, we'll get our revenge" "NO!!, SCREW YOUR REVENGE, LET ME OUT!!" I block him out hoping he'll calm down and relax. I understand he's hurt and angry right now but he needs to remain calm, if not for me or for him then for our Sammy. "What's in the file, Ace?" Angel asks bringing me out of my thoughts. I clear my throat before explaining to them what's in the file. "Doc has found numerous different DNA specimens on Samantha that belong to several different perpetrators..." "How many?" Topaz interrupts me. I look over at my sister unsure if I want to answer but I knew I had to because she'd find out eventually anyway, she's like a rottweiler with a bone when she wants to know something, my little sister. "Nine...there was nine of them" "Oh my god" Topaz gasps. "She was raped by nine men, oh my god" She started to pant as her breathing became fast and uneven. Thankfully, Carter was able to calm her down and get her to breathe properly again. "Doc has also determined that Samantha fought back against her attackers because he found numerous different DNA samples under her fingernails meaning she must've scratched them in some way and he also found a bruise on her right knuckles" Angel started to laugh and we all looked at her with confused and angry gazes. "What's so funny, Angel?" Angel stops laughing and smirks at me. "I'm laughing because somewhere in this city is a man with a broken nose" She states with a lot of pride in her voice. "How do you know that?" Carter asks and she turns to face him with a proud smirk still stretched tightly on her face. "Because I taught my girl a lot of things to build her into the woman that she is today including how to break a guys nose" "Wow" "That's impressive" At least I know my baby was able to defend herself until she was outnumbered. "If you think that's impressive just wait until you find out what I taught her to do to guys who break her precious, little heart" She said with an evil sneer whilst looking me directly in my eyes. Everyone around us chuckles knowing exactly what she means even though Carter, Topaz and Axel all know why I dumped Samantha eight years ago and that it wasn't my choice. "PRESIDENT ACE!!, YOU NEED TO COME DOWN TO THE INFIRMARY RIGHT NOW!!, SAMANTHA'S AWAKE AND SHE'S FREAKING OUT!!" SHIT!!. "I'm on my way" I say whilst standing up and startling everyone. "Are you ok, Ace?" "Sam's awake" I said before storming out of my office and running towards the infirmary using my wolf speed to get there quicker. My chest clenched tightly with pain, sadness and worry when I finally got to the infirmary and I heard a very scared and panicked Sam screaming and shouting. "G..GET OFF ME!!, PL..PLEASE, G..GET OFF M..ME!!" I arrive at Sams room and I was angered when I saw two nurses holding a clearly distressed Samantha down, don't these f*****g idiots know what she's been through?. "LET HER GO, NOW!!" I growled and everyone in the room jumped from the sound of my voice even Sammy jumped which I knew would happen but I hoped it wouldn't. "We're so sorry, president Ace" The two nurses said whilst bowing their heads to me. "Get out" The two nurses very quickly scurried out of the room. "You too, doc" "Yes, president" He says with a bow before leaving. When the room was finally empty, I looked over at my scared little mate who was shaking like a leaf in the wind. "Sammy" I say in the most gentle tone that I could muster up as I attempt to approach her. "Wh..who are do know my" She doesn't remember me? what the f**k? I thought the doc said her CT scan was clear. "Baby it's me Ace, you not remember me?" She was looking at me confused and with narrowed eyes like she was trying to figure out who I am. "Baby, you do remember me, don't you?" My heart dropped and I felt like crying when Sam rapidly shook her head no but what she said next had me sighing in relief and even had me smiling brightly which is something I rarely do anymore since I lost Sam. ", you're n..not my A..Ace, s..stop l..lying" I sit down on the bed next to her and my heart hurts when she moves away from me. "I swear baby it's me, look" I turn my head to the side so she can see my tattoo. I couldn't see her face so I can't see what her reaction is but I can tell from her breathing and her heart rate that she's calmed down quite a bit. I was startled when I felt shocks and tingles on my neck as well as the feeling of soft delicate fingers gently tracing the tattoo in question. "Ace" Sam said in a shaky whisper. I turned to face my princess and smiled gently at her. "Hi baby" Samantha looked shocked as her eyes travelled up and down my body. I can't blame her for reacting this way to be perfectly honest because the last time she saw me, I looked more like The Rock in his early WWE days but now I've got a similar build to how he is now. I slowly lift my hand up to Sam's face and cupped it. She flinched away from my touch at first and even started to panic but she quickly calmed down and closed her eyes when she realised that I wasn't going to hurt her. "I'm not going to hurt you, princess" I say whilst wiping away her tears. "I promise" Sam placed her tiny soft hand on my big, rough one and she gasped when she felt the shocks and tingles from our skin touching. "Ace, it''s really you" She says before wrapping her arms around my neck tightly but not too tight that she could hurt me or restrict my breathing. The hug didn't last long however because she felt a pain in her shoulder and immediately pulled away and held onto the area where she felt the pain. "Are you ok, baby?" She shakes her head. "No, shoulder, it h..hurts" "Ok, hold on a minute baby, I'll go and get the pack doctor" "NO!!" She shouted as she grabbed hold of my hand. "Please don't leave me alone, please, please, please" She pleads as more tears filled her eyes. "Ok, sshhh!!, I won't leave you" I tell her as I sit back down on the bed and hug her. I held her close to me and it broke my heart as well as accelerated my anger when I felt her shaking like a puppy in the rain. "Calm down, baby...I promise you, you're safe" I gently stroke her hair and kiss her temple hoping to calm her down which thankfully, she did but she flinched and started shaking again when someone knocked on the door. "It's ok Sam, it's just the pack doctor" "Hello Miss Samantha, how are you feeling?" Sams grip on my shirt tightened as she buried her face into my chest. "Her shoulders hurting doc, can you give her something for it?" "Of course, I'm gonna need your help though president, she may not let me near her" I nod my head. "Ok" "Sammy baby" Sam jumped upon hearing my voice in her head. "Sam, the pack doctor needs to give you an injection to help ease the pain in your shoulder, can you let him do that?" I looked down at her waiting for her to answer me and I couldn't help but smile when I saw how adorably cute she is especially when she's got her thinking face on. "Will you stay with me?" "Yes baby, I will" I said before once again kissing her forehead. I swear I heard a soft moan come from her when my lips touched her skin but I chose to ignore it because it's not the right time or place. I called for the pack doctor who came over with the needle causing Sam to start shaking again as her heart rate picked up as well. I tried to keep Sam calm by rubbing her back and talking to her through our mate link telling her she's ok and she's safe which managed to keep her calm just a little bit but she was still on edge even after the pack doctor was done injecting her. "There you go, that should start to kick in soon" The doctor moved away from Sam and went to the end of the bed to write some notes. I noticed Sam had calmed down significantly since he moved away from her but she was still on edge. "You've got a lot of people worried about you, Miss Samantha, in fact, you've got a few worrywarts waiting outside who are dying to see you" Sam lifted her head up from my chest and looked at the doctor. "Wh..who?" "It's my brother and sister baby along with Carter and Angel, do you wanna see them?" She looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes which I love so much and she slowly nodded her head. "Ok" I say with a smile. "Let them in, doc but warn them not to be too rowdy, ok, Sam needs peace and quiet right now" "Yes, president" He says with a bow. "Why does he keep calling you president? what happened to your dad?" Sam asked me without stuttering but her voice was still shaky. I look down at her and smile. "He retired a few years back and handed full rights of the club over to me" "Oh...where is he now?" "I don't know babe, he could be in Thailand, Jamaica, Australia for all I know" Sam chuckled slightly. "He always did wanna travel" She said whilst once again resting her head against my chest. I love that she was feeling comfortable with me and knew that I wouldn't hurt her in any way. I've met and dealt with a lot of rape victims in the past and every single time I met a victim or went to a shelter, the victim has always been a petrified mess and won't let anybody near them but my Sammy is allowing me near her. I know this is probably because of our mate bond but a huge part of me hopes that she feels this comfortable with me because she knows that I would never hurt her and not because of a bond that was created by our moon goddess. "You're my mate?" Sammy asks with a shaky voice. "Mm-hmm" This was the only response I could come up with because I didn't know what to say. I didn't wanna startle her by sounding too eager but I also didn't wanna upset her by sounding not excited enough, if that makes any sense. "How do you feel about it, baby?" Please accept me, please accept me, please accept me. I mentally pleaded with myself hoping she will accept me but a small part of me believes she'll reject me because of my stupidity eight years ago. "I always wanted you to be my mate Ace and I'm happy that you are but...." She trailed off in a whisper. "But what, baby?" She was silent for a few minutes and I could tell she was feeling scared and tense but I didn't know why. "Are you gonna reject me, Ace?" WHAT?. I can honestly say that I never expected her to ask me such a stupid question but I understand why she did, she must be thinking that I don't want her especially now after what she's been through, my poor baby. "What? no, of course not...I love you Sam, I love you so f*****g much" I say whilst placing a lingering kiss on her forehead. "You're mine forever, Samantha DiFranco and don't you ever f*****g forget that" I whisper against her forehead and I know she heard me because I felt her body instantly relax at my words as her arms tightened around my waist. "Sam" We both looked over at the door where everyone was currently standing. Fuck, how long have they been standing there?. Topaz and Angel came over to the other side of the bed whilst Carter and Axel kept their distance from her knowing that she'll be a bit shaky around men right now. Sam hugged both the girls whilst keeping a tight grip on my hand. "How are you doing, sweetie?" "I'm ok, I..I think" Sam says with a smile but anyone with a decent set of eyes could tell she was anything but ok. "Look at you eh, one day without me and this happens" Angel said with a slight chuckle probably intending to lighten the mood but she failed when Sam got upset. "I'm sorry" Sam whispered as tears started to fill her eyes. "Hey, no it's ok, come here" Angel hugged Sam who was now full-on crying whilst the rest of us watched on feeling hurt and angry. This isn't our Sammy, those bastards have completely destroyed her. The Samantha we all know and love is a fun, bubbly girl who always had the biggest laugh and the brightest smile, she never ever cried unless something or someone really hurt her and she never let anything get to her but this girl right here is nothing but a broken, fragile mess and I'm worried that we may never be able to fix her. "Sshhh!!, it's ok's ok, you're safe now" Angel cooed to my mate in a calming voice but her tone completely changed when someone barged into the room startling not only Sam but also the rest of us. "What the f**k?...dude, seriously" Oh my god, what the hell is he doing here?. "What the hell happened to my daughter?" "Dad" He turned to face me and smirked. "Hello son" Fuck...shit's about to hit the f*****g fan.
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